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82 Cards in this Set

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What are the 2 most common bugs that cause impetigo?
s. aureus
s. pyogenes

can also be caused by MRSA.
Impetigo, folliculitis, cellulitis, erysipelis, furunculosis/carbunculosis and hydradenitis suppurativea are all examples of...?
superficial bacterial infections
Definition: a primary superficial bacterial infection of superficial layers of epidermis....?
What are the 2 forms of impetigo?
Bullae and Nonbullae (crusted)
A thin roofed bullae that turns from clear to cloudy, when ruptures, creates honey crusts, lesions enlarge then coalesce...is what?
Bullous Impetigo
Vesicles or pustules form then rupture, brown-yellow crusted lesions that extend radially then satellite lesions appear beyond periphery..is what?
nonbullous-crusted impetigo
Impetigo is highly contagious infection in young children especially in kids <6 y.o.
Impetigo may spread by...
physical contact
Impetigo occurs only in persons under age 12.
false-occurs in any age.
impetiginization is AKA...
secondary impetigo
bacterial infection of a preexisting diseased, traumatized, or injured skin that is most often caused by staph aureus is called...secondary....or ....
secondary impetigo or impetiginzation
conditions predisposing to secondary impetiginazation include....
atopic dermatitis
stasis dermatitis
herpes infections
bites and wounds
lacerations and burns
What are the most common bugs assoc. with impetigo?
s. aureus
s. pyogenes
what is the typical lesion distribution of impetigo..in kids..and adults..
kids usually perinasal and perioral areas

adults-lesions may appear anywhere
impetigo lesions spread by __-innoculation.
auto innoculation
impetigo lesions are usually self-limiting, clearing within a few weeks even without topical or systemic treatment.
diagnosis of impetigo is usually made...
Definition: acute inflammatory form of cellulitis, often with lymphangetic "streaking"
Definition: deep dermal infection, which may result in permanent scarring
SSS staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSS)

What is the tx?
may occur in younger children

BID abx soaps, betadine, hibiclens used for gentle debridement.
mupriocin 2% ointment or cream applied TID
topical abx of choice
p.o. abx ie dicloxacillin/ keflex
IF SSS is MRSA +, then what do you want to tx with?
septra/bactrim or
Definition: A deep infection of the dermis and sub Q tissues characterized by fever, erythema, edema, and localized pain.
T/F localized pain and tenderness occur for a few days before presentation.
Cellulitis typically presents at sites of :
trauma, bites, surgical wounds
Common pt. types that develop cellulitis include:
renal failure
Cellulitis is most often caused by what 2 bugs?

S. aureus that may or maynot be mrsa
cellulitis resulting from an animal bite or scratch will be caused by...
pasteurella multicida
cellulitis resulting from a human bite will most likely be from...
eikenella corrodans
the most common anaerobic bug that causes cellulitis is..
clostridium perfringens
What is the most common port of entry in the lower extremities for cellulitis?
athlete's foot
cellulitis with crepitus can indicate a....
penetrating injury
lymphangitis lymphadenopathy are uncommon physical findings in pts. with cellulitis
false, you'll see em...
elephantiasis nostras results from what repeated condition?
cellulitis infections
What 2 blood tests should be checked in a pt with cellulitis?
CBC-shows left shift
ESR-mild to moderate elevation

cultures are not always reliable indicators of the bug
true, aspiration cultures are sometimes helpful
treatment of cellulitis can be handled with topical antibiotics only.
false, empiric abx therapy should be aimed at staph and strep organisms such as pcnase resistant PCn or 1st generation cephalosporin, or augmentin
I&D is often necessary tx in cellulitis
true-severe infxn may require hospitalization and IV abx and/or surgical debridement.
Definition: inflammatory form of cellulitis, characterized by the presense of lymphangitic streaking.
erysipelis is involvement of eipidermis and sub q tissue that is more deep/superficial than classical cellulitis.
erysipelis margins are more __ demarcated than classical cellulitis.
___ is the most common pathogen of erysipelas.
Site of entry, while usually due to previious trauma or injury, is not always identified.
erysipelas onset is usually insiduous.
false, usually sudden onset
what are the prodromal sx's of erysipelas?
chills, high fever, malaise, and myalgias lasts for 4-48 hours.

Lymphangitis, adenitis and adenopathy not usual
What is the most common site seen with erysipelas?
lower leg....face, arm, thigh
Which dx begins with one or more red, tender, indurated areas that coalesce and rapidly increase ins ize, to form a tense, deeply red, hot, elevated, shiny, sharply demarcated lesion?
with erysipelas vesicles may appear, as the border advances
ternder, painful red lymphangitic streaks appear extending toward and involving regioan lymph nodes are identified in what skin infection?
What is a rare but severe and potenially lethal complication of facial erysipelis?
cavernous sinus thrombosis
What are some s/s of cavernous sinus thrombosis?
tachycardia, fever, sepsis, nuchal rigidity.
CN palsies esp. 5th and 2nd CN
impaired corneal reflex
periorbital hypoestesia
retinal hemorrhages, papiledema
dialted pupil
What are the top 4 lab/xrays that should be done in a pt with suspicision of cavernous sinus thrombosis?
CBC-ele. WBC/left shift
blood/sinus cultures
contrast enhanced CT or MRI
Which organism is found in >80% of erysipelas cases?
strep cocci most commonly GABHS fikkiwed bt streo G and non-A strep
What is the DOC for erysipelis?
Pen VK 250-500mg QID
zmax/biaxin are alternatives
Definition: a superficial or deep infection or inflammation of the hair follicle (pilosebaceous unit)...
Folliculitis ___ occurs most commonly in black individuals and is characterized by extensive inflammation, pustule formation, scarring and alopecia of the scalp.
Folliculitis is more common in patients with what other dx processes.
What is the most common pathogen seen with bacterial folliculitis?
Coagulase-positive s. aureus.
The primary lesion of folliculitis is a __ or __ with a central hair.
pustule or papule
Which infection is in a characteristic grid-like pattern, with polymorphic lesions that consist of papules or pustules?
A tender, painful folliculities involoving an eyelash is called a ?
hordelum or "sty" which is an infection of the meibomian glands of the eye lids.
What is the tx of mild folliculitis?
antibacterial soaps or topical abx
What is the tx of chronic, recurrent cases of folliculitis?
bactroban (mupricin) ung for s. aureus or mrsa or systemic tx with dicloxacillin, cephalosporin's, or minocycline.
What bug causes hot tub cellulitis?
pseudomonas, is very pruritic, tend, and occurs due to improperly sanitized hot tubs, jacuzzies, etc
folliculitis in sites of shaving is called/....
pseudofolliculitis barbae
Pityrosporum folliculitis is AKA
fungal folliculitis
how do you diagnose fungal folliculitis?
skin scraping and KOH testing is positive for short hyphae and round spores
the tx of fungal folliculitis is ....
topical or oral antifungals such as oral ketoconazole x1 then repeated in 1 week
A circular lesion inside a fungal infxn is called
Majocchi's granuloma
Viral folliculitis is often caused by an infection by ?
A __ is a waled-off, deep, painful, firm or fluctuant mass enclosing a collection of pus.
A__ is an extremely painful, deep, interconne ted aggregate of infected, abscessed follicles (network of furuncles)
The most common bug associated with furuncles and carbuncles is...?
s. aureus then...
e. coli
p. aeruginosa
s. faecalis
predisposing disorders in furuncles and carbuncles are...?
Immunosuppressive dos
Any __ bearing site can be affected by a furuncle.
hair bairing
Favored sites for carbuncles include?
posterior neck
upper back
lateral thighs
Which lesion may cause systemic signs and symptoms of infection?
which lesion furuncle/carbuncle eventually points twoard the surface and drains thru multiple openings?
With a __, systemic signs and symptoms of infection, such as malaise, fatigue, chills, and fever may precede or accompany infection.
I & D is the primary mgt for pointing, __ lesions.
Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis is pruritic, extensive follicular papules that suddenly appear on face, neck and chest....what MUST you test for?
Definition: Chronic suppurative, scarring dx of the apocrine glands of the axillae, and the anogenital and inframammary regions...is ?
hydradenitis suppurativa (acne inversa)
The hallmark of hydradenitis suppurative (acne inversa) is ?
double comedome; blackhead with >2 ostia, sinus tracts common, deep painful abcesses with cordlike bands of scar tissue, typically progressive