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36 Cards in this Set

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Basket weave of SC (normal)
If you don't see orthokeratosis
something is affecting the SC
Retained nuclei in SC
sweat glad coil in the epidermis, corkscrew out into SC
How do sweat ducts look in dermis vs epidermis
Straight in dermis, coiled in epidermis
Normal tissue in a normal place in an abnormal amount
Papillary dermis vs. reticular dermis
Papillary = lighter, pinker, can extend down around the adnexal structures, aka- adventitial dermis
Reticular = darker, thicker
Nuclei indented (pushed)
ex = nuclei in a sebaceous glad
Follicular infandibulum
Normal potion of top of hair follicle, where acne occurs (out into epidermis)
Erector pili muscle vs. Nerve
Erector pili: (inferior segment of follicle), cigar shaped nuclei
Nerve: wavier nuclei, more delicate nuclei, fine wavey end and more slender
Two kinds of sweat glands
Apocrine vs eccrine
Another name for spinous layer of epidermis
Malpigian layer
Three types of secretions:
Merocrine or eccrine = by exocytosis
Apocrine = decapitation secretion
Holocrine = membrane rupturing (sebaceous)
Characteristics of sebaceous glands with hair follicles
Bigger gland, smaller follicle
Smaller gland, bigger follicle
Trichilemmal differentiation
clearing around nuclei in follicle
Characteristics of SK
-tumor of epithelium
-horn cyst (pseudocyst)
-acanthotic epithelium
Loss of epidermis, the dermis is exposed
Partial loss of the epidermis
Abnormal individual-cell keratinization, prematurely keratinized
Acantholytic dyskeratosis
Holes, pink keratin in lower epidermis; seen in Grover's, Darier's, Halle Halle; will see corps ronds and grains (a way to describe the keratinocytes)
Corps rond
Owls eye, rouded nucleiu with halo of pale/pink dyskeratotic cytoplasm
Dark spots, blue flattened nucleus surrounded by minimal dyskeratotic cytoplasm
Cells in the epidermis
Keratinocytes (90%), Melanocytes (1 in 10, in basal layer)
Merckle cells
Langerhans cell
Pagetoid extension
Melanocytes moving up into epidermis
Merckle cell function
Modified touch cell, look a lot like melanocyte, located around hair follicle
(can have Merckle cell cancer)
Dermal papillae vs. rete ridge
Dermal papillae come up
Rete ridge is epidermis that extends down
What does eczema look like on histology
spongiosis in epidermis, parakeratosis, lymphocytic infiltrate (if PMNs, it's allergic)
INTERcellular edema in epidermis with stretching of cell-cell junctions
Where is the pigment kept?
Melanocytes give keratinocytes the melanin; if keratinocyte dies/spills, gobbled up by the histiocytes (macrophages)
collection of histiocytes
Where does melanocyte keep the melanin
Where does keratinocyte keep the melanin
above the nucleus, protect the DNA
proliferative marker (a lot will stain in the basalar layer, normally proliferating there)
scarring, fibrosis, telangiectasia; (after a battle); see in the papillary dermis
What is special about inflammatory infiltrate of melanoma
Plasma cells. Most inflammatory infiltrate doesn't have plasma cells
Lymphocytees (LARGE, atypical?) in epidermis with relative absence of spongiosis; term usually reserved for MF and CTCL