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93 Cards in this Set

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Lektion 3
The following expressions can be used…
when introducing a woman by her surname
(ex: Mrs. Berger)
Das ist Frau Berger.
when introducing a woman by her full name
(ex: Hanna Clasen)
Das ist Hanna Clasen.
when introducing a man by his surname
(ex: Mr. Schäfer.)
Das ist Herr Schäfer.
when introducing a man by his full name
(ex: Andreas Schäfer.)
Das ist Andreas Schäfer.
when introducing a man by his title
(ex: Dr. Thürmann.)
Das ist Herr Dr. Thürmann.
Lektion 4
The following expressions can be used…
when you fail to catch someone’s name on the telephone /
when someone knocks at the door
Wer ist da?
when you want to know who someone is or what their name is
Wer bist du?
Wer sind Sie?
Lektion 5
The following expressions can be used…
to agree or disagree with something
(Yes / No)
Ja. / Nein.
to express thanks or to ask for something
Danke. / Bitte.
to say sorry
Entschuldigen Sie bitte!
to express an opinion
(ex: express surprise,
tell someone you know well that he or she is impolite,
say that something is quite impolite)
Ich bin erstaunt.
Du bist unhöflich.
Das ist doch unhöflich.
Lektion 6
The following expressions can be used…
to begin a conversation
(ex: tell me...)
Sagen Sie mal…
to find out something about someone
(ex: ask someone what he studies, what work he does, what he needs)
Was studieren Sie?
Was arbeiten Sie?
Was brauchen Sie?
Lektion 7
The following expressions can be used…
to ask someone to repeat something
Wie bitte?
to express a direct opinion about someone
(ex: tell someone close that she is strange or curious)
Du bist seltsam / neugierig
to make a general statement
(ex: say that a person is very interesting.)
Der Mensch ist sehr interessant.
Lektion 8
The following expressions can be used…
to ask someone where he or she comes from
Woher kommst du?
Woher kommen Sie?
to indicate that something is obvious to you
Lektion 9
The following expressions can be used…
to ask where someone comes from
Woher kommt er?
Woher kommst du?
to say where someone comes from
(He comes from Leipzig.)
Er kommt aus Leipzig.
to say where someone lives
(He lives in Berlin.)
Er wohnt in Berlin.
to say you know something
Das weiß ich.
to say you do not know something
Das weiß ich nicht.
to tell someone he (or she) knows something
(familiar form)
Das weißt du doch!
Lektion 10
The following expressions can be used…
to ask how much something costs
(ex: a room at a hotel)
Wie teuer ist das Zimmer?
to ask someone how long he or she is staying
(polite form)
Wie lange bleiben Sie?
Lektion 11
The following expressions can be used…
to express annoyance at something
So ein Mist!
to tell someone that he or she already knows something
(familiar and polite)
Das kennst du doch!
Das kennen Sie doch!
Lektion 12
The following expressions can be used…
to ask the reason for something
(ex: why someone with whom you are speaking says something)
Warum sagen Sie…?
to ask if someone always says something
Sagen Sie immer…?
to express an idea
Ich glaube…
Lektion 13
The following expressions can be used…
when you hand something to someone
(ex: passport, eyeglasses)
Hier bitte - Ihr Paß / Ihre Brille.
to ask how someone is
Wie geht es Ihnen?
Wie geht’s?
to tell someone how you are
Danke. Gut.
Es geht.
Lektion 14
The following expressions can be used…
to try to convince someone of something
Ihr wißt doch
to refuse something
(ex: say something is not possible)
Das geht doch nicht.
to express an assumption
Das ist wohl (+ adjective)
Lektion 15
The following expressions can be used…
when you do not know something
Ich weiß nicht.
when you are uncertain about something
Ich glaube nicht.
Lektion 16
The following expressions can be used…
to ask someone to do something
(ex: look, try, show)
Sehen Sie mal!
Probieren Sie mal!
Zeigen Sie mal!
Lektion 17
The following expressions can be used…
to order or request someone to do something
(ex: come, show)
Komm! / Zeig mal!
to express your opinion (or someone else’s opinion) about something
(ex: how you find a blouse to your liking, how Andreas finds this to his liking)
Ich finde die Bluse toll.
Andreas findet das toll.
Lektion 18
The following expressions can be used…
to say you have no desire / no time
Ich habe keine Lust / keine Zeit.
tell someone you have no idea
Ich habe keine Idee.
to ask what is going on
Was gibt’s?
to ask if someone already knows something
(ex: the manageress)
Weiß das die Chefin schon?
Lektion 19
The following expressions can be used…
to ask if something is possible
Geht das?
to emphasize how simple something is
Das ist doch ganz einfach.
to express a desire or wish
(ex: to sleep)
Ich möchte schlafen.
Lektion 20
The following expressions can be used…
to ask how someone is
Wie geht es Ihnen?
in reply to the question
"Wie geht es Ihnen?"
(ex: good; good, thanks; bad; okay)
Danke / Danke, gut / Schlecht / Es geht
to find out what is wrong with someone
(ex: ill? have pain? what hurts?)
Sind Sie krank?
Haben Sie Schmerzen?
Was tut Ihnen weh?
Lektion 21
The following expressions can be used…
to express something in common with someone else
(ex: he has problems too)
Dann hatten Sie ja auch Probleme.
to talk about something in the past
(ex: you were in Essen)
Ich war in Essen.
to ask if someone has recovered from an illness
Sind Sie wieder gesund?
Lektion 22
The following expressions can be used…
to express annoyance / surprise
Na, hören Sie mal!
to express amazement at how much someone knows
Sie wissen ja alles!
to emphasize something
(ex: charming, nice)
Wirklich (charmant, nett…)
to express surprise
Ach was!
Lektion 23
The following expressions can be used…
to point out something obvious
(ex: someone close can see it is so)
Das siehst du doch!
to refuse outright to do or say something
Ich sage / mache nichts.
to agree with an idea
Das ist eine gute Idee.
when you do not want to reveal a secret
Das ist mein Geheimnis.
Lektion 24
The following expressions can be used…
to ask someone what he or she would like to eat or drink
Was möchten Sie essen?
Was möchten Sie trinken?
to ask someone to be quiet. (familiar form)
Sei doch endlich still!
Lektion 25
The following expressions can be used…
to ask whether someone is certain that he or she really does not have something
(ex: wallet, purse)
Hast du den Geldbeutel (ihn) wirklich nicht?
to express annoyance when someone forgets to tell you something immediately
Und das sagst du erst jetzt?
Lektion 26
The following expressions can be used…
to ask someone to reconsider something
Überlegen Sie noch mal.
to express a vague possibility
Mal sehen.