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15 Cards in this Set

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steeper and depper energy well results in (more symmetrical results in?)
higer mp and bp, more energy to separate (lower coeffecieint of thermal expansion)
hue, value, chroma,
wavelength, brightness (luminance), degree a color varies from the achromatic color next to it (saturation)
define heat of fusion
calories of heat required to convert one g materal from solid to liquid at mp. L = heat absorbed/mass
define thermal conductivity
quantity of heat per second passing through a body one cm think when the temp difference of the sides is 1 degree
define specific heat
the amount of heat needed to raise 1 g material 1 degree
define thermal diffusivity
the rate of heat transmission = thermal conductivity/(specific heat*density)
linear thermal coefficient of expansion
change in length of a metrial from a 1 degree change in temperature
the internal reaction to the external force, defined as force/area over which force acts
change in shape due to deformation
modulus of elasticity corresponds to what on the stress/strain curve
the slope (before yield strength is reached...)
5 types of gypsum
1: impression plaster; 2 model plaster; 3: dental stone; 4: improved stone, high strength; 5: dental stone hi strength +hi expansion
how is type IV or V stone formed
gypsum (CaSO4 - 2H20) is heated with steam and CaCl2 to form rhomboid crystalline shape
which hyrocolloids are reversibe and irreversible
agar: reversible; alginate: irreversible (short word with short word long with long)
define colloidal system
consists of two phases, a dispersed phase with particles 5-200 nm in diameter and a continuous phase.
sol vs gel
agars are supplied as gel, heated become sol, on cooling, gel again