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59 Cards in this Set

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scaly lesion on erythematous base on extensor surfaces


Auspitz phenomenon

bleeding with removal of a scale--> with psoriasis

Psoriasis tx

topical steroids, UV light

nail changes with psoriasis

pitting, oil spots

dry, itchy skin on flexor surfaces

atopic dermatitis/eczema--characterized by itch/scratch cycle, leading to lichenification

eczema tx

avoid triggers/allergens.

Topical steroids, but use sparingly.

Seborrhea tx

Selenium sulfide shampoo

ketoconazole shampoo

Scaly salmon colored lesions in xmas tree pattern, pruritic

Pityriasis rosea

First sign of pityriasis rosea

Herald patch

pityriasis tx

resolves spontaneously but may use antihistamines for itching

type of hypersensitivity of urticaria

Type I

urticaria tx

topical antihistamines (diphenhydramine)

Target lesions on palms and soles in response to a drug reaction

Erythema Multiforme

(caused by HSV or medication reaction)

Complications of Erythema multiforme

Steven Johnson's and TEN

Difference between SJS and TEN

SJS: <10% skin involved. basal cell degeneration.

TEN: >30% skin involved. full thickness necrosis.

How to differentiate SSSS from TEN

Do skin bx--will show staph organisms in SSSS. bx for TEN will show the full thickness necrosis.

Tx SSSS with Vanco and clindamycin

Eti of pemphigus vulgaris

autoimmune dz against desmosomes

Presentation of pemphigus vulgaris

thin walled blisters, can occur everywhere. + Nikolksy's sign. Life threatening

Dx and tx of pemphigus vulgaris

Bx and immunofluorescence.

Steroids, IVIg

Eti of bullous pemphigus

Autoimmune against hemidesmosomes

presentation of bullous pemphigus

Thick walled blisters, fluid filled. not life threatening

Dx and tx of bullous pemphigus

bx and immunofluorescence.

Steroids, but not necessary to treat, d/t to older age of these pts

patchy discoloration of the skin

Tinea versicolor (fungal infxn)

eti of vitiligo

autoimmune against melanocytes

dx of vitiligo

Woods lamp, confirmed by bx lacking melanocytes

Large, greasy, crusted lesion with "stuck on" appearance

Seborrheic keratosis-- in elderly people, no tx needed

Premalignant lesion for SCC

actinic keratosis

waxy, pearly lesion with central erosion skin CA

Basal cell carcinoma

hyperpigmented lesion or nonhealing ulcer CA

Squamous cell carcinoma

which type of skin ca does not metastasize

basal cell carcinoma

Acne tx

Mild: give topical retinoid

Moderate (some scarring): oral abx with topical therapy

Severe: should get oral Isotretinoin

What needs monitoring if on oral tretinoin

Liver fxn, triglycerides, and pregnancy prevention

What triggers rosacea

Facial flushing occurs with increased temps or with EtOH

First line rosacia tx

Topical metronidazole

What is acanthosis nigricans associated with

DM, adenocarcinoma of GI or GU tract

Eti of molluscum contagiosum

poxvirus. transmitted by skin to skin contact. Occurs in children and immunocompromised adults.

Cause of impetigo

Staph for GABHS (more common in children)-- also same things that cause cellulitis

honey colored crusts

Nonbullous impetigo

impetigo tx

topical mupirocin

hot tub folliculitis caused by


does not typically require tx, but use cipro if needed

most common cause of folliculitis


Folliculitis abx tx

dicloxacillin or cephalosporin

Exanthem with cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, and Koplik spots

Measles (rubeola)-- after these sx rash appears on face and moves down to trunk and extremities

Measles tx


Paramyxovirus causes


Togavirus causes

Rubella (german measles)

Rubella presentation

Mac/pap rash begins on face, down to trunk and extremities. lymphadenopathy

When is congenital rubella syndrome worse for the baby

during the first trimester

Exanthem with high fever before onset of rash

Roseola (rash is not on the face)

HSV 6 and 7 causes...



Fifth's disease

Scabies tx

Permethrin cream (also for lice)


what is Dishydrosis

Common with atopy

clear vesicles on hands and feet "tapioca appearance"

Dishidrosis tx

stress reduction

keep skin moist

topical steroids and cold compresses

pruritic, papular, purple, planar, polygonal, plaques

lichen planus (violaceous, flat topped, angulated, papules) Wickham's striae

Lichen planus dx


Genital warts

Condyloma acuminatum (HPV 6 + 11)

type of hypersensitivity of allergic contact dermatitis

Type IV

Erysipelas tx

IV penicillin for 48 hrs followed by oral Penicillin for 7 days