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44 Cards in this Set

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Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) simplex - EPIDERMAL lesion; easy blistering of hands/feet; genetic defect for keratins 5 + 14
Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) simplex - EPIDERMAL lesion; easy blistering of hands/feet; genetic defect for keratins 5 + 14
Junctional EB - decreased laminin 5 in DEJ; in areas of trauma, oral lesions, facial erosions, nail, tracheal lesions
Junctional EB - decreased laminin 5 in DEJ; in areas of trauma, oral lesions, facial erosions, nail, tracheal lesions
DYSTROPHIC EB - Autosomal Dominant form: less severe; DERMAL Lesion
DYSTROPHIC EB - Autosomal Recessive form: heals with severe scarring at digits; pseudosyndactly; DERMAL lesion
Vesiculobullous Genetic - Hailey-Hailey Dz (aka Benign familial pemphigus): defects in ATP2C1; non-trauma induced; erosions + crusts in intertriginous areas; can get secondary bacterial infxns
Vesiculobullous Genetic - Hailey-Hailey Dz (aka Benign familial pemphigus): defects in ATP2C1; non-trauma induced; erosions + crusts in intertriginous areas; can get secondary bacterial infxns
Vesiculobullous Genetic - Acrodermatitis Enteropathica: deficiency of Zinc; Alopecia + diarrhea
Vesiculobullous Metabolic - Diabetic bulla: chronic + recurring; tense bullae on Lower Extremity; heals 2-6wks
Vesiculobullous Metabolic - Pellagra: deficiency of Niacin; also in alcoholics + isoniazid therapy
Vesiculobullous Metabolic - Porphyria cutanea tarda: decrease in uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase; tense bullae on sunexposed skin (esp. hands); from alcohol, drugs, estrogen + iron
Vesiculobullous Inflammatory - Bullous Pemphigoid: uticarial plaques - tense bullae, no nikolsky sign; SUBEPIDERMAL
VB Inflammatory - Bullous Pemphigoid: uticarial plaques - tense bullae, no nikolsky sign; SUBEPIDERMAL
Pemphigus vulgaris: chronic + affects adults; begins at mouth and spreads distal; Sx - tender, +Nikolsky sign; Tx - oral prednisone, immunosuppressive agents.
Dermatitis Herpetiformis - from gluten sensitivity: erythema w/ vesicles, pruritic; symmetrical on knees, butt, arms; Tx - Dapsone, gluten free diet
Dermatitis Herpetiformis - from gluten sensitivity: erythema w/ vesicles, pruritic; symmetrical on knees, butt, arms; Tx - Dapsone, gluten free diet
VB Inflammatory - Herpes gestationis: Sx - pruritic, begins PERI-UMBILICAL, miscarriage (No HSV)
Edema Blisters - pts w/ acute exacerbation of lymphadema in leg; Sx - non-inflammed, tense, asymptomatic; Tx - resolves w/ edema Tx; DDx - bullosis diabeticorum
(Genodermatoses)Ichthyosis vulgaris: Tx - Urea
Ichthyosis vulgaris
X­linked recessive ichthyoses - Neck looks dirty, SIGN OF DIABETES
Congenital Ichthyosiform erythroderma (CIE)
Lamellar Ichthyosis: Tx - 40% urea
Lamellar Ichthyosis: Tx - 40% Urea
Lamellar Ichthyosis: Tx - 40% Urea
Collodion Baby
Collodion Baby
Darier’s Disease - Mutations of Ca2+/ATPase pump; Tx - soothing emollients, oral retinoids (same as Tx for Ichthyosis)
Darier’s Disease - Mutations of Ca2+/ATPase pump; Tx - soothing emollients, oral retinoids (same as Tx for Ichthyosis)
Palmoplantar Keratodermas (PPK) - Unna Thost Type: non-epidermolytic; +hyperhidrosis; mutated K1 gene; Tx - urea
Diffuse PPK - epidermolytic; less hyperhidrosis
Vohwinkel’s syndrome: mutilating PPK; no hyperhidrosis; HONEYCOMB PALMS; pseudo aihnum
Papillon-­Leferve: psoriaform lesions on extremities; PPK w/ periodontitis
Focal PPK - local hyperkeratosis over pressure points
Stirate palm (keratoderma)
Punctate PPK - biopsy coranoid lamella; Tx - urea
Venous Ulcers - atrophy blanch in 38% pts; medial mal. most common; Tx - 1) elevate legs above heart, 2) compression therapy, 3) promogran, 4) silver dressing, 5) topical steroids around ulcer if needed, 6) grafts, 7)oral/TV Abx
Venous Ulcers - atrophy blanch in 38% pts; medial mal. most common; Tx - 1) elevate legs above heart, 2) compression therapy, 3) promogran, 4) silver dressing, 5) topical steroids around ulcer if needed, 6) grafts, 7)oral/TV Abx
Venous Ulcers - atrophy blanch in 38% pts; medial mal. most common; Tx - 1) elevate legs above heart, 2) compression therapy, 3) promogran, 4) silver dressing, 5) topical steroids around ulcer if needed, 6) grafts, 7)oral/TV Abx
Arterial Ulcers - over bony prominences (toes/ankles) or minor trauma (ill-fitting shoes); Sx - atrophy surrounds, shiny skin, round sharply demarcated borders, PAINFUL; also caused by - cholesterol emboli, Raynauds, Frostbite
Arterial Ulcers - over bony prominences (toes/ankles) or minor trauma (ill-fitting shoes); Sx - atrophy surrounds, shiny skin, round sharply demarcated borders, PAINFUL; also caused by - cholesterol emboli, Raynauds, Frostbite
Diabetic/Neuropathic ulcer - looks puched out with HPK rim; trauma is major cause; looks granular/fibrotic; check for infxn (OM); Tx - debride, wound dressing, education, bypass/ revascularize
Pressure Ulcers - Long standing disease/ hospital stays; tissue necrosis on heels/ sacrum; from shear forces, friction, moisture + pressure