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24 Cards in this Set

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warts. soft, tan-colored, cauliflower-like lesions with hyperkeratosis and koilocytosis. What is the cause?
verruca vulgaris --> HPV
intensely pruritic wheals, often covering large areas of abdomen. what is the mechanism?
urticaria --> mast cell degranulation
pruritic eruption, commonly on skin flexures. what is this associated with?
atopic dermatitis --> associated with asthma, allergic rhinitis
what type of hypersensitivity causes allergic contact dermatitis?
typer IV (same as PPD test)
papules and plaques with silvery scaling, especially on knees and elbows. what is diagnosis?
what histologic findings are caused by psoriasis?
acanthosis with parakeratotic scaling, increased stratum spinosum, and decreased stratum granulosum.
what is the most common location for psoriasis?
flat, greasy, pigmented squamous epithelial proliferation with keratin-filled cysts. appears to be "pasted on." present on head, trunk, and extremities. what is is?
seborrheic keratosis
what is vitiligo?
irregular areas of complete depigmentation. caused by a decrease in melanocytes
what are causes of necrotizing fasciitis?
S. pyogenes and anaerobic bacteria. causes crepitus from methane and CO2 production
superficial skin infection with honey-colored crusting. what is the cause?
impetigo --> caused by S. aureus or S. pyogenes
where should you get your sample to culture for the cause of SSSS?
Staph aureus from the leading margin of the wound
what is destroyed by the toxin in SSSS?
exotoxin destroys keratinocyte attachments in the stratum granulosum only
white painless plaques on the tongue that cannot be scraped off. what is the cause?
hairy leukoplakia --> EBV mediated. specific for HIV infection
what is cause of bullous pemphigoid?
autoimmune disorder with IgG antibody against hemidesmosomes. is subepidermal
what is pemphigus vulgaris?
autoimmune disorder with IgG antibodies against desmosomes (intraepidermal). acantholysis of skin and oral mucosa. shows linear IF
what dermatologic problem is associated with celiac disease?
dermatitis herpetiformis
what is the mechanism of dermatitis herpetiformis?
deposits of IgA at the tips of dermal papillae cause pruritic papules and vesicles
pruritic, purple, polygonal papules with sawtooth infiltrate of lymphocytes at dermal-epidermal junction. what is it?
lichen planus
what is actinic keratosis?
premalignant lesions caused by sun exposure. small, rough, erythematous to brownish papules.
what is acanthosis nigricans and with what is it associated?
hyperplasia of stratum spinosum. associated with hyperlipidemia (from cushings disease, diabetes) and visceral malignancy
locally invasive lesion in sun-exposed areas (behind ears) with rolled edges and central ulceration. what is the diagnosis?
basal cell carcinoma
what is the tumor marker for melanoma?
what is the best indicator of prognosis for a malignant melanoma?
depth of invasion