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86 Cards in this Set

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Easier for beginners to use than SQL

Query By Example (QBE)

Delete, insert, and modify data in existing tables commands fall under what?

Data manipulation language (DML)

What basic question is addressed with the SQL keyword “SELECT”?

What output do you want to see?

Which SQL command is used to specify the tables used in query?


Which SQL command is used to indicate how tables are linked together?


If you want to get a list of your customers that have purchased from you in the last year, but you only want to list each customer once, how can you prevent multiple listings of the same customer?


Which SQL command is used to control the order that records are displayed in a query?


Which SQL command is used to control the order that records are displayed in a query?


To aggregated data so you can use set-based operations (I.e COUNT, AVERAGE, MAX, etc.) you would use which SQL command?


What is the question you want to answer from the SQL command FROM?

What tables are involved?

What is the question you want to answer from the SQL command JOIN?

How are the tables joined?

What is the question you want to answer from the SQL command WHERE?

What are the constraints?

The option for ascending or descending order is what SQL command?


Using the command AND and OR, this comes from the SQL function..


Operators <,=,>,<>, BETWEEN, LIKE, IN come from what SQL command?


What is the order of the SQL commands (7) (Someone From Ireland Will Grow Horseradish and Onions


Someone From Ireland Will Grow Horseradish and Onions

SQL clause that imposes a query constraint covering a range of values


This SQL command restricts the output to a limited number of record


Simplified complex Boolean expressions

DeMorgans Law

Command used to place a constraint on non-aggregate properties


Permits a table to be used more than once in a query


To use the SQL HAVING keyword, you must also use what other keyword?


Provides visually oriented tools for developing queries


You cannot use which command to see a non aggregated data in the same query?


You can use the command WHERE if the query contains GROUP BY. True or false?


To build and manage a database, you need what? (3)

1. Data definition language

2. Data manipulation language

3. Data Query Language

Using this operator will always result it less than it equal to the number of records returned when the same operator is not used


Smaller queries that are integrated together to build a final query


What SQL operator is used to test if one value appears in a set of values?


Combines all rows of data from similar structures tables or queries (I.e. combining results of similar queries run on the same distributed databases of an international bank)


What SQL operator would you use for this subquery?

WHERE salesdate> .........


The SQL operator that tests for an exact match


The SQL operator that works with inequality comparisons


To implement a join where records in two tables are linked based on one value falling within a range of values rather than exactly matches between the two tables, you would use an ...

Inequality Join

Only connects records that have matching values in each table

Inner Join

Includes records without a match in the other table

Outer Join

If you want to determine which customers have not bought anything from you in the last month, you could do what kind of join?

Right Join

Join that merges all the data in records where the join properties match

Left Join

Query that is used to change existing value within a table


True or false: a subquery and a view are two terms for the same concept


Only changes one column at the same time


True or False: using an IN operator is an alternative it using a group of OR clauses in a WHERE statement


True or false: All queries can be designed to avoid subqueries


Allows you to use the same table in a subquery as is being used in the outer query (I.e. the query that includes the subquery)


Queries that can be split into separate parts and then combined to get the final result

Nested Queries

2 operators used to compare tables having similar structure (i.e. having common field names and data types)


True or false: inequality Joins are used to link tables based on a not equal to constraint rather than an equal constaint


Uses the same syntax as a regular query


True or False: using ALL operator is an alternative it using a group of OR clauses in a WHERE statement


Human factors design research has found that these three important factors are considered when building forms and reports (3)

1. Clarity or purpose and terminology

2. Layout consistency

3. Presentation Aesthetics

Standard user controls on a Control Menu Box allows the user to move the scroll horizontally and vertically within the displayed window?

Scroll Bars

The type of form that displays multiple records at a time in rows and columns

Tabular form

When the clicks a ......., a predefined event is triggered, and some action will be performed

Command button

Allows the user to enter a value that is not in the list

Combo box

Does not allow the user to enter a value that is not in the list

List Box

Direct manipulation of objects is a consequence of what advancement in computer systems?

Increase emphasis of graphical user interfaces

If you want to include some introductory material for your report which is only printed once at the front of the document, it would be placed in the .........

Report Header

If you wanted to ensure that the title and project name is printed on top of every page, this information would be placed in .........

Page header

What is the benefit of using style sheets when developing and working with web pages

All the layout options are defined in one place

Each table property must have a name and a .....

Data type

From a Human Design perspective, it is good practice for forms to provide Feedback through either what three option (3)

1. Visual

2. Text

3. Sound

True or False: From a Human Factors Design perspective, issues surrounding aesthetics involves support for physically handicapped users


What form would be appropriate for a banking application where you only want to display a single users record at one time?

A single-row form

To include a title at the top of each page in a report, the required text would be placed in the .....

Page header

Linked to the contents of a specific table property, allowing the contents to be displayed and changed

Bound Control

True or False: a form is a Modal Forms if it incorporates subforms


Form that presents the data in a form similar to a spread sheet

Tabular Form

Form that is designed to provide the user interface to your database application

Switchboard form

Form that presents a single record at a time

Columnar Form

Impacts user performance

Form design

True or False: form design can impact user performance


What are the 6 Human Factor Designs (FUcC FAC)

1. Feedback

2. User Control

3. Consistency

4. Forgiveness


6. Clarity

What are the 4 types of forms?

1. Tabular

2. Single-Row

3. Sub-forms (one-to-many)

4. Switchboard

Form that works best for single forma

Tabular Form

Form where designer can control data entry sequence

Tabular Form

Designer can set optimal layout

Single-row Form

What is another name for single-row form?

Columnar Form

What are the 3 report types?

1. Tabular

2. Labels

3. Columns

What 6 items go into a report?

1. Report Header

2. Page Header

3. Group Header

4. Group Footer

5. Page Footer

6. Report Footer

Title pages that are printed one time for entire report

Report Header

Title lines or page notes that are printed at the top of every page

Page Header

Data for a group and headings for the detail section

Group Header

Sub totals for the group

Group Footer

Printed at the bottom of every page, page totals or page numbers and notes

Page Footer

Printed one time at the end of the report. Summary notes, overall totals and graphs for entire data set.

Report Footer

Innermost data
