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64 Cards in this Set

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Last normal menstrual period
shorthand notation for a woman;s obstetric history
woman who has produced one or more viable offspring, regardless of whether the child or children were living at birth
the initial motion of the fetus in the uterus as it is perceived or felt by the pregnant woman
term or period of 3 months
odd, peculiar, or strange condition, situation, quality ect.
congenital defects
any physical, mental, or biochemical abnormalities present at birth
high-risk pregnancy
pregnancy in which some condition puts the mother, the fetus, or both at higher than normal risk for complications during or after the pregnancy and birth
implantation in the tube, not compatible with life because there is not enough vasculature there
intrauterine growth restriction
breech presentation
baby is coming out butt first
the branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy, labor, and after
pertaining to the female reproductive organs and breast
relating to the mother or a characteristic of the mother
branch of medicine dealing with the fetus and infant during the perinatal period
death, destruction, or end of existence
loss of an embryo or fetus BEFORE the 20th week of pregnancy; spontaneous abortion, occur most often during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy
hydatidiform molar pregnancy
a rare mass that forms inside the uterus at the beginning of a pregnancy
vanishing twins
the spontaneous regression of a second gestational product, which occurs in 20% of twin gestations
BPD stands for?
biparietal diameter
diameter of the fetal head as measured from one parietal eminence to the other
HC stands for?
head circumference
AC stands for?
abdominal circumference
FL stands for?
femur length
chorionic villi sampling
a sample of the chorionic villi from the developing placenta removed from the uterus of a pregnant woman using a fine needle inserted through the abdomen or a thin plastic catheter inserted into the vagina and through the cervix
chorionic villi sampling can be used for what?
testing for birth defects such as down syndrome
it is performed earlier than an amniocentesis
procedure where a fine needle is inserted into the abdomen and an amniotic fluid sample is taken to test for genetic disorders or abnormalities
removal of air or fluid from a body cavity by suction
the injection of blood or blood plasma ect. into the blood vessels of a patient
fetal reduction
the practice of reducing the number of fetuses in a multi-fetal pregnancy, often after a congenital defect has been discovered
biophysical fetal monitoring
measures the heath of the baby during pregnancy by measuring heart rate, muscle tone, movement, breathing, and the amount of amniotic fluid around the baby
fetal intervention
involves in utero surgical treatment of a fetus
ex. open fetal surgery (most invasive)
and fetendo and fetal image guided surgery (less invasive)
fetal pole
a thickening on the margin of the yolk sac of a fetus during pregnancy, may be seen at 2-4 mm (CRL) and heart motion is often detected when it is seen
when is the baby an embryo?
1-8 weeks
when is the baby a fetus?
8-40 weeks *using gestational period
gestational sac
in ultrasound it is an anechoic space surrounded by a hyperechoic rim
what is the importance of the gestational sac in early OB ultrasound?
it is the only available intrauterine structure that can be used to determine if it is an intrauterine pregnancy
intrauterine pregnancy
corpus luteum cyst
a type of ovarian cyst which may rupture about the time of menstruation, it is required to maintain pregnancy
a membrane building the amniotic sac that surrounds and protects an embryo
one of the membranes that exist between the fetus and mother
what is the chorion made out of? (tissue wise)
extraembryonic mesoderm, and two layers of trophoblasts
the chorion surrounds the embryo and other membranes
the uterine lining (normally called endometrium) during pregnancy which forms the maternal part of the placenta
cervical os
internal and external orifice of the uterus which meets with the vagina
incompetent cervix
occurs when the cervix is weak and begins to open before the baby is ready to be born
cerebral ventricles
spaces in the brain that are located between portions of the brain and are filled with cerebrospinal fluid
posterior fossa
depression on the posterior surface of the humerus, above the trochlea that lodges the olecranon of the ulna when the elbow is extended
trilobated structure of the brain, lying posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata and inferior to the occipital lobes of the cerebral hemispheres
what does the cerebellum do?
regulation and coordination of voluntary muscle movement and maintaining posture and balance
either of two large ovoid masses, consisting mainly of gray substance, situated one on either side of and forming part of the lateral wall of the 3rd ventricle (each is divided into dorsal and ventral parts)
cavum septum pelucidum
a septum that has a separation between its two leaflets, it contains CSF, and it is bound anteriorly by the genu of the corpus callosum
type of abdominal wall defect in which the intestines, liver, and possibly other organs herniate outside the abdominal cavity because there is a lack of abdominal muscle
a buildup of fluid inside the skull, leading to brain swelling
cleft lip
a fissure or opening of the lip
cleft palate
a fissure or opening of the palate (sometimes occurs with the cleft lip)
Nuchal translucency quality review
American registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers
guidelines from the performance of antepartum obstetrical ultrasound examinations, can be used to rule out the majority of congenital defects
American college of radiology
technical bulletin 116 ultrasound in pregnancy
nuchal translucency
a radiologic sign that appears as a translucent spot on a fetal sonogram and indicates subcutaneous fluid in the nuchal region of the fetus (you have to be credentialed to do this exam)
examination and review of the credentials of individuals meeting a set of educational or occupational criteria and therefore being licensed in their field
Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
Registered diagnostic cardiac sonographer