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26 Cards in this Set

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Barron v. Baltimore
1833 - Bill of Rights ONLY applies to federal law. State's are exempt.
Brown v. Board
1954 - Segregation violates equal protection of the laws
Dred Scott v. Sanford
1857 - "Free soil" federal laws cannot free slaves because it deprives the master/owner of "property" without just compensation
Engel v. Vitale
1962 - Prayer in public school violates the Establishment Clause
Escobedo v. Illinois
1964 - Suspects have the right to counsel during questioning by police
Everson v. Board
1947 - NJ Bus Case - "the wall of separation between church and state must be high and impregnable
Furman v. Georgia
1972 - State capital punishment laws overturned because use of the death penalty appeared arbitrary
Gibbons v. Ogden
1824 - Congress has the power to regulate interstate commerce.
Gideon v. Wainwright
1962 - Applies right to counsel (6th) to states and established right to counsel even if one can't afford it
Gitlow v. New York
1925 - Incorporation of freedom of speech
Griswold v. Connecticut
1965 - Law forbidding attempts to prevent conception illegal
Korematsu v. US
1944 - Pressing public necessity may sometimes justify the existence of restrictions which curtail the civil rights of a single racial group
Lemon v. Kurtzman
1971 - Establishes a three party test to determining violation (excessive entanglement) of establishment clause
Mapp v. Ohio
1962 - Expands exclusionary rule to states
Marbury v. Madison
1803 - Judicial Review
McCulloch v. Maryland
1819 - Supremacy of federal government
Miller v. California
Modified Roth v. US to establish a 3-part test for deterring what "obscenity" is
Miranda v. Arizona
1966 - Suspect must be warned prior to questioning of constitutional rights to remain silent and have an attorney
NY Times v. Sullivan
1904 - Material must be written with malice and reckless disregard for truth to be considered libel and beyond 1st Amendment protection.
Plessy v. Ferguson
1896 - Separate facilities, if equal, does not violate equal protection
Regents of UC v. Bakke
Achieving a diverse student body is a sufficiently compelling argument to justify consideration of race in admission decisions, however it cannot be the deciding factor and future cases are subject to case-by-case examination
Roe v. Wade
1973 - Establishes women's right to have an abortion during the 1st trimester as an extension of the right to privacy or an unenumerated right.
Schenck v. US
1919 - Establishes that free speech protection is not absolute - limits free speech in time of war if it presents a "clear and present danger"
Texas v. Johnson
1989 - Flag burning is constitutionally protected as "expressive speech"
Tinker v. Des Moines
Students do not shed the constitutional rights at the school house gate, and armbands in protest of war protected as "symbolic speech." Burden is on school to demonstrate substantial disruption before limiting student free speech
NAACP v. Alabama
1958 - protected the right to assemble peaceably when it decided the NAACP did not have to reveal its membership list and thus subject its members to harassment.