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29 Cards in this Set

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three people you would see at the hospital:
enfermero/a (nurse)
el/la doctor/a or médico(a)
el consultario (consultant)
extra: paciente (patient)
to have the flu
tener la gripe
to have a fever
tener la fiebre
tener la temperatura alta
to have a cold
tener el resfriado
Di (Say) todas las síntomas (symptoms) de la gripe o el resfriado
fiebre (fever)
tos (cough)
infección (infection)
temperatura alta/baja
Finish the sentence: Cuando hay un accidente terrible, usualmente hay mucha _____
sangre (blood)
What are three verbs that mean "to get better/recuperate"
ex: Me recuperé rápidamente
-I recovered quickly

ex: me repuse ayer
-I got better yesterday

ex: ¡Quiero mejorarme pronto (soon)!
-I want to get better/improve soon!
Name as many things as you can a doctor might give you to ''mejorarse/recuperarse/reponerse''
-la inyección (shot)
-las pastillas (pills)
-la medicina (medicine)
-la receta (prescription)
-la aspirina (aspirin)
Si (if) una persona sufre de una fractura, necesitará _____
el yeso (cast)
la radiografía (xray)
two verbs to express "injure oneself"
ex: Me lastimé cuando jugué al baloncesto (I hurt myself when I played bball)

hacerse daño
ex: Me hice daño ayer.
-I injured myself yesterday.
How would you yell at a stranger: DOn't smoke!
¡No fume! (using the usted command)
name as many verbs as you can of things that, as a patient (paciente), you might do at the hospital:
gritar (yell)
llorar (cry)
quejarse (complain)
morir (die)
derrumbar (to collapse)
sufrir (suffer)
quedarse en cama (stay in bed)
respirar (breathe)
Para aliviar el dolor, una persona debe tomar __________
pastillas (pills)
How would you say:
I have a headache
I have a back ache
I have a stomach ache
Tengo dolor de cabeza
Tengo dolor de espalda
Tengo dolor de estómago
This verb means ''to ache'' and works like 'gustar'
doler (ue)
My head aches
Me duele la cabeza
My throat hurts
Me duele la garganta
My ankles hurt
Me duelen los tobillos
Her stomach aches
Le duele el estómago
Her feet hurt.
Le duelen los pies.
The 5 new body parts in this section:
- throat
-la garganta
-el corazón
-la frente
-el pecho
-el hueso
Would I use indicative or subjunctive to express myself in the following situation?
- to talk about what my friends used to do when they were little
(It is factual/happened.. not a desire or an uncertainty)
Would I use indicative or subjunctive to express myself in the following situation?
-My desires for MY future
(No subject change... talking about myself)
So some examples: Quiero casarme con un hombre bueno.
Quiero tener una familia grade.
Espero ser rico.
When expressing desires or using specific impersonal expressions, I only include ''que'' if I'm going to________
ex: Recomiendo QUE mi amiga vaya al hospital.
Necesito ir al hospital (talking about myself)
How would you say....

I hope...
I suggest...
You recommend...
They desire...
It's necessary to speak Spanish in order to get better/improve

It's necessary that students speak Spanish in order to improve
Es necesario hablar español para mejorarse.

Es necesario que los estudiantes hablen español para mejorarse.
It's advisable that you wear clothes to school.

It's important to wear appropriate clothes to school.
Es aconsejable que lleves ropa a la escuela.

Es importante llevar ropa apropriada a la escuela.
I hope I win the lottery!

I hope we win the lottery!
¡Espero ganar la lotería!

¡Espero que ganemos la lotería!
The doctors recommend that I eat more.

Sarah prefers to exercise often.
Los médicos recomiendan que coma más.

Sarah prefiere ejerciciar/hacer los ejercicios frecuentemente. (or : a menudo)