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112 Cards in this Set

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largest grandulae organ
2% of body weight
stroma of liver contains
glissons capsules - thin CT layer on the surface of the liver
hapatic lobule of the liver
found inside liver arranged around blood vessels & the bile duct – hexagonal structure – at each angle there is a portal area
Portal area/ Portal Triad/ Portal Canal
– at each corner of the hexagon of the hepatic lobule; three stuctures in these protal areas:
 branch of the bile duct surrounded by simple cuboidal epithelial cells
 branch of the hepatic artery
 branch of the portal vein
parenchymal cells (hepatocytes) of the hepatic lobule
liver cell contained outside of the liver sinusoid – usually lined in cords – cuboidal shaped cell – contain microvilli on the surface pointing into the sinusoid – contains glycogen, fat, and smooth & rough ER; paranchymal end = business end
sinusoides are ______ lined
endothelial lined - simple squamous
space of disse
perisinusoidal space (goes around the sinusoid) – where the cytoplasm of the hepocyte microvilli project into
lipid and glycogen aounts depend on
meal intake in the sinusoide
bilary canals of the hypatic lobule
expansion of the extracellular space lining the side opposite of the sinusoid – touches its neighboring cell side

1- bile canaliculi
2-bile duct
bile canaliculi
in the center of the side that touches its neighbors (lateral border of cell) – contains zonula occludens – diamonds-shaped membrane bound channels that connect to the branch of the bile duct in the portal area – these carry bile made by the liver...tight junctions keep the bile from entering the blood stream… canaliculi join together to form a lattice that joins with the bile duct
bile duct
where the bile drains into from the liver to bring bile to the gallbladder for storage…lined by simple cuboidal epithelium
______ % of the blood in the liver comes form the _______
75, portal vein
vasculature of the hepatic lobules
blood flows from portal area → into sinusoids (venous & articular blood mix in the sinusoids from the portal vein & hepatic artery – 75% venous & 25% arterial mix (require less oxygen than most cells)) → into the central vein → hepatic vein drains the organ; the sinusoids here are discontinuous (fenestrations) to allow rapid transport of material from the cell & the sinusoids are lined by simple squamous epithlium
kupffer cells
phagocytic cells derived from blood monocyte that live in the lining of the wall of the hepatocyte, it has more lysosomes
anatomical and funcitonal unit of of the livers hepatic lobule
the 6-sided shaped structure of the hepatic lobule – center has central vein & each corner has portal area – blood flows from the outside of the lobule to the center of the lobule –OUTSIDE – IN – hepatocytes are arranged in cords inside of the lobule & the sinusoids run in between the cord of hepatocytes…bile flows inside to out
anatomical and functional unit of the livers portal lobule
Triangular connection from three adjacent central veins of three adjacent hepatic lobules – shows how bile is connected from the outside in…blood flow is opposite
physiological unit of livers hepatic acinus
the cells furthest from the blood drain differently from those closer to the central vein – oval shaped configuration where each of the tips are located at a central vein – these can be choped up in three zones from closest from the blood to farthest from the blood
cells in zone 1 of the acinus
store fat & glycogen 1st(store more nutrients, get higher concentration of oxygen making them more metabollically active),
cells in zone 2 of the acinus
do the same as zone 1
cells in zone 3 of the acinus
detoxify drugs and alcohol before zones I & II (Zone I drains blood 1st because blood goes from the portal area 1st then to the central vein)
function of the liver
over 500

 -Exocrine – makes a product (bile) 10% and resorbs 90% from portal vein & dumps it into a gland
 -Endocrine – makes plasma proteins like albumin & carrier proteins for hormones like steroid hormones since these need help being transported into the cell; fibrinogen, prothrombin, lipoprotiens
 -Metabolic cholesterol synthesis, fat & glycogen storage, steroid hormone breakdown, & drug detoxification (cirrhosis)
general organization of the tubular organs
-tunica mucosa
-tunica submucosa
-tunica muscularis
-tunica adventitia/serosa
tunica mucosa of the tubular organs
1. Epithelium – varied types of epithelium – MORE THAN JUST A PROTECTIVE LAYER
2. Lamina propria – can see folds and perhaps lymph nodules – these are seen from oral to anal canal – entire GI tract – loose CT….lymph nodules, glands, folds(microvilli)
3. Muscularis mucosae – two layers of smooth muscle that separate lamina propria from submucosa– contraction moves the mucosa (villi) when needed
tunica submucosa of the tubular organs
dense irregular connective tissue containing large blood vessels & organized glands (mainly mucous secreting)
meissner's plexus
autonomic ganglion in tunica submucosa – smaller than Aurbach’s – feed submucosa (entire GI tract)
tunica muscularis of the tubular organs
2 or 3 layers of (skeletal, smooth or skeletal-smooth muscle)
i. Inner circular and outer longitundinal (2 layers)
ii. Inner oblique, middle circular, outer longitudinal (3 layers)
auerbach's plexus
autonomic ganglion important in contraction of smooth muscle (peristalsis) – in entire GI tract

in the tunica musculairs
tunica adventitia /serosa of the tubular organs
layer of CT (retroperitoneal – is only adventitia, but if it is intraperitoneal – it has a serosa that consists of 2 parts – CT & simple squamous epithelium (mesothelium – this is only part of the serosa))
simple squamous epi compnenet of the tunica serosa
esophagus tunica mucosa
layer of CT (retroperitoneal – is only adventitia, but if it is intraperitoneal – it has a serosa that consists of 2 parts – CT & simple squamous epithelium (mesothelium – this is only part of the serosa))
projections of the fold to anchor epithelium to underlying CT - increase surface area like villi
tunica submucosa of the esophagus
contain large folds & mucous glands
tunica muscularis of the esophagus
inner circular layer & outer longitudinal layers w/ AUERBACH’S PLEXUS SANDWICHED BTWN THE 2 LAYERS
a. upper esophagus – both layers are all skeletal
b. middle esophagus – mix of both skeletal & smooth muscle
c. lower esophagus – both layers are smooth muscle
tunica adventitia / serosa
mesothelium is simple squamous epi
function of the esophagus
organ that carries food from the oral cavity to the stomach – no digestion, but there is heat exchange – this is the reason for the numerous capillaries – mucos glands lubricate esophagus for food & mucous glands also buffer food contents
stomach general structural organization
1. cardiac & pyloric regions of the stomach are similar
2. fundus & body regions of the stomach are similar
tunica mucosa of the stomach has _______ which are mushroom-shaped areas on the rugae
gastric areas
tunica mucosa of the stomach has ________ which are crevaces & holes in between gastric areas – epithelial-lined area
gastric pits
tunica mucosa of the stomach has ______ whic are epithelial-lined gland the pit runs into that extends the depth of the tunica mucosa
gastric glands
surface epithleial cells of the stomach
simple columnar epithelial cell that rests on the basal lamina and lines the gastric pit & gastric glands – contain short microvilli & junctional complex to be anchored to neighbors – prevents material from directly going from lumen to CT – contains mucos granules because these cells make mucous – the pit & the gland are supported by the lamina propria
fundus/ body of the stomach has _________ that are very long ,glands are ~4X as long as the pits; sudivisions of the gastric glands: (1:4 ratio)
glandular epithelum
surafce epithelium in the isthmus of the body/ fundus of the stomach are ______
simple columnar epithelium
parietal cells of the body/ fundus of the stomach
unique cells that stain pink/red – filled w/ mitochondria & the cell surface is not even & smooth – has indentations called intercellular cannaliculi – makes HCl & gastric intrinsic factor – has a foamy appearance due to its canaliculi
intracellula canaliculli
(microvilli) increase surface area of the parietal cell so it can make hydrochloric acid
gastric intrinsic factor (GIF)
made in stomach by parietal cell to bind vitamin B12
hydrochloric acid
(pH 1 to 3) made by parietal cell to break down food
neck of the body/fundus of the stomach has
1 parietal cells – same as in the isthmus
2 mucous neck cells – miniature goblet cell – makes mucous
base ( close to muscularis mucosa) of the body /fundus of the stomach has
1 parietal cells – same as in the isthmus & neck of the gland
2 chief cells – only at the base of the gland – pyramidal-shaped cell that stains blue due to the abundance of RER – so it makes proteins, specifically pepsinogen
protein from chief cells that is invovled in the digestion of protein- Pepsin is from pepsinogen when in contact with HCl
cardias/ pylorus of the stomach glandular epithelium
gland depth is about equal to the depth of the pit (Ratio 1:1), so the glands in the fundus/body region are longer – gland epithelial cells are not specific, but they resemble mucos neck cells – once again – glands & pits are surrounded & supported by lamina propria
tunica submucosa of the caridac / pylorus of the stomach
makes the rugae
folds of the submucosa – like the gastric folds are folds of the mucosa
tunica muscularis of the cardiac/ pyloris of the stomach 3 layers
a oblique layer (angular oriented)
b. circular layer (involved in the sphincters of the pylorus)
c. longitudinal layer – Auerbach’s plexus is located between the circular & longitudinal layers
tunica serosa of the cardiac/ pylorus of the stomach
CT and mesothelial layer
functoin of the stomach
1. Receives food from esophagus
2. Food is stored & fluid is added
3. protein digestion in chief cells
4. HCl to help w/ some protein digestion
5. gastric intrinsic factor made to help w/ vitamin B12 absorption in intestines
6. stomach is neuronally & hormonally activated
7. emptying of the stomach is a slow release of the lumenal contents so digestion can occur adequately
general structural organization of the small intestine
Duodenum – from stomach – medium plicae circularis – where digestion occurs
Jejunum – large plicae circularis
Ileum – to cecum – small plicae circularis
tunica mucoas of the small intestine
intestinal crypts (glands)
peyers patches
intestinal crypts
the glands that villi lead into – very short as compared to the stomach
fingerlike projections off of the plicae circularis – each villus has a core of lamina propria – each villi leads into an intestinal gland
peyers patches
looks like grass w/potatoes – potatoes are lymph nodules, grass is villi – collection of lymph nodules in the ileum
epithelium of the small intestine in the tunica mucosa
absorptive cells
goblet cells
absorptive cells of the epithelium of the tunica mucosa of the small intestine
– simple columnar cell w/junctional complexes to prevent food from getting to lumen to underlying surfaces
many of these on top of absorptive cells – maximize surface area – contain glycocalyx
striated border
collection of the microvilli
glycoprotein & glycolipid layer on the surface of microvilli of absorptive cells (traps enzymes &antibodies)
goblet cells of the epithelium of the tunica mucosa of the small intestine
secrete mucous – seen near striated border of tunica mucosa
lymphocytes of the epithelium of the tunica mucosa of the small intestine
from the lamina propria – migrate through basement membrane & the junctional complex opens up for these – seen in the middle of the tunica mucosa in between absorptive cells
glandular epithelium of the tunica mucosa of the small intestine
(1) Absorptive, goblet, lymphocytes – contain these also
(2) Paneth cells – seen at the bottom of the glands – contain an antibacterial substance called lysozyme
lysozyme – substance that is an antibacterial agent
tunica submucosa of the small intestine
plicae circulares – large folds of the small intestines
Brunner's glands – in the duodenum only – collection of these in the submucosa – mucous-producing gland that neutralizes the acidic pH of the stomach so that the enzymes of the pancreatic ductcan function – don’t function in acidic conditions – THERE ARE NO MUCOUS-SECRETING GLANDS ASSOCIATED W/ THE ILEUM & JEJUNUM
tunica muscularis of the small intestine
2 layers – inner circular layer & outer longitudinal layer – both smooth muscle
tunica adventitia/ serosa of the small intestine
serosa in 1st duodenum, jejunum, & ileum – adventitia 2nd-3rd parts of duodenum
function of the small intestine
function for absorption (due to numerous folds) & to an extent, the neutralization of the acidic pH from the stomach, also, the glycocalyx functions in immunology – one of the first hormones discovered was found in the GI tract
large intestine - colon general organization
look at pic on hand out
tunica mucosa of the large intestine
a. Epithelium – few if any undeveloped microvilli because absorption is not occurring – simple columnar epithelial cell lines both the surface & the glands – glands are long & stright
(1) Absorptive cells – few microvilli – no absorption
(2) Goblet cells – numerous - has the highest ratio of goblet cells to epithelial cells – function for lubrication for feces
tunica submucosa of the large intestine
– folds are not “true” – not made by submucosa – made by haustra coli, lymph nodules are found here, because they are found every where in the GI tract
tunica muscularis of the large intestine
2 layers – both smooth muscle – inside circular layer & outside longitudinal layer called teniae coli
tenia coli
longitudinal bands of smooth muscle in tunica muscularis that is a highly organized concentration of tunica muscularis – abnormal – usually undeveloped
tunica adventitia / serosa of the large intestine
both are present
function of the large intestine
very little digestion occurs here, but water & electrolytes are absorbed in the large intestine & a little hormonal activity & lubrication by goblet cells
two divisions of the respiratory system
- conducting division
- respiratory division
conducting division of the respiratory system
air conducting tubes that connect the exterior of the body to the respiratory por¬tion of the lungs.
structure of the conducting division
a. Nose
b. Nasopharynxd
c. Larynx
d. Trachea
e. Bronchi – Extrapulmonary (outside the lung)
f. Bronchi - Intrapulmonary
g. Bronchioles
h. Terminal bronchioles
function of the conduction division
a. Warms and moistens air - conchae of nasal cavities
b. Traps pollutants in nasal cavity (mucus coating)
c. Removes dust
d. Carries O2 to the lungs and CO2 out of the lungs
respiratory division of the respiratory system
where exchange of gases between blood and air takes place.passageway where exchange of gases between blood and air takes place.
structures of the respiratory division
1. Respiratory bronchioles
2. Alveolar Ducts
3. Alveolar sac
4. Alveoli
pleural cavity compossed of _____ and ______ layers
visceral , parietal
portion of the lung that major structures enter and leave the substance of the lung i.e., pulmonary artery and vein and primary bronchus
lobes of the lungs
inferior , superior, middle
broncho - pulmoanry segments
can be removed w/o collapse of the lungs
1. surgical designation
2. Tertiary bronchi and air passageways beyond, as well as surrounding connective tissue, blood
vessels, nerves, and lymphatics
pulmonary and secondayr lobule
Bronchiole and all passageways beyond including the surrounding con¬nective tissue, blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics
(1) bronchiole
(2) terminal bronchiole
(3) respiratory bronchiole – 1st place gas exchange can occur
(4) alveolar ducts
(5) alveolar sacs
primary lobule
functional unit of the lungs
Composed of the passageways of the respiratory division including the surrounding connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics
(1) respiratory bronchiole
(2) alveolar ducts
(3) alveolar sacs
trachea and extrapulmonary bronchi
thin wall semi=rigid lined by a mucous membrane; submucosa contains glands; lumen held open by cartilage rings located in the adventitia; posterior wall of trachea contains trachealis muscle.
tunica mucosa of trachea and extrapulmonary bronchi

epithelium, lamina propria , elastic layer
a. Epithelium – pseudostratified columnar epithelium – ciliated w/ goblet cells – resting on the thickest basement mbrn in the body
b. Lamina propria – loose CT w/ lymphocytes & such involved in anti-inflammatory response
c. Elastic layer – elastic membrane replaces the muscularis mucosa
submucosa of the trachea and extrapulmonary bronchi
contains seromucous glands
adventitia of the trachea and extrapulmonary bronchi
composed of 16 -20 C-shaped hyaline cartilage rings covered by perichondrium (incomplete posteriorly) appositional growth and trachealis muscle(smooth muscle)
function of the trachea and extrapulmonary bronchi
1. Glands – located in the back by the smooth muscle & tracheal muscle – Goblet cells – mucous secretions traps pollutants, serous secretions forms a film of fluid in which the cilia beat
2. Cilia – beat toward oral cavity; away from the lungs
bronchial tree
all have cartilage in their wall
1- intrapulmonary (rimary, secondary, tertiary bronchi, and maller bronchi )
2- bronchioles
3- terminal bronchioles
Intrapulmonary primary, secondary, tertiary bronchi and smaller branches have
1. Epithelium – still pseudostratified columnar epithelium w/ cilia & goblet cells
Lamina Propria
2. Muscularis mucosa – this is present here instead of the elastic layer – there is a true muscular layer of smooth muscle
3. Submucosal glands – seromucous glands that are in the submucosa region
4. Adventitia – hyaline cartilage plates
tertiary and smaller bronchi have
(artery associated) Pseudostratified columnar epithelium-with goblet cells and cilia
Smooth muscle
Scattered small, seromucous glands
Scattered small plates of hyaline cartilage
bronchioles have
1 mm in diameter
(a) irregular shaped lumen
(b) simple ciliated epithelium – epithelial change to a combination of simple columnar & simple cuboidal, but still ciliated unless smokers – goblet cells present
(c) loss of sero-mucous glands
(d) loss of cartilage plates
terminal bronchioles have
0.5 mm no avelolar sticking out
(a) smooth circular lumen
(b) change in epithelium to ciliated simple cuboidal epithelium w/ cilia (maintain cilia to keep the mucus from draining to smaller structures)
(c) loss of goblet cells
(d) no sero-mucous glands
(e) no cartilage
respiratory bronchiole
0.5 mm
1. change in epithelum to ciliated & non-ciliated simple cuboidal– last place of resipratory tree w/ cilia
2. *****first appearance of alveoli*********
alveolar ducts
1. thin walled passage with numerous outpocketings
2. "drumsticks" because of smooth muscle – form the duct
3. change in epithelium to simple cuboidal & simple squamous – non-ciliated
alveolar sacs
where the alveolar ducts end – there are no drumsticks in the sacs
1. terminal end of respiratory passages
2. 3-5 alveoli
3. "spikes", loss of smooth muscle – no more drumsticks – spiked instead
4. change in epithelium to only simple squamous – this type of epithelium is found where exchange is taking place
lining wall of the alveoli
type 1 pneumocytes
type 2 pneumocytes
alveolar phagocytes (dust cells)
type 1 pneumocytes
(squamous cell, pulmonary epithelial cell) – simple squamous epithelium lining the surface of the alveolus
type 2 pneumocytes
(great alveolar cell, septal cell) – produces surfactant – cuboidal like cell – foamy looking due to surfactant production
produced by type II pneumocyte – gives a thin film along the surface of the alveolus to reduce the surface tension to prevent the lung from collapsing – premature babies have problems because their lungs are not producing surfactant so their alveoli are closed, making it difficult to breath
alveolar phagocytes ( dust cells)
lung macrophages derived from blood monocytes
alveolar pores
allows for equalization of pressure within the alveoli by distribution of air through the pores
blood air barrier
Structures which must be crossed for gaseous exchange in the lungs – first structure to pass through on the alveolar side is the type I pneumocyte then through the pneumocyte’s basement mbrn – there is a shared basement mbrn of the type I pneumocyte & the endothelial cell. So, it passes through:
1) Type I pneumocyte
2) Basement mbrn (fused laminae)
3) Endothelium of capillary
tpye 2 ans dust cells are not present in the _______
blood air barrier