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119 Cards in this Set

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What is a data structure?

A systematic way of organizing and accessing data

What is an algorithm?

A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem in a finite space of time

Why are arrays not optimal?

Because they are a fixed size

What information does a singly linked list node store?

Data and Pointer

In linked list terms:

What's a head

The first node in the linked list

In linked list terms:

What's a tail?

The last node in the linked list

In linked list terms:

What's a header?

A sentinel node that has no data and points to the first element in a linked list

In linked list terms:

What's a trailer?

A sentinel node that has no data and points to the last element in a linked list

What is a linked list?

An ordered collection of nodes

What can circular lists be used for?

scheduling processes in an OS

What's another name for postfix?

Reverse Polish Notation

What's another name for prefix?

Polish Notation

What can queues be used for?

Playlist Buffers

Asynchronous Data Transfer

How does a Naive Queue work?

Moves along memory

Why are Naive Queues bad?

They are an inefficient use of space

What is a Deque?

A double ended queue

What does a Deque support?

Insertion and Deletion at both ends of the queue

What is a Deque used for?

Certain scheduling problems

How would you inplement a Deque?

Use a circular array-based implementation for a simple queue

Or use a doubly linked list

What is a priority queue?

An abstract data type storing a collection of prioritized elements

What must objects in a priority queue be?


Do keys need to be unique in a priority queue?


What do keys have to be in a priority queue if they're objects?

Linear Ordered

What's the naive implementation of a Priority Queue

O Insert at head, search whole list to remove

O Insert into ordered list, remove head of list

Why are naive implementation priority queues inefficient?

Because removal and insertion are proportional to the length of the list

What does Big-Oh give?

An upper bound on the growth rate of a function

What does "f(n) is O(g(n))" mean?

The growth rate of f(n) is no more than the growth rate of g(n)

Order the orders of growth from smallest to highest



n log(n)




If f(n) is a polynomial of degree d then f(n) is...


What two things must you drop when giving the order of growth?

Low Order Terms

Constant Factors

What is a linear data structure?

List-like structure

What is a non-linear data structure?

Richer structure

What are three non-specific types of non-linear data structures?

Non-sequential organisation

Hierarchical Structure


What is the tree structure?

A set of nodes organised by the parent-child relationship such that every node except the root has a parent

What are the uses of a tree structure?

Data Storage

Data Analysis

Search Algorithms

Sorting Algorithms (heap sort, priority queues)

What is an ordered tree?

A tree with linear ordering on the children of each node

What is an example of an ordered tree?

A Parse Tree

How can a tree be expressed with a Linked Structure?

Each node has:

Pointer to the parent node


Collection of children

What is a base case?

No recursive calls are made

What is the order of binary search?

O(log n)

What is a full/proper binary tree?

A binary tree where eEach Node has 0 or 2 children

What does each node have in a binary tree?

Left child pointer

Right child pointer


Parent Pointer

What is a binary expression tree?

A proper binary tree where each internal node has an operator and each leaf node has a value or variable

What is depth?

The number of ancestors

What is height?

The longest path from the root to a leaf

What is the ith level?

All nodes of depth i

What's the maximum number of nodes at level i?


What does a comparator object return?

>0 if more than

<0 if less than

0 if equal to

What is PQ-Sort?

Uses priority queue to sort

What are the two types of PQ-Sort?

Selection Sort

Insertion Sort

What is Selection Sort?

The variant of PQ-Sort which uses an unsorted sequence

What is Insertion Sort?

The variant of PQ-Sort which uses a sorted sequence

What is the Order of Growth for PQ-Sort?


When ordering complete binary tree nodes, what number is the root?


When ordering complete binary tree nodes, what are the values of the left and right children?

Left: 2*parent+1

Right: 2* parent+2

What is a binary heap?

A complete binary tree ordered from top to bottom so that the children keys are larger than their parents

What is the term for insertion in a binary heap?

Up-Heap Bubbling

How does up-heap-bubbling work?

Insert as last node

Swap node and parent

Repeat until order is restored

What is the term for removal in a binary hep?

down-heap bubbling

How does down-heap bubbling work?

Replace root with last node on heap

Swap node with smallest key child until order is restored

What is the order of growth for up-heap and down-heap bubbling?

O(log n)

What is the order of growth for heap building when implementing a priority queue using a heap?

O(n log n)

What is the order of growth for heap sorting when implementing a priority queue using a heap?

O(n log n)

What is a map?

A model of a searchable collection of key-value entries

What are examples of maps?


associative memory

What are the main operations for maps?

Searching for things

Inserting new things

Deleting things

What's another name for a key-value pair?


What's an important part of keys in maps?

They must be unique

How are arrays like maps?

They have an integer key for the data they hold. THey are special cases of maps

What is the simple implementation of a map?

Using a doubly linked list

When is the simple implementation of a map good?

When the map is small

What happens if you insert a key value pair and an entry is found that already has the key in a map?

That entry's data is replaced and the old data is returned

What does remove return in a map?

returns the value if it's found

returns null if not

Why are hashtables better at implementing maps than arrays?

Better performance

What two components do hash tables have?

hash function

bucket array

What is a bucket array?

arrays assigned to each array index and hold key value pairs

What's the order of growth for insertions, removals, and searches of hash tables?


What are the two parts of a hash function?

1. Generate hash code (keys -> integers)

2. Apply a compression fuction (integers -> [0, N-1])

What does MAD stand for?

Multiply, Add, Divide

What's the equation of MAD?

What are the components?

((ay + b) mod P)

P = prime number

a and b = non-negative integers [0, P-1]

What are the two ways of handling collisions?

Separate Chaining

Linear Probing

What is separate chaining?

Each bucket stores a list-based map

What is linear probing?

Placing colliding items in the next available cell (circular array)

What are the 3 conditions that linear probe searching stops at?

1. An item is found with the key

2. an empty cell is found

3. N Cells have been unsuccessfully probed

What does the remove function require for linear probing hash tables?


What is the load factor?

The expected number of entries in a bucket

Described the probability of a collision

What is the ceiling entry in an ordered map?

entry with the smallest key >= k

What is the higher entry?

smallest key > k

When is a search table the best implementation for an ordered map?

When searches are the primary operation and the maps are small

What is an AVL tree?

A Binary tree with a height balance property so that the height of children of any node differs at most by 1

What extra steps need to be taken for an AVL tree during insertion?

If the unbalance is right-right/left-left then you rotate the first node that becomes unbalanced and it's unbalanced child and shift the child node to balance

If the unbalance is left-right/right-left then you rotate the first unbalanced node and it's unbalanced child and then use the left-left/right-right balance

What is a graph?

A set of nodes connected in some way by a set of edges

Define a directed edge

An ordered pair of vertices

What is a directed graph?

All edges are directed

What are endpoints?

Nodes of an edge

Why are we taking this course?

Because Bill said so.

What is a path?

A sequence of alternating vertices and edges

What is a simple path?

all vertices and edges are distinct

What is a cycle?

A circular path beginning & ending on the same vertex

What's a simple cycle?

All edges and vertices are distinct except start & finish

What is an incident edge?

Edges belonging to a vertex

What is the edge-list structure?

A list of nodes

A list of edges

Each edge has a pointer to two nodes

What is the adjacency list structure?

On top of the edge-list structure, edges have 2 more pointers: to their references in the sequences for both of the nodes

Each node has a sequence of edges (Incidence Sequence)

Nodes also have a pointer to their edge collections

What's the problem with edge list structure?

Nodes can't find what edges they're connected to without scanning all edges

What is the Adjacency Matrix Structure?

Similar to the edge list structure

There's also another table labelled with nodes that points to edges

Edges do not point to these references

What is a subgraph?

Vertices and edges that are a subset of a bigger graph

What's a spanning subgraph?

Contains all vertices of a bigger graph

What does "Connected" mean?

A path between every pair of vertices

What is a connected component?

A maximum connected subgraph

What is a tree?

an undirected connected graph with no cycles

What is a forest?

an undirected graph that has no cycles

What's a spanning tree?

A spanning subgraph that is a tree

What is graph traversal?

Systematic procedure visiting all nodes

What can DFS do?

determine whether G is connected

find and report connected components

compute a spanning forest

What can BFS do?

determine if a graph is connected

Computer connected components

Compute a spanning forest

What are 3 BFS properties?

visits all vertices and edges

traverse edges frmo a spanning tree

the shortest path from a node to another node

What's Dijkstra's algorithm

1. Start at a node and calculate the lowest distance to opposite nodes

2. Choose Lowest node to visit

3. Repeat using all nodes

What does BFS use to find the shortest path?

A Heap

What does DAG stand for?

Directed Acyclic Graph