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218 Cards in this Set

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  • Back
Allergic Contact Dermatitis
What is this?
Actinic Keratosis
What is this?
Actinic Keratosis
What is this?
Allergic Contact Dermatitis
What is this?
Allergic Contact Dermatitis
What is this?
Allergic Contact Dermatitis
What is this?
Allergic Contact Dermatitis
What is this?
Allergic Contact Dermatitis
What is this?
Atopic Eczema
What is this?
Atopic Eczema
What is this?
Atopic Eczema
What is this?
Atopic Eczema
What is this?
Atopic Eczema
What is this?
Atopic Eczema
What is this?
Atopic Eczema
What is this?
Atopic Eczema
What is this?
Atopic Exzema
What is this?
Irritant Contact Dermatitis
What is this?
Irritant Contact Dermatitis
What is this?
Lichen Simplex Chronicus
What is this?
Lichen Simplex Chronicus
What is this?
Lichen Simplex Chronicus
What is this?
Nummular Eczema
What is this?
Nummular Eczema
What is this?
Nummular Eczema
What is this?
Nummular Exzema
What is this?
Nummular Eczema
What is this?
Nummular Eczema
What is this?
Pityriasis Rosea
What is this?
Pityriasis Rosea
What is this?
Pityriasis Rosea
What is this?
Pityrisais Rosea
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
Seborrheic Dermatitis
What is this?
Seborrheic Dermatitis
What is this?
Contact Dermatitis
What is this?
Pityriasis Rosea- Herald patch
What is this?
Pustular Psoriasis
What is this?
Pityriasis Rosea
What is this?
Psoriasis guttate
What is this?
What is this?
Actinic Keratosis
What is this?
Actinic Keratosis
What is this?
Actinic Keratosis
What is this?
Psoriasis Vulgaris
What is this?
Psoriasis Vulgaris
What is this?
Psoriasis Vulgaris
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
Seborrheic Dermatitis
What is this?
Seborrheic Dermatitis
What is this?
Seborrheic Dermatisis
What is this?
Paget's Mammary Disease
What is this?
Paget's Disease
What is this?
Paget's disease
What is this?
Paget's Disease
What is this?
Pediculosis Capitus
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
Pediculosis Capitis
What is this?
Tinea Cruris (widespread)
What is this?
Tinea Pedis
What is this?
Tinea Pedis
What is this?
Tinea Versicolor
What is this?
What is this?
Pityriasis versicolor
What is this?
pityriasis versicolor
What is this?
pityriasis versicolor
What is this?
Basal Cell Carcinoma
What is this?
Basal Cell Carcinoma
What is this?
Condyloma Acuminatum (genital warts)
What is this?
Condyloma Acuminatum (genital warts)
What is this?
Condyloma Acumincatum (genital warts)
What is this?
Condyloma Acuminatum (genital warts)
What is this?
Dishydrotic Eczema
What is this?
Dishydrotic Eczema
What is this?
Herpes Simplex Genitalis
What is this?
Herpes Simplex Genitalis
What is this?
Herpes Zoster
What is this?
Miliaria Crystallina
What is this?
Miliaria Rubra
What is this?
Miliaria Rubra
What is this?
Perioral Dermatitis
What is this?
Verruca Vulgaris
What is this?
Herpes Simplex Genitalis
What is this?
Tinea Capitis
What is this?
Tinea Capitis
What is this?
Tinea Capatis
What is this?
Tinea Corporis
What is this?
Tinea Corporis
What is this?
Tinea pedis
What is this?
Tinea Pedis
What is this?
basal cell carcinoma
What is this?
Molluscum Contagiosum
What is this?
molluscum contagiosum
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
Rosacea Rhynophyma
What is this?
Acral Lentigious Malinoma
What is this?
Lentigo maligna Melanoma
What is this?
Lentigo maligna Melanoma
What is this?
Lentigo Maligna Melanoma
What is this?
nodular melanoma
What is this?
Nodular Melanoma
What is this?
Nodular Melanoma
What is this?
Superficial Spreading Melanoma
What is this?
Superifical Spreading melanoma
What is this?
Superifical Spreading melanoma
What is this?
Superifical Spreading melanoma
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
Acne Vulgaris
What is this?
Acne Vulgaris
What is this?
Herpes Simplex Labialis
What is this?
Herpes Simplex Labialis
What is this?
Herpes Simplex Labialis
What is this?
Herpes Zoster
What is this?
Herpes Zoster
What is this?
Herpes Zoster
What is this?
Basal Cell Carcinoma
What it this?
Basal Cell Carcinoma
What it this?
Basal Cell Carcinoma
What is this?
Bullous Pemphigus
What is this?
Bellous Pemphigus
What is this?
Bullous Pemphigus
What is this?
Cafe Au Lait Spot
What is this?
Cafe Au Lait Spot
What is this?
Chronic Discoid Lupus Erythematous
What is this?
Chronic Discoid Lupus Erythematous
What is this?
Chronic Dicoid Lupus Eryhtematous
What is this?
Erythema Chronicum Migrans
What is this?
Erythema Chronicum Migrans
What is this?
Erythema Chronicum Migrans
What is this?
Erythema Chronicum Migrans
What is this?
Erythema Nodosum
What is this?
Erythema nodosum
What is this?
Erythema Multiforme Minor
What is this?
Erythema Multiforme minor
What is this?
Extramammary Paget's Disease
What is this?
Extramammary Paget's Disease
What is this?
Halo Nevus
What is this?
Halo Nevus
What is this?
Herpes Gestationis
What is this?
Herpes Gestationis
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
Lichen planus
What is this?
Lichen planus
What is this?
Lichen Planus
What is this?
Mongolian Spot
What is this?
Mongolian Spot
What is this?
Purpura Rheumatica
What is this?
Purpura Rheumatica
What is this?
Seborrheic keratosis
What is this?
Seborrheic Keratosis
What is this?
Stevens Johnson Syndrome
What is this?
Stevens Johnsons Syndrome
What is this?
Stevens Johnson Syndrome
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
Basal Cell Carcinoma
What it this?
Blue Nevus
What is this?
Blue Nevus
What is this?
Nodular Melanoma
What is this?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
What is this?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
What is this?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
What is this?
Squamous cell Carcinoma
What is this?
Tinea Capitis
What is this?
Tinea Capitis
What is this?
Tinea Manuum
What is this?
Verruca Vulgaris
What is this?
Verruca Vulgaris
What is this?
Verruca Vulgaris
What is this?
Atypical Nevi
What is this?
Atypical Nevi
What is this?
Blue Nevi
What is this?
Bollous Pemphigus
What is this?
Congenital nevi
What is this?
Congenital nevi
What is this?
Congenital nevi
What is this?
What is this?
Congenital nevi
What is this?
Congenital nevi
What is this?
Congenital nevi
Erythema Multiforme
What is this?
Erythema Multiforme
What is this?
Erythema Multiforme
What is this?
Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum
What is this?
Halo Nevi
What is this?
What is this?
Halo Nevi
What is this?
Halo Nevi
Lichen planus
What is this?
Lichen Planus
What is this?
Lichen Planus - retuculate formation
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
Stevens johnson Syndrome
What is this?
Stevens johnson Syndrome
What is this?
Stevens Johnsons Syndrome
What is this?
What is this?
Stevens Johnsons Syndrome
What is this?
Stevens Johnsons Syndrome
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
What is this?