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44 Cards in this Set

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What are the three most important forms of democracy?

1. Athenian democracy

2. Representative democracy

3. Socialist participatory democracy

Outline four key points emphasised in the lectures describing Athenian democracy?

1. Emerged from an uprising of armed peasants

2. Saw the peasants and middled citizens become majority

3. Highly participatory - direct participation of citizens in processes of governance

4. Citizenship was active and participatory

What was the most important institution of Athenian Democracy?

The Sovereign Assembly

Very briefly outline two main strengths and two main weaknesses of Athenian democracy?

S -

1. Fosters a high degree of political equality

2. Didnt need separation of powers for individual undue influence

W -

1. Better to have fewer people ruling but better people ruling

2. Because of so many changes meant that no one could develop experience

How were members of the Boule, Juries and Magistrates selected?

By lot

Which institutional body helped set the agenda for the sovereign assembly in Athenian democracy?

The Boule or council of 500

Which groups were excluded from Athenian democracy?

Women, Slaves, Immigrants/metics

Referring to lectures notes, list four economic rights associated with liberal representative democracy?

Property ownership

Right to form contract

Market exchange

Sell labour-power

Referring to lecture notes, list four citizenship rights associated with liberal representative democracy?

1. Right for regular secret ballot elections

2. Freedom from arbitrary treatment by the state

3. Equality before the law

4. Right to form interest groups

According to liberal pluralist what are the main ways in which the citizens influence government?

1. Electoral system

2. Interest group system

3. Local government

4. Media

The English revolution started in.. and was concluded by the glorious revolution of what...



What were the four most important points made in the lecture with respect to the background context of ER?

1. Charles was one of the most inept monarchs in English History

2. Rural society

3. Classes, aristocracy, middle class, peasantry/wage earners

4. Profoundly religious society

What was revolutionary about the English Revolution?

1. Hurried the death of feudalism

2. Key features of representative democracy operating within the confines of a constitutional monarchy

How did the long Parliament ensure that P was to become a permanent part of the constitution?

Through the drawing up of the Triennial Act

Drawing upon lectures, list four key features of representative democracy that emerged during the ER?

1. The limits to the Sovereigns powers were recognised.

2. Enshrined freedom of election to P

3. Freedom of Speech in P

4. Frequent elections

Drawing upon lecture notes, briefly outline two long term and two short terms causes of the french revolution?


- Effective bankruptcy of the French state

- Rise of social tensions due to widespread hunger


- Economic stagnation

- Military competition with emerging Capitalist powers

The Bourgeoisie and everyone other than the clergy and the nobility made up the __ estate, the clergy made up the __ estate and the nobility made up the __ estate. What words are missing?

1. Third

2. First

3. Second

What are the four main phase of the FR?

1. Economic fiscal crisis, revolt of the nobility

2. The Bourgeois Revolution and liberal constitution

3. The rise and fall of the Jacobins

4. The reactionary thermidor

Which constitution was the most democratic that emerged during the course of the FR?

Jacobean Constitution of 1793

Briefly outline two key lasting historical effects of the FR?

1. End of Feudalism

2. The implementation oft he 93' Constitution

Briefly outline four key point with respect to the background and context of the AR?

1. Geography - Territory of 13 american colonies was already vast be European standards

2. Population - Both white and black had rapid growth

3. Economy - Agrarian but highly capitalistic

4. High unequal society

In what year was the DOI made?

List 4 rights it asserted

July 4th 1776

- All men created equal

- Possess inalienable rights of life, liberty, property and pursuit of happiness

- Govt formed in order to secure these rights

- Whenever any form of govt becomes destructive, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it

Two key sources of pressure pushed the wealthy patriot elite to conclude by 1781, that a more powerful federal government was required. What were they?

1. War of independence

2. Shays rebellion

What did Philadelphia convention of 1787 do?

Drew up the US constitution

List 4 groups of the population that were excluded from the Philidelphia convention?

1. Native americans

2. Womens

3. Slaves

4. Men who didnt own property

"The american definition of citizenship and democracy is completely devoid of the __ __ that citizenship and democracy had in the greek context" what two words are missing from this sentence? explain what this statement means

Social meaning

Participation of the poor citizens in the process of govt is no longer a defining feature of democracy

Drawing upon lecture notes, list four points that are made by liberals to justify capitalism, and representative democracy?

1. grows fast and efficent

2. workers can form interest groups

3. inequality is not a problem if it fuels growth

4. Free press keeps citizens informed

Drawing upon lecture notes, list four points that are made by liberals to critique socialism and participatory democracy?

1. socialism is economically inferior to capitalism

2. Neither economically feasible no politically desirable

3. Slow and inefficient because too many people become involved and spend too much time talking

4. Labouring citizens too dumb to govern

Drawing on lecture notes list four main points made by Marxists to critique capitalistm

1. Ultimate source of inequality is the exploitation of workers by capitalist

2. Have to work for low wages or salary

3. Generates huge inequality between rich and poor

4. Destruction of the natural environment

Drawing on lecture notes, list four main points made by Marxists to critique representative democracy?

1. Under representation of workers, women and ethnic minorities

2. Opposed alientation of power form labouring citizens

3. Parliamentary swindle

4. Ineffectiveness of elections, interest groups, media, parties and P

In what year was the Paris commune formed?


Which class played a central role in the paris commune?

Working class

Delegates to the Paris commune were to be held accountable to their constituencies by?

1. The right of recall and

2. Frequent elections

Marx considered that the Paris commune was the "political at last discovered under which to work out the ___

Emancipation of labour

The Feb evolution of 1917 was largely but not entirely


Which two social classes played the most important role of the RR?

Working class


What is a soviet?

A council, democratically elected

Who were the most important Bolshevik leaders during the RR?



What were the most important Bolshevik slogans?

Peace, bread and land

All power to the soviets

Drawing upon lecture notes, outline 4 factors that contibuted to the degeneration of Russia revolution and the rise of Stanlist dictatorship

1. Foreign military intervention and trade blockade

2. Russia was a relatively socially and econimically backwards country

3. Civil war

4. Decimation of the Russia working class

“I think that the work in which I am engaged now, despite its extremely insufficient and fragmentary nature, is the most important work of my life – more important than 1917, more important than the period of the Civil War or any other.” Who wrote this? What was so important about this work?


Inconsistent with the classical maxtrist version of socialist democracy

US constitution separates power between the __, __, and __.




According to Marx, what was the historical mission of capitalism?

Create economic and social preconditions

Outline 2 reasons why Marxists think a revolution is necessary to establish socialism and participatory democracy?

1. Overthrow liberal democratic state

2. Self-emancipation of working class