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60 Cards in this Set

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List the four Fireside Poets.
1) Whittier, 2) Longfellow, 3) Holmes, 4) Lowell
How did the Fireside Poets differ from Transcendentalists?
Contrast the style of transcendentalism with the style of the Fireside Poets. See your text - pgs. 239, 298, 306, 312, 318 and other relevant pages
Can you define Transcendentalism?
1) an intellectual movement 2) intuitive, 3) attention on human spirit 4) relationship to humanity is through natural world, see p. 239 in text for more
Which author during this time period wrote that when he was immersed in nature, he felt as if nothing in life could befall him?
Emerson or his complete name is:
Who was believed to be the leader of the Transcendentalists?
What is meant by the Over-Soul?
the belief that God, nature, humanity are united in spirit through a universal soul, that is shared, also termed OVER-SOUL.
Define apostrophe?
it is defined as a literary device that addressed inanimate objects
Give an example of this literary technique (apostrophe) in the poem, "The Rhodora"
"O, rival of the rose"
Check other examples in "The Snowstorm; Concord Hymn, The Rhodora, and Brahma" all in text
In which of Emerson's work, did he describe himself as a transparent eyeball?
"from Nature" see pg. 240
Know all the works by name that Emerson wrote.
"from Nature," "from Self-Reliance," "The Snowstorm," "Concord Hymn," "The Rhodora," and "Brahma."
Know the works by name that were written by HENRY DAVID THOREAU
"from Walden," "from Civil Disobedience,"
T/F - The country experienced growth in agriculture, transportation, and industry during the Transcendentalist era.
T/F - This era directly or indirectly affected the writers of New England in the 1800s in some way.
Emile Zola, a French philosopher, created the philosophy of Transcendentalism.
T/F - HENRY DAVID THOREAU is the guiding spirit of the Transcendentalist movement.
Emily Dickinson was considered to be a Transcendentalist. T/F
The Anti-Transcendentalists were writers who took a pessimistic viewpoint on man and his potential in the universe. T/F
HENRY DAVID THOREAU believed in a passive resistance to injustice. T/F
Charles Dickens was considered to be a Transcendentalist. T/F
One theme of the Anti-Transcendentalists was sin and secrecy.
The time period of the Transcendalists was during the years of ____________?
1840 - 1855
What is the name of the German philosopher who coined Transcendentalism?
What is another term used for shaming punishments or "marking" those who have broken a law or guilty of an offense.
"Putting on the scarlet letter"
What is the literary term for a work in which everything can be symbolic for something else?
The following is a famous line from what work? "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."
Two of the Anti-Transcendentalists were Herman Melville and Nathaniel Hawthorne. What are two of their most famous works?
Moby Dick (Melville) and
Hawthorne (Scarlet Letter) - In the text, find and list other names of their works.
Who wrote Walden?
What is considered to be the central theme of Walden
Hawthorne, an Anti-Transcendentalist, wrote about specific themes characteristic of this time period, what are they?
sin, guilt, punishment, shame, atonement
Can you complete the following quote from Emerson, "To be great is to be ______________"
Can you find the complete work in the text?
Who wrote the following quotation? "I find something more dear and connate in the wilderness than in the city streets."
Can you find the name of the literary work in the text?
Which famous writer was known as the "Belle of Amherst"
Emily Dickinson
What was the date of the publication of Emily Dickinson's poetry, and why is this significant?
the year was 1890; and it was after her death
Which of Thoreau's work was his most famous, and contained the following quotation,"I wanted to live deep and suck all the marrow out of life..."
it is from Walden
Can you define style?
the manner in which a writer puts his/her thoughts into words.
What was unusual about Emily Dickinson's writings?
her use of dashes, cap, rhyme, and meter.
What is the name of the poem that focused on a monument to remember those who died serving their country in the Revolutionary War?
Concord Hymn
Who wrote "The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls?"
Who wrote "Auspex?"
Who wrote the "Snowstorm?"
Who wrote "Snowbound?"
Who wrote "The Chambered Nautilus?"
Who wrote "A Narrow fellow in the Grass?"
Who wrote Nature and Essays?
Which fireside poet was also a doctor?
In the Transcendentalist movement, the writers exhibited a love for mystery and supernatural. T/F
In which of the famous works (Nature, Walden, Self-Reliance) would the quotation appear, "I wanted to go to the woods to live deliberately"
it was written in WALDEN
Name three traits of the Anti-Transcendentalist movement.
1) dark side or emotions of human nature 2) pessimism 3) destructiveness of humanity
A dark and gloomy setting is a trait of the Anti-Transcendentalist movement?
List themes of the Fireside Poets.
1) home and children 2) patriotism
3) love
Another theme of the Fireside Poets was family values and ethics. T/F
There was a famous line in an Anti-Transcendentalist work that started, "Call me Ishmael" what is the name of the work?
Moby Dick
Who wrote "The Minister's Black Veil?"
Nathaniel Hawthorne
What is the name of the most famous Fireside Poet?
Doing what you want as an expression of yourself despite any criticism, is an example of what?
Non-conformity or individuality
What characterized the time period of 1840-1855 in literacy?
The Transcedentalist movement
What is the central subject of Walden?
Following the crowd, and doing what others expect because of fear of criticism or lack of thought, is an example of what?
Which author described himself as a "transparent eyeball?"
Which Anti-Transcedentalist piece of literature was considered to be both a gothic romance and an allegory?
The Scarlet Letter