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60 Cards in this Set

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Warts regress?
Yes - very commonly they spontaneously regress bc of cell mediated immunity.
Warts caused by...
HPV - affects skin and mucous membranes.
HPV - oncogenic types
16 and 18 are the main ones. Cervical CA
HPV - Benign types
6 and 11 are the main ones. Can cause anogenital warts.
Immunity/vaccines to HPV
Only to certain subtypes - so it doesn't affect other subtypes.
Histo of warts
papillomatous hyperkeratotic surface
Clinical pres of a wart
Can be on nail, mosaic pattern, black dots (thrombosed capillary loops).

No roots - projects into the dermis.

hyperkeratotic surface (making lots of keratin), papillomatosis (epidermis overgrows), mosaic surface pattern, punctate micro hemorrhages.
Seborrheic keratosis
Benign skin growth. Likes like melanoma, mole, wart, etc.


Most common growth of adults.
Spreading of warts
often a minor scratch can let the virus get access to basal layer and it begins replication.

easily spread (shaving, picking at them on nails, etc.)
Plantar warts
appear as a callus or corn

if painful, treat it. but don't have to if not painful (bc painful to tx it).

if there are many, only need to tx a couple of them. they can spont. resolve (turn black and soft)

punctate microhemorrhages
a special kind of callus due to repeated friction/pressure.

painful to walk on. very firm. on feet.
Digitative wart
certain type of morphology of a wart. looks like raised crystals.

easy to get rid of these.
plane or flat warts
hard to get rid of.

easily spread with shaving. can spont regress.
Genital warts
typically more shiny and rare to see only one.

can be anywhere in genital tract
Pearly penile papules

an anatomic variant (Benign). in differential for genital warts.
anal warts
if in child, consider abuse. but it isn't always abuse...
HPV prevalence in US is..
Cycle of HPV
most is cleared by body but if it goes into latent phase (a high risk type), can result in cervical CA
for only certain HPV strains and needs to be done before HPV exposure!
Digene HPV test
do it on material from Pap.

determines presence of high risk HPV type.
Molluscum Contagiosum
A pox virus.

Viral infection of skin - tough to get rid of.

Looks like small doughnuts (umbilication in center)

Easily spread and toughest to get rid of in atopic pts (presents in their popliteal fossas)

with time, they look like inflamed boils due to cellular immunity.
Viral exanthem
exanthem means the blossoming of a rash (usually all over the body)

looks like a drug rxn
Fifth disease - erythema infectiosum
a type of exanthematic infection

slapped cheek appearance first then a net-like lacy pattern (almost pathognomic except lupus).

due to parvovirus B19. fetal infection can cause death. - CAN BE ASSOCIATED WITH APLASTIC ANEMIA

Hand foot and mouth disease
causes anorexia in children.

an exanthem. caused by Coxsackie
Herpesviridae viruses
Herpes simplex 1

Herpes simplex 2

Herpes varicella-zoster

Epstein-Barr virus


Herpes virus-6 (causes roseola infantum)

Herpes virus-8 (causes Kaposi's sarcoma)
Herpes virus - who spreads it?
mostly from asymptomatic individuals!!!!!
HSV-1 general


Mostly orolabial (cold sores and fever blisters)

can get primary genital herpes
HSV-2 general

mostly genital herpes and oral infec is rare.

>95% of recurrent genital herpes.
evolution of herpes lesions
vesicles then umbilicated pustules then crusts then black crusts.
grouped vesicles on erythematous base
usually herpes. especially if umbilical
Things that can reactivate HSV cold sores
sun, skin trauma, cold/heat, stress, infection, menstruation

but the antibody levels dont change during recurrences
When do you get prodrome with herpes 1?
primary infection, but not before recurrence
Area of primary vs recurrent herpes-1
recurrent - smaller area affected but still groups of vesicles.
cutaneous herpes simplex
can be on any skin surface
recurrence is where the primary lesion was.

grouped monomorphic vesicles
herpes-associated recurrent erythema multiforme
cutaneous rxn to drugs. targetoid lesions.
Herpes in immunocomp pts
it is more common in that group
Eczema herpeticum
in pts with herpes simplex and atopic dermatitis

very painful
Tzank prep
looks for keratinocytes and multinuc giant cells which is typical for herpes.
HSV-2 findings (primary)
scattered vesicles and ulcerates.
Causes of genital ulcers
Herpes simplex
Prodrome for recurrent HSV-2?

grouped vesicles again.
most prev STD in developed world
most pts with herpes...
are asymptomatic!!!!

growing in older pts bc of viagra.
HSV-2 risk
women more likely to be infected

men are more effective transmitters.
definition of subclinical HSV shedding
culture is positive and there is no lesion.

Most with genital HSV2 shed. uncommon in HSV1.

Occurs about 1-10% of days.
Dx of HSV-1 or 2
culture, blood test, PCR
Tx of HSV1 or 2
acyclovir, famciclovir, valacyclovir.

for some people, tx episodically during prodrome. or more intense with new relationship or on vacation...
Herpes Zoster (shingles)
this is the recurrent infection of the varicella-zoster virus.

the primary infection is chicken pox.

uusally in older pts in a couple dermatomes. especially in pts with low CD4 counts (HIV, leukemia, HL or NHL).

More likely in whites vs. blacks

if thoracic, can present like an MI

groups of vesicles on a red base.
diff btwn lesions of zoster vs. herpes simplex
zoster - lesions vary in size

simplex - same size
Syphilis general info
trepenoma pallidum (spirochete)
Primary syphilis
21 day incubation

clean PAINLESS hard scabs (chancre)

feels firm like cartilage.

get scars and lymphadenopathy
Secondary syphilis
flu-like syndrome.

hepatomegaly and adenopathy

different types of lesions on skin

reddish brown hue that slightly scales

copper pennies on hands
different btwn psoriasis and secondary syph
can rub off the organisms with syphilis. (inflammatory)
secondary syph can look like...
herpes in an atopic pts or impetigo.
Condylomata lata
warts on genitals due to secondary syphilis.
G (-) diplococci

classically see arthritis and dermatitis. large joint arthritis with hemorrhagic pustules on fingers.

purulent urethral discharge
lymphogranuloma venereum
C. trachomatis

Groove sign (linear depression parallel to inguinal lig due to adenopathy) and labial edema.

can cause elephantiasis
H. ducreyi (gram (-) rod)

highly infectious ulcers

"kissing lesions"

common in prostitutes, homosexual men, etc.
Difference btwn chancroid and syphilis lesion
Chancroid - looks dirty, painful, ragged, purulent, not indurated.
Granuloma inguinale
C. granulomatis (g (-) rod)

painless beefy red lesions.

pseudo-elephantiasis of the labia.

Parasitizes histiocytes.

Beefy, red, looks like granulation tissue.