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33 Cards in this Set

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Pityriasis Rosea- definition?
Acute exanthematous eruption-- Herald lesion followed 2 wks later by generalized eruption ("exanthematous phase") ; remits spontaneously in 6 weeks without therapy
ptyriasis rosea- demographics?
10-35yrs, common more in winter/fall
ptyriasis rosea- exam findings?
Herald Patch-scattered oval lesions (bright red w/ fine collarette scales at periphery)
Christmas tree distribution of dull pink or tawny (exanthem) lesions
ptyriasis rosea- tx?
-UVB phototherapy
-sunlight exposure
-low dose topical corticosteroids
Lichen planus- definition?
acute/chronic inflammatory dermatosis of skin/mucous membranes-- flat topped, violaceous, shiny, pruritic papules on the skin and milky white papules in the mouth
lichen planus- demographics?
30-80 y/o, females, idiopathic
lichen planus- exam findings?
oral lesions
grouped, linear, annular, or disseminated distribution
lichen planus- prognosis and tx?
oral cancer risk inc. by 5%
PUNCH BIOPSY to confirm assoc. w/ HEP C!

Tx= Corticosteroids
Systemic retinoids
PUVA photochemotherapy
Granuloma Annulare- definition?
self-limited, idiopathic dermatosis common in the hands, feet, elbows, and knees; lasts mos to yrs
granuloma annulare- demographics?
female children and young adults
graunloma annulare- exam findings?
inflammatory rxn around BV altering collagen & elastic tissues
-skin lesions=Dome shape, annular/arciform arrangement
-lesions on hands, feet, arms, legs, trunk
granuloma annulare- tx?
-topical corticosteroids
-intralesional triamcinolone
-PUVA photochemotherapy
morphea - definition?
idiopathic cutaneous sclerosis-- ivory plaques and atrophy (possible cxn to B. burgdorferi)
morphea- demographics?
females, 20-50 y/o
before 14 = Pansclerotic morphea
also common in ppl with SCLERODERMA and RAYNAUD'S phenomenon
morphea- exam findings?
-indurated plaques, may be hypesthetic (sensitive to touch)
-hair follicles/sweat ducts disappear
-muscle & bone atrophy
-flexion contracture
-distal edema
-alopecia w/ scalp involvement
-lesions: initially PURPLISH or MAUVE and then become hyperpigmented
morphea- tx?
topical calipotriene may help
no cure
Lichen Sclerosis et Atrophicus (LSA)- definition?
chronic, idiopathic, mucocutaneous disorder with white papules, plaques, and keratotic plugs
LSA- demographics?
FEMALES (10:1), 40-50 y/o
rarely, children 1-13 y/o
LSA- exam findings?
GENITAL: female: vulvar lesions, pruritus, dysuria, dyspareunia; REABSORPTION OF LABIA /CLITORIS!!! ugh.
males: phimosis, penile lesions (Balantis Xerotica Obliterans)
-macules/papules/plaques w/ puncta
-DELLS (dilates pseb. glands w/ keratin plugs)
-Keyhole/ fig 8 arrangement in anogenital area
-bluish/whitish plaques
LSA- prognosis and tx?
waxes/wanes; reoccurences of morhea/vitiligo
-tx = topical corticosteroids,
circumcision in males (prevents phimosis/sclerosis in some cases)
Erythema Multiforme Syndrome- definition?
Idiopathic, Iris-shaped, vesicolobulous lesions in hands/ feet/ mucous membranes
Erythema Multiforme Syndrome- demographics?
males, under 20 y/o
-assoc. with drugs, infection (esp HERPES and MYCOPLASMA)
Erythema Multiforme Syndrome: EM MINOR form- exam findings?
-assoc. w/ herpes simplex outbreak
- little to no mucous membrane involvement
-confined to extensor areas of extremeties
-classic target lesions
Erythema Multiforme Syndrome: EM MAJOR- exam findings?
-m/c as a DRUG RXN
-always has mucous membrane involvement
-confluent, bullous
-positive NIKOLSKY SIGN (like in pimphagus vulgaris)
-cheilitis & stomatitis
-vulvitis & balanitis
-conjunctivitis, keratitis, ulceration
-lesions in pharynx, larynx, trachea
Erythema Multiforme Syndrome: MAXIMAL VARIANT- findings?
-necrotizing tracheobronchitis
-renal tubular necrosis
Erythema Multiforme- tx?
pain is a key symptom
check for M. Pneumoniae or herpes simplex
tx= eliminate baterial agent; pruritus tx with antihistamines
systemic corticosteroids work well
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome / Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (SJS / TEN)- definiton?
idiopathic or drug-induced mucocutaneous lesions; skin tenderness, erythema, exfoliations, potentially fatal
SJS/ TEN- progression?
Erythema Multiforme Major - SJS - TEN
-start with target lesions
-1-3 day prodrome w/ fever, conjunctivitis, pruritus
-mucosal blisters & patches on eyes, ass, genitalia
SJS/ TEN- dx and tx?
dx= PUNCH biopsy
tx= high dose, systemic corticosteroids, plamapheresis
Erythema Nodosum Syndrome- definition?
acute inflammatory/ immunologic rxn of panniculus w/ appearence of nodules on the legs
Erythema Nodosum Syndrome- demographics & etiology?
Females, 15-30y/o,
-infections, drugs, assoc. paths (sarcoidosis, ulcerative colitis, Behcet's syndrome)
Erythema Nodosum Syndrome- exam findings?
nodules in subQ fat and lower legs
-yellow-green or purplish lesions
-fever, arthralgia, malaise
Erythema Nodosum Syndrome- prognosis and tx?
resolution in 6 wks
-bed rest
-compressive bandages
-systemic corticosteroids (when etiology is known)