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23 Cards in this Set

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what is the purpose of regression?

compute future outcomes from present ones

what must be done first before a regression analysis?

1. compute correlation

2. create regression equation

3. plot regression line

what is the focus on when using regressions?

DV being predicted from the IDV

regression line

best guess as to what score on the DV or Y variable would be predicted by a score on the IDV or X variable.

line of best fit minimizes distance between each individual point and that regression line.

Y variable


X varibale


X variable is also known as what?


the predictor variable (IDV)

error in prediction is know as what?


what do the means of residuals equal to?


what is a direct reflection of the strength of the correlation between the variables?

the difference between each data point and the regression line.

-error of estimate or error in prediction

standard error of the estimate

SD of all the residuals

how much imprecision there is in the estimate

the better the correlation the less error

Bivariate Regression Formula


Y' = predicted score

b = slope, or direction of the line

a = the point at which the line crosses the y-axis intercept value of Y' where X=0

X = the score being used as the predictor (IDV)

b (the slope) signifies what?

how many predicted units change (+ or -) in the DV there are for any one unit increase in the IDV.

- example: if b = 3 then DV will increase by 3 units for every 1 unit of the IDV.

r is high if....

...scattergram points are close to regression line

- quantifies degree to which the actual points match up to predicted

null hypothesis for simple regression


when is multiple regression used?

when more than one predictor variable (IDVs) or control IDV is being used as variables.

Multiple Regression Formula

Y' = a+b1X1+b2X2

what type of coefficients do you use if you want to compare the contributions (to explain or predict DV) of different IDV to the regression equation.

standard beta coefficients

tells how much variation is explained by each independent variable.

how are standard beta coefficients created


general rule of thumb for additional IDVs being added to regression equation?

more than 3 or 4 IDV and you run the risk of them being correlated. Lose power of prediction.

-IDVs should be uncorrelated with each other

Types of Multiple Regressions

1. Simultaneous - all IDV entered at once

2. stepwise - entered by size of bi-variate correlation between the IDV and the DV

3. Hierarchical - entered in stages. control variables normally entered first

R squared

used to report the percentage or proportion of the variability in the DV that is accounted for by the combination of the IDVs in the equation.

null hypothesis for multiple regression

Ho = R2 = 0

- none of the variance is DV is explained by combination of