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75 Cards in this Set

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1.Our generation is described as “crooked,” “perverse,” and “untoward.” What did Elder Oaks suggest is the root of the wickedness of this generation?

Idolatry,make something else (person or thing) of higher priority than God

2.Allowing other things or other people (including ourselves) to become higherpriorities than God is _________.


3.Section 33speaks of the “eleventhhour.” In class, we suggested two meanings of that phrase. What were they?

- It's getting late

- It's never too late

4.Section 33makes reference to the parableof the ten virgins. What did President Kimball say is represented by the oil in that parable?


5.Section 34teaches us that Christ is the light and lifeof the world, who lovedthe world so much that He gaveHis own life to bring others to the Father. He lightsthe way to eternal life and makes itpossible to obtain it through His Atonement.If we will __________, we will be blessed. But we will be even more blessed if we________.

- believed in Him

- accept the call to preach the Gospel

6.Who was the former Campbelliteminister, to whom section35 was directed, who was a “forerunner” in preparing many of his congregation to receivethe fullness of the gospel?


7.Regarding forerunners,we noted twoprinciples that apply to all of us. What were they?

- We should make it easier for people to come unto Christ and believe

- We are preparing for a greater work

8.In section 35,the Lord promises to showmiracles, signs, and wonders to those who do two things. What are they?

Believe on His name

Ask in faith

9.In class, we suggested twoprinciples taught by the Lord’s statement, in section 36, to Edward Partridge, “I will lay my hand uponyou by the hand of Sidney Rigdon, and you shall receive the Holy Ghost.” Whatwere they?

- When receiving a blessing, it is the Lord that's laying His hands on our head

- When we give a blessing we are representing the Lord

1.In section 37,the saints were commanded, for the first time, to move as a body to one central location. Where was that?


2. Many people hit spiritual plateaus and are often content to remain as and where they are. In class, we discussed two reasons that create hesitancy in some people to move forward in their lives. What are those two reasons.

- Sin

- Lack of faith

3.In our discussion regarding spiritualplateaus, what was the balancing principle taught in class?

Repentancecan help our motivation go back to balance when sin overcomes our motivation

4.President Eyringsaid the ability to trustGod comes from what?

Fromknowing God

5.As discussed in class, define omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence., three attributes of God taught in section 38.

- Omniscient : He sees and knows all things - Omnipotent : He has all power

- Omnipresent : through the light of Christ and the Holy Ghost His power and mercy are available to everyone everywhere.

6.In section 38,the Lord gave the saints fivereasons why it was so important for them to move. Name them.

- Escape the power of their enemies

- Temporal salvation: take care of the poor.

- Unity

- Receive the Law of Christ

- To be endowed with power

7.True or False: The only templeordinances available to the saints in Ohio were the initiatory ordinances. They did notreceive the endowmentuntil years later.


8.James Covill, aProtestant minister for 40 years, investigated the Church and covenanted to dowhatever the Lord required of him. He failed to keep his commitment for two reasons. Name them.

Fear of persecution

Cares of the world

1.What was “common stock?”

Falsificationof the law of consecration. Anyone can take anything from anyone

.Define discipleship.

Hethat receives the law and does it.

3.Who was the first Bishop of theChurch? What was his one distinguishingcharacteristic?

EdwardPartridge, "his heart is pure"

4.Section 42 isknown as ______.


5.True or False: One of thequestions answered by section42 was, “Shall the Church come together in one place or remain as theyare in separate bodies. The Lord told them they were all to gather in one place


6.One of the laws the Lord revealed in section 42 was the law of “service.” What did President Hinckley say about theimportance of our callings?

Ourobligation in our stewardship is as serious as his obligation in his. Also for joy

7.Another law revealed in section42 was the law of “teaching.”Name the threecomponents of that law.

- Be ordained

- Teach from the scriptures

- Be directed by the Spirit.

8.In section 42,the Lord warned of twoconsequences that follow lusting.Name them.

Deny the faith

Will not have the Spirit

9.In section 42,the Lord taught the law of “caringfor the poor and needy.” He commanded us to remember the poor and toconsecrate of our means for their support. What else did He command us to do or not todo as part of that law?

"Thoushalt not be idle"

10. In teaching the laws of “healing,” the Lord counseled us to seek priesthood blessings when needed. He also counseled us to “be nourished with herbs and mild food.” What was the principle we derived, in class, from that commandment.

Take advantage of all the resources available, including science, not just the Priesthood

11.True or False: Whenadministering to the sick, it is recommended that two Melchizedek priesthoodholders participate. However, if only one is available, it is appropriate for oneMelchizedek priesthood holder to both anoint and seal.


12.Another question answered by section 42, was “how should the families of the elders be provided forwhile the elders are preaching full-time?” What was the Lord’s answer?

Theyshould be supported out of the property that was consecrated to the Bishop

1. What does it mean to be obtain our “errand” from on the Lord?

Toreceive a witness from the Holy Ghost that we have been called of God to thecalling that we have received.

2.Complete the following statement from President Monson: “When we are on the Lord’s ______, we are entitled to the Lord’s _____. Remember that whom the Lord _____, the Lord ________

2.Complete the following statement from President Monson: “When we are on the Lord’s ___errand___, we are entitled to the Lord’s __help___. Remember that whom the Lord __calls___, the Lord ____qualifies____

3.Who was calledto replace OliverCowdery as ChurchHistorian and said he would rather not do it?


4.Which Apostleserved as ChurchHistorian and had the remarkable gift of having things given to him,word for word, by the Holy Ghost, until he was able to record them?


5.In our discussion about historians,what was the concludingprinciple taught?

Eventhough it's not the calling, we all should be historians in the Church

6. True or False: As the eastern saints traveled to Ohio, the Kirtland saints wondered if they should provide land on which they could live. In section 48, the Lord told them no, explaining it was important to the growth and self-reliance of the eastern saints to make it on their own.


7.In class, we referred to the story of Peter and John helping the lame man at the gates of the cityof Jerusalem. What principledid we draw from that story?

Wecan contribute with the things we have, even though we don't have some thingswe do have others.

8.True or False: The saintsliving in Kirtland wanted to know if Kirtland was to be a permanent place ofgathering. In section48, the Lord answered, yes.


9.Section 49 wasa revelation concerning what group of people?

The shakers (camisards)

10.True or False: Thecongregation mentioned in section49 believed that Christ came to earth the first time, as a man and had alreadymade his second coming, as a woman.


11.True or False: Thecongregation mentioned in section49 did not believe ordinanceswere necessary for salvation, including marriage.


12.True or False: The missiondescribed in section49 resulted in the baptism of twenty-one people.


1.How did Elder Bruce R.McConkie define the lawof consecration?

Weconsecrate our time, our talents, and our money to the cause of the Church.

2.True or False: The law of consecrationwas done away with in the early days of the Church because the members failedto live it.

F, the united order stopped not so with the law of consecration

3.True or False: The Lord hasrequired the faithfulin everydispensation to live the lawof consecration.


4.True or False: The law of consecrationwill be lived in the celestialkingdom.


5.True or False: Since the law of consecrationis a covenant we make in the temple, we are not under obligation to live the law until weare endowed.


6.Whether within the United Order or the current Welfare system, there are three primary purposes of the law of consecration.Name them.

- Achieve economic equality

- Eliminate poverty

- Increase self-reliance of the members

7.In class, we discussed fourapplications regarding how the law of consecration functioned within theUnited Order.Name and describe each one.

- Everything belongs to the Lord

- Consecration - represents the transfer of individual property to its rightful and true owner: The Lord

- Individual stewardship

- Accountability for stewardship

8. When discussing individual stewardship, we quoted section 51:3, which describes how the Lord defined equality. Upon what three things was equality based?

Family size


Wants and needs (lack or deficiency)

9.In section 51, the Lord counseled the saints to “act upon this land as for years.” What wasthe principlethe Lord was teaching?

Makethe most of it and not live thinking that they are going to leave

10.Leman Copleymade a covenant to let the saints who came from Colesville, New York to settleon his farm in Thompson, Ohio. He broke that covenant and forced them off ofhis property. Wheredid the Lord send these “homeless” saints?


1.The Lord has promised to help us avoid being deceived. What did Elder Oaks say is the greatest help He hasgiven to us?

TheHoly Ghost

2. True or False: Since partaking of the sacrament represents a renewal of covenants, nonmembers who attend sacrament meeting should be directed not to partake. Otherwise they can bring down condemnation upon their heads


3.What is the “doctrineof inclusion,” as described by Elder Ballard?

Membersof the church should be the most loving, kindest and tolerant. We reach out toall our neighbors at all times

4. In section 46, the Lord counseled us to “seek earnestly the best gifts and to always remember for what they were given.” Why, did the Lord say, spiritual gifts are given?

- The benefit of those who love and keep all the commandments

- Also the benefit of those who seek to do so

5. In class, we suggested three answers to the question, “What are the best gifts.” What were those answers.

- The ones that we most need at any given time

- Those that will help us overcome our weaknesses

- Those that will help us fulfill our callings at church/home.

6.True or False: There are twogifts of testimony—the gift to know and the gift to believe on the testimony of others. Thatsuggests that some faithfulindividuals may never come to know for themselves that Jesus is the ChrisT


7. What is the gift to know the “differences of administration?”

Differentways of administrating in different callings. Different ways of leadership

8.What is the gift of the “wordof wisdom?”

Wise application of knowledge or good judgement

9.What is the gift of the “wordof knowledge?”

Teachingthings clearly and simply enough so that hearers can understand

10.What is the gift to know the “diversities of operations?”

Discernif a supernatural manifestation is worked by the power of God or the adversary

11.True or False: There are twogifts of tongues—the gift to speak in tongues and the gift to interprettongues. If those gifts are of God, they will always be manifest at the same time. In other words, a person will notbe moved upon by the HolyGhost to speakin tongues unless another person is there who can interpret


12.In section 50,the Lord speaks of hypocrites. As defined in class, what is a hypocrite?

Personwho pretends to be a certain way but acts and believes the total opposite

13.In section 50,the Lord posed the question, “Unto what were ye ordained?” What was His initial or first answer?

Preachthe Gospel by the Spirit

14.For what tworeasons is section 52historically significant?

First high priests of the Church were ordained First revelation that recognizes Missouri as Zion

1.In section 53, Sidney Gilbert wastold to “forsake theworld.” As discussed in class, toforsake the world means twothings. Name them.

- Forsake the sins of the world

- To be in the world but not of it.

2.In section 53, Sidney Gilbert wastold to “take upon youmine ordination as an elder and act in that office?” What principle did wederive from that counsel?

Totake something upon us is to make a covenant and then to remember and obey italways

3.In section 53, Sidney Gilbert andothers were told to “plant”themselves. What does it mean to plant ourselves?

Toimmerse ourselves in the Gospel - jump in with both feet and let our roots sinkdeep into the soil of the Gospel

4.Using a video clip of PresidentMonson, we compared the gospel to a _________ which gives us the capacity to _____ safely through life.

4.Using a video clip of PresidentMonson, we compared the gospel to a _______rudder__ which gives us the capacity to ___steer__ safely through life.

5.In section 56,the Lord chastised the rebellious. What is the root of rebelliousness?5


6.In section 56,the Lord noted fourways the saints had rebelled.Name them.

- Seek to counsel in your own ways

- Your heart is not satisfied

- You obey not the truth

- You have pleasure in unrighteousness

7.In section 56,the Lord called the richand the poor torepentance. Of what did each need to repent.

Selfishness(rich)/ greed and laziness (poor)

8.Section 57identifies the location of the New Jerusalem. Where and whenwill it be built?

Jackson,Missouri. Before the Lord's return

9.True or False: All righteous saints,from around the world, must gather to Jackson County, Missouri before the SecondComing.


10.Using a video clip of PresidentUchtdorf, we noted the principle that wherever we are planted, the Lordrequires us to ______.

lift were we are standing