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59 Cards in this Set

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50% of emergencies in office are what?
occur mostlikely after the administration of local anesthetics and during tooth extractions or endodontic treatment
when emergencies are most likely to occur
why are 1/3 of all office emergencies life threatening?
aging population
more complex dental procedures
what should DH's always do?
take vital signs and a thorough medical history
what are the vital componets in the prevention & management of medical emergencies?
dental staff are well prepared whe they have what on hand?
an AED
oxygen tank
cpr trained pros
medical emergency kit
and drills!
emergency oxygen is used when?
in the event of a heart attack, blocked or closed airway
when administering oxygen what position should the patient be in?
what is the rate at which to use when administering oxygen?
2-4 liters per minute
a loss of conciousness bc of a decrease in blood flow to the brain
what causes syncope
stress, physical , emotional, mental or both.
could be: fear of treatment, bad prognosis,
patient is pale and covered in cold sweat, may complain of being hot, dizzy, nauseated
decrease in bp, increase in pulse
1st stage of syncope
stage of syncope of the actual loss of conciouness, death like appearance, shallow and gasping breathing
slow pusle and very low bp
second stage of syncope
what position do you place the patient in when they syncope?
tendelenberg ( feet higher than head, supine
how do you make one who has syncoped come to?
use an ammonia tablet
an affliction of the respiratory tract that can affect all aspects of the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles
difficulty in respiration with a slightly elevated respiration rate
coughing and wheezing
mild asthma
increases in respiratory distress
speak in phrases
skin is pale
moderate asthma
marked wheezing or coughing with poor skin color, awareness decreases as attack prgresses
severe asthma
how do you position the patient when he or she is having an asthma attack? do you administer oxygen when one is having an ashtma attack?
upright, yes
condition in whcih the patient brethes faster and or deeper than the metabolic needs of the body, eliminating carbon dioxide in the arterial blood system
what causes hyperventilation?
stress, emotional upset, and anxiety
what position do you put a patient in when they are hyperventilating? and do you administer oxygen?
upright, NO, have them breathe into a paper bag
brain disorder involving recurrent seizures
most common seizure
grand mal
the first stage of a grand mal seizure characterized by a personality change or an "aura"
prodromal stage
can consist of a certain smell, flash of light, or noise, prior to convulsive stage
occurs after the aura phase, person loses conciousness and may fall
pre-ictal phase
phase in which convulsions occur
ictal phase
patient regains conciousness in this stage
the postical phase
patient loses awareness for a short period of time, may have blank stare, twitch , or blink rapidly
petit mal seizures
what are petit mal seizures mostly diagnosed in?
how do you treat seizures?
remove all items from mouth, keep them from hurting themselves, loosen tight clothing, remove glasses
what causes type 2 diabetes?
obesity, high fat, low fiber diets, and sedentary lifestyle
a disease that develops when the pancreas stops producing insulin; insulin must be injected daily
type 1 diabetes
a chronic disease that occurs when the pancresas cannot produce enough insulin, no injections needed
type 2 diabetes
insufficeint insulin levels in the blood, fruity odor of breath, drowsiness to coma
diabetes ketoacidosis
how do you treat diabetes ketoacidosis?
lower blood glucose levels by giving some form of glucose
occurs where too much glucose in blood, is usually seen when there is a deficiency or complete lack of insulin, inc in thrist, urination, loss of apetite, nausea, ab pains
what is hypogycemia aka?
insulin shock
occurs due to too little glucose in the body, blood glucose levels are below 40-50 mg, personality change occurs here, cold sweat as well
how do you treat hypoglycemia in a concious and unconscious patient?
con: administer 20 g of glucose ( table sugar, soda, honey, candy)
uncon: administer injectible glucagon
what is common in diabetics?
periodontal disease, and lack of qucik healing,
hypersensitive reaction to an ordinarily harmless substance
what must you have when a person goes into anaphylactic shock?
what must you have when a person goes into anaphylactic shock?
what are symptoms of anaphylaxis?
hypertension,blocked airway, and hives
latex allergies occur most commonly when?
history of surgery, allergy to bananas, avocados, kiwi, and chestnuts, repeated urinary catheters
episodes of pain where heart experiences oxygen deficiency
angina pectoris
what must a patient have in they have angina?
a signifigant narrowing or block of the coronary arteries, occurs when a portion of the myocardium dies as a result of a lack of oxygen
myocardial infarction, heart attack,
is a neurologic deficit that last for a short period of time , not a stroke, but a precursor to one, numbernessof extremities, tingling,
transiet ischemic attack
what must patient hav eif they have angina?
occurs as a result of a wandering clot that may become lodged in a cerebral artery and thus reduce or cut off the blood supply ot the area of the brain beyond the clot
cerebral embolism
an artery ruptures and fills the cranium with blood, resulting with an INCREASE IN pressure in the brain
cerebral hemmorhage
a rupture blood vessle that usually occurs when a patient is awake and active complains of a headache nausea vomitting sweat chills dizziness
a clot that forms within the artery occurs most commonly during sleep and the patient wakes up with the signs of a stroke
cerebral thrombosis
patient may experience a potentially life threatening condition call myxedema coma
low thryroid hormone
patient may experience a throid storm , have a high fever of 108
high thyroid hormone