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55 Cards in this Set

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rotation is movement between the superior surface of the condyle and the inferior surface of the articular disc. In each plane it occurs around a point, called the axis
Rotational movement of the mandible can occur in all three reference planes:what are they
1) horizontal, (2) frontal (i.e., vertical), and (3) sagittal.
horizontal rotation
basic opening and closing of the mouth
vertical rotation
one condyle moves anteriorly out of the terminal hinge position with the vertical axis of the opposite condyle remaining in the terminal hinge position. (A twist)the anterior pterygoid muscle contracts
sagittal rotation
this is the rotation that occurs when you have food on one side of the mouth and not on the other. One side of mandible is lower than other
Occlusal table
Represents 50-60% of the BL dimension
outer inclines
outer = 1/3 buccal (supporting cusps)
outer = 1/6 lingual (guiding cusps)
inner inclines consist of occlusal table
Plane of occlusion
A plane determined by imaginary line connecting buccal and lingual cusp tips and incisal edges of mandibular teeth

determined by the inclincations of the teeth
two types of planes of occlusion
sagittal- curve of spee
frontal(coronal)- curve of wilson
Tooth angulation (inclination)is based on what
based on crown position as opposed to root.

if crown tilts lingual it is a lingual angulation
inclination of manidibular posteriors
Maxilla tooth angulations from sagittal
-anterior: facial
-posterior: mesial
mandibular tooth angulations from sagittal
-anterior: facial
-posterior: mesial
Tooth Inclinations
Largest : Mesio-distally
Max. Canine 17 degrees
Max. 1st Molar 14 degrees
Mand. 2nd Molar 14 degrees
Tooth Inclinations
Largest : Facio-lingually
Max. Incisors 27 degrees
Max. 1st/2nd Molars 20 degrees
Mand. 1st/2nd Molars 20 degrees
Tooth Inclinations
Smallest : Facio-lingually
Max. Premolars 5-6 degrees
Mand. Premolars 9 degrees
Tooth Inclinations
Smallest : Mesio-distally
Mand. Laterals 0 degrees
Max and Mand Centrals 2 degrees
all teeth have facial inclination
Mand. 2nd Premolar
Mand. 1st Molars
Mand. 2nd Molars
Arch length
Distance from the distal of a 3rd molar, going mesially through the proximal contacts, to the distal surface of the opposite 3rd molar.
Arch width
the distance across the arch from lingual side to lingual side of opposite tooth
Supporting cusps
-Maxillary lingual and
mandibular buccal
-maintain distance between maxilla & mandible =
Vertical dimension of occlusion
-located 1/3 the BL distance
-Supporting cusps can contact on outside and inside
Guiding cusps
-Maxillary buccal and
mandibular lingual
-Relatively sharp
-Located ~ 1/6th the BL distance
-Only inner incline has potential for contact
Incisal Guidance
a measurement of movement
the angle at which lower incisors and mandible must move from overlapping position (maximum intercuspation) to edge to edge relationship with max. incisors
Canine Guidance Angle of Students
mean: 56.5 degrees
range: 0 - 84
Cross bite
the maxillary buccal cusps rest on opposing teeth
the mandibular lingual cusps rest on opposing teeth
Ginglymoarthrodial joint*
the TMJ
made of two parts
Ginglymoid = hinging
Arthroidial = gliding

-Considered compound joint*
Even though it is not
-Requires presence of at least 3 bones
-TMJ made of only 2 bones
the TMJ landmarks
the condyle sits in the mandibullar fossa of the temporal bone of the skull
posterior to articular eminance
Articular disc
-serves as non-ossified bone
devoid of blood vessels or nerves (extreme periphery slightly innervated)
2 dentitions:
Different types of teeth (morphologically)
a type of attachment

Socketed – root in alveolar bone
Specialized tissues for attachment – pdl , cementum
lip-tongue-cheek system
one of the forces that determines tooth position
-Lips and cheeks force:
Constant light lingually directed forces
-Tongue force:
Labially and buccally directed forces

-When forces equal - >
NEUTRAL SPACE / position or normal occlusion
Proximal surfaces
– contact areas
what do these do
a factor that determines tooth position

-Help maintain normal alignment
-Stabilize tooth within bony socket
-Prevent food impaction
-Protects interdental papilla
Interdental col

if Lack of contacts – mesial migration or mesial drift
-Max Teeth
occlude with
ManD Namesake + D Neighbor

-Mandibular teeth
occlude with
Max Namesake + M Neighbor
exceptions to MICP rule
man central (only max CI)
last tooth on max arch (only last molar on mand)
distal cusp of mandibular first molar lies where in MICP (an exception)
obliques ridge of maxillary first molar

only buccal cusp of mandible that is not in MR or central fossa
lateral excursions are when what muscle contracts
Rt Lateral Pterygoid = left lateral excursion

Left Lateral Pterygoid = right lateral excursion
when moving mandible to left which is orbiting condyle and which is rotating
orbiting = right
rotating = left
when moving mandible left which is working side

-Contraction of rt inferior lateral pterygoid (side of contraction is always non working side)
Border movements: Horizontal plane (baseball diamond)
is in shape of baseball diamond with
CR= centric relation (home plate)
ICP= intercuspal position (pitchers mound)
1 = left lateral (3rd to home)
2 = cont left lateral w/ protrusion (3rd to 2nd)
3 = right lateral (home to 1st)
4 = cont right lateral w/ protrusion (1st to 2nd)
jaw movement measurements
right = 8-9
left = 8-9
protrusive = 8
coronal plane border movements (shield)
-top line is lateral movement
-there is a dip in top line showing canine rise (guidance)
- length of shield shows opening of mouth (to max opening)
border movements of sagittal plane (sabertooth)steps
-backside shows hing and rotation/translation (broken line)
-front shows closing from maximum opening(in protrusion)
-cr to micp(is a line from top of broken line going up and forward, this is movement of mandible)
-then line goes down from MICP to cusp to cusp
-straight forward line showing protrusion across incisal edge
-line up again showing sliding up maxillary facial side with lingual side of mandibular incisors
-straight line to link up front with top showing maximum protrusion
label sagittal plane border movements
1. posterior opening border (this is the break in the back line and shows the most retrusive position on mandible)
2. anterior opening border (this is the front line and shows most protrusive position of mandible from open (bottom) to close (top))
3. Superior contact border (this is decided by occlusion of teeth and is straight line showing tip to tip position)
direction of mandibular supporting cusps over maxillary teeth during lateral excursion (working and non working)
-buccal on working side
-mesiolingual on non working side
direction of maxilalry supporting cusps over mandibular teeth during lateral excursion
-lingual on the working side
-distalbuccal on non working side
Steps to name an incline plane
1. determine what side of cusp the plane is on
2. link number 1 to the side of tooth the plane is FACING
3. list the name of the cusp

example: mesiolingual incline plane of distal buccal cusp.
bennett angle
path of the NON WORKING condyle in lateral translation
immediate side shift
from MICP to medial wall on NON WORKING side (A to B) in triangle
-a is center of condyle
-b is medial wall
-bigger ISS the bigger the bennet angle and movement
-translation and rotation
progressive side shift
along the median wall angle
-B to C in triangle
-rotation only
Bennett Movement
lateral translation on WORKING side
-rotational and translational
if given bennett movements, which side has larger bennett angle
the side that has the smaller bennett movement
Occlusal equilibration is based on what
-Canine guidance, if not group guidance
-Forces along the long axis of tooth
where are the contacts for the mandible on the maxilla in MICP

where is an exception
the dots on marginal ridges and central fossa.
the exception is Man 1 D goes in obliques ridge
DB of Man molars is in CF of namesake
MB lie in MR
contacts of Maxilla in MICP on mandible
look at dots down middle
ML of Max molar lies in CF