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257 Cards in this Set

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cell division role in uni and multicellular orgs.
uni= reproduction
multi= growth, development, replace old cells
nuclear division
cell division (cytoplasm)
90% of cell life in this phase
chromos replicated > 2 sis chromatids
holds together 2 idential sis chromatids
uncoiled DNA
indiv chromos at interphase
not visible, uncondensed chromatin, DNA is uncoiled
chromos condense
centriole pair in animals sep to op pole
nuclear membrane dissolves
centrioles at prophase
separate and move to op poles
(in animales)
spindle aparatus fibers attach to each chromatid at centromere at metaphase plate
centromeres split, sis chromatids separate to op poles
spindle fibers shorten
spindle fibers are composed of...
spindle apparatus dissapears
nuclear membrane forms
chromos uncoil
cleavage furrow
in animals
cell membrane indents along equator and pinches through the cell, separating 2 nuceli
cell division in animal vs plant diffs ( 3)
animals (cleavage furrow), plants (cell plate)
plants dont have centrioles
plants dont have spindle apparatus
homolog chromos
chromos that code for same traits, one from each parents
2 homolog chromos come together at prophase 1 in meiosis and intertwine forming tetrad
4 chromatids (2 homolog chromos)
crossing over
in prophase 1, chromatids of homologs break and exchange pieces of DNA
increase diversity
recombinant chromos
homolog chromos have swapped DNA during crossing over in prophase 1
homolog chromos separate and are pulled to op poles of the cell
in anaphase 1
mitosis vs meiosis
mitosis 2n >2n, occurs in all cells, homologs dont pair; no crossing over
meiosis 2n>1N, occurs in sex cells, homolog chromos pair at metaphase plate; crossing over occurs
sexual reproduction
fusion of 2 gametes from 2 diff parents
organs where gametes are produced
testes (males), ovaries (women)
produce sperm in tightly coiled seminiferous tubules,
surrounded by several layers of connective tissue
females gonads, produce gametes (eggs/oocytes)
female eggs produced in gonad:ovaries
(and 2 ex)
species with both male and female gonads
i.e hydra & earthworm
sperm production
occurs in seminiferous tubules
diploid cells (spermatogonia) undergo meiosis > 4 haploid sperm
sperm structure
elongated cell with head (mostly nucleus with paternal genome), tail (flaggellum; propels sperm), neck (has mitochondria for locomotion energy), body
production of female gametes in ovaries
1 diploid primary sex cell undergo meiosis > single mature egg...& polar bodies
unequal cytokinesis >single daughter cell, 2ndary oocyte
polar body
small cell with little more than the nucleus
rapidly disintergrate
mature ovum
contains most of cytoplasm, RNA, organelles, and nutrients needed by embryo
union of egg and sperm nuclei > zygote (2n)
in external pouch called scrotum
2- 4 deg lower than body temp
route of sperm
testes (seminiferous tubules) > vas deferens > ejaculatory duct > urethra> penis
testes produce hormone...
in Leydig cells, scattered between seminierous tubules
produce by testes
regulates 2ndary male sex characteristics; faicl/pubic hair, voice change
ovaries are located...
in abdominal cavity, below D.S
ovaries consist of...
thousands of follcles
multilayered sac of cells that contains, nourishes, and protects an immature ovum
follicle cells produce...
estrogen produced by...
follicle cells
testosterone produced by....
(in Leydig cells)
egg passage...
ovum released from pvart into abdom cavity> oviduct > fallopian tube > upper end of uterus> lower (cervix)> vaginal canal
site of fetal development
sperm is deposited in
vaginal canal
vaginal canal
where sperm is deposited during intercourse
ovaries synthesize
estrogen and progesterone
steroid hormone, stimulates female development of sex traits/ reproductive tract
thickens endometrium
secreted by ovarian follicle and corpus luteum
uterine wall
steroid hormone secreted by corpus luteum during luteal phase of menstrual cycle
develops and maintains endometrium walls in preparation for implantation
follicular phase
stop menstrual flow from previous cycle
FSH from anterior pituitary develops follcle which grows and secretes estrogen
follicle stimulating hormone
from anterior pituitary
develops follicle which grows and secretes estrogen
midway through cycle, mature ovarian follicle bursts and releases an ovum
due to surge in LH and peak in estorgen
LH and estrogen cause...
ovulation, ovarian follicle bursts and releases an ovum
luteal phase
after ovulation
lutenizing hormone causes ruptured follicle to develop into corpus luteum
prepares endometrium for implantation
corpus luteum
forming during luteal phase due to LH
secretes estrogen and progesterone
ovum not fertilized
corpus luteum atrophies
E&P levels drop causing endometrium to slough off and
monthly menstrual flow due to decreased estrogen and progesterone lvls
developing placenta produces hormone...
human chorionic gonadotrophin
- maintains corpus luteum and E&P that maintains uterus,
...until placenta takes over production of E&P
binary fission
asexual reporduction
> 2 equal sized cells
new cell wall and membrane drows inward along midline of cell
(2 ex of org)
unequal cytokinesis
cell membrane pinches to form new cell, smaller size
i.e hydra, yeast
regeneration is/requires...
(2 ex)
regrowth of lost/injured bodypart
needs central disk
i.e hydra, starfish
unfertilized egg > adult org
ie bees, ants males
diploid stage of plant life cycle
reproduces asexually
haploid generation of plant life cycle
produces gametes by mitosis
reproduces sexually
alternation of generations
plant life cycle
2n sporophyte (^ dominance over time)
1n gametophyte
an earthworm produces__ gametes
eggs and sperm
breaking of body into several pieces, which develop into complete adults
accompanied by regeneration
parthogenesis haploid adults produce eggs...
without undergoing meiosis
whiptail lizards assume male sex when...
estorgen lvls are low after ovulation,

are females when estogen is high
sequential hermaphroditism
indiv reverses its sex during its lifetiime
chem signals released by an org that influences the physiology/ behavior of other indiv of same species
small, water-soluble, volatile
sac in which sperm may be stored for a year or more
(in some species)
opening to outside for digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts in non-mammal vertes
one egg cell surrounded by one or more layers of follicle cells which nourish and protect the developing egg cell
egg cell is released from follicle
how oviduct gets egg...
has cilia on epithelium lining the duct to collect egg by drawing body fluid from body cavity into duct
thick, muscular organ that expands during pregnancy
female external genitalia
thin piece of tissue that covers vaginal opening until 1st sexual intercourse
Bartholin's gland
located near vaginal opening
secretes mucus into vestibule to lubricate during intercourse
mammary glands
glands with sacs of epithelial tissue that secretes milk that drains at nipple
how oviduct gets egg...
has cilia on epithelium lining the duct to collect egg by drawing body fluid from body cavity into duct
thick, muscular organ that expands during pregnancy
female external genitalia
Bartholin's gland
located near vaginal opening
secretes mucus into vestibule to lubricate during intercourse
mammary glands
glands with sacs of epithelial tissue that secretes milk that drains at nipple
Leydig cells
scattered between seminiferous tubules
produce testosterone
coiled tubes next to testes where sperm is held
ejaculation path
sperm propelled from epididymis through muscular vas deferens > ejaculatory duct > urethra
vas deferens
2 ducts that run behind urinary bladder to seminal vesicle ( join forming ejaculatory duct)
seminal vesicle
gives semen 60% of its volume
thick, yellow, alkaline
has muscus and fructose
prostaglandins -stimulate uterine contractions
prostate gland
largest gland
secretes products into urethra
think, milky, anticoagulant enzymes
bulbourethral glands
pair along urethra, below prostate
secrete clear mucus that neutralizes acid urine in uretha
aka Cowper's glands
accessory glands of male reproductive sys
seminal vesicles (2) > prostate gland > Bulbourethral glands (2)
fold of skin that covers human's glans penis
filling of tissue with blood
^ blood flow through arteries
sexual response
increased muscle tension
"in heat"
when vagina allows mating
time when females very receptive to sexual activity
oogenesis stages
oogonia > mitosis > primary oocytes, in follicle until puberty > FSH at puberty causes follicle meiosis 1, stop at metaphase 2= 2ndary oocyte > released at ovulation
meiosis continues when fertilized
head of sperm tip has enzymes that help sperm penetrate egg
spermatogonia > primary spermatocyte > meoisis 1 , 2ndary speramtocyte > meoisis 2, spermatids
goandotrophin- releasing hormone secreted by hypothalamus
FSH and LH secreted by...
anterior pituitary
FSH and LH control hormones...
estrogen and progesterone
GnRH stimulates,,,,
pituitary gland to secrete FSH and LH
(follicular stage)
high estrogen lvls stimulates secretion of...
hypothalamus release of GnRH
proliferative phase of uterine cycle
high estrogen ^ growing follicles, ^ endometrium to thicken
secretory phase of uterine cycle
endometrium continues to thicken and becomes more vascularized, and develops galnds that secrete glyogen-rich fluid
FSH (in males)
released by anterior pituitary
acts on Sertolli cells, which nourish developing sperm
LH (in males)
acts on Leydig cells, ^ testosterone
what is principle of induction in vertebrates?
Induction is the process by which one part of an embryo causes adjacent tissues or parts to change form or shape
bloodtype AB
can receive type A, B or O blood
what is codominance?
when a heterozygote express the phenotype of two or more alleles in equal amounts. for example, people with AB blood type
in humans, fertilization of egg by sperm occurs where?
Eggs released by ovary they travel through the Fallopian tubes (where fertilization occurs) then into the Uterus (where implantation occurs)
hormone released by thyroid
decreases blood calcium
counteract PTH effect on kidneys (vit D acts on intestines, absorb Ca2+), and bones

CalciTONIN, tones down CA2+ lvls
condition of carrying embryo in uterus
in humans, fertilization of egg by sperm
fertilization in humans occurs...
in oviduct
rapid cell divisions w/o growth during early embryonic growth
embryo stays same size
converts zygote > ball of cells
small cells = blastomeres
sphere of cells containing cavity (in mammals)
~ 1 week after fertilization
has inner cell mass which develops into embryo

mammal version of blastula
blastocyst does what?
implant into endometrium
embryo secretes hormone...
human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG)
maintain E and P secretion by corpus luteum
(takes over LH, from pituitary)
outter layer of the blastocyst that intermingles with endometrium
> form placenta
outer layer of blastocyst
disk-shaped organ
has embryonic and maternal blood vessels
blood get to embryo through
umbilical vein
blood from embryo travels in _ to get to placenta
umbilical artery
development of body organs
first trimester (mainly)
embryo at 8 wks
in second trimester...
hCG lvls decline, corpus luteum disintergrates, placenta takes over production of Progesterone
fetal capillaries project into...
maternal portion of placenta
blood pools in endometrium
fetal capillaries are in...
chorionic villi in placenta
labor is?
strong, rhythmic contraction of uterus that expel baby out of uterus and vagina duing childbirth
oxytocin's role
produced by fetus
stimulates powerful contractions by smooth muscles of uterus
stimulate placenta to secrete prostaglandins
prostaglandins role
increase/enhance contractions of smooth uterus muscle
oxytocin stimulate
labor stages
1. opening up and thining of cervix, dilation
2. expulsion/delivery of baby
3. delivery of placenta
postnatal care in mammals
decreased progesterone allow prolactin secretions
after birth
stimulates milk production
oxytocin controls...
^ uterus smooth muscle contractions
controls release of milk from mammary glands
birth control
synthetic estrogen and progesterone
stops release of GnRH by hypothalamus, decreasing FSH (prevents follicle maturation) and LH from pituitary (prevents ovulation)
prevents fertilization by thickening woman's cervical mucus so it blocks sperm from entering uterus
tubal ligation
women tie off section of oviducts to prevent eggs from traveling to uterus
sterilization types
tubal ligation (women)
vasectomy (men)
cutting of each vas deferens to prevent sperm from entering urethra
hormone of pregnancy test
human chorionic gonadotrophin
acts as LH to maintain corpus luteum .:P&E
production of progesterone
corpus luteum > human chorionic gonadotrophin (by embryo) > placenta
what is preformation?
idea that sperm/egg contains an embryo, preformed mini adult
cytoplasmic determinants
maternal substances in egg that influences course of early development by regulating expression of genes that affect developmental fate of traits
cell differentiation
specialization of cells in their structure and function
process where animal takes shape (forms structure of org) and the differentiated cells end up in appropiate locations
hollow ball of cells
zygote undergoes cleavage > blastula
...becomes blastocyst
small cells formed during cleavage
cluster of cells from first 5-7 divisions of cleavage
blastocoel begins to form (fluid-filled cavity)
fluid-filled cavity
begins to form in morula
finished forming morula > blastula
hollow ball of cells
has blastocoel (fluid-filled cavity 6
stored nutrients
3 layered embryo
layer = germ layers (endo, ecto,mes-derm)
outer layer of gastrula
fills space between ectoderm and endoderm
lines embryonic digestive tract
endoderm-lined cavity
formed during gastrulation
develops into digestive tract
opening of archenteron in gastrula that develops into mouth (in protostomes) or anus (in deuterostomes)
formed from dorsal mesoderm that condenses above the archenteron
flexible rod that runs along dorsal axis of animal
neural tube
tube of cells running along dorsal axis of body
dorsal to notochord
notochord signals cause neural plate in ectoderm
neural crest
band of cells along border of where neural tube piches off from ectoderm
migrate to become PNS
paired mesoderm, lateral to notochord of vert embryo
somites + notochord > vertebrae
protects embryo in fluid-filled cavity
prevents dehydration and cushions from shock
disposal sac for metabolic wastes produced by embryo
also functions with chorion as respiratory organ

in mammals:
in umbilical cord, forms blood vessels that transport oxygen and nutrients from placenta > embryo
exchange gases between embryo and surrounding air
functions with allantois membrane
yolk sac
has blood vessels to transport nutrients from yolk to embryo
upper layer of cells of the inner cell mass of blastocyst
lower layer of cells of the inner cell mass of blastocyst
interaction among embryonic cells influence their fate
i.e by causing change in gene expression
capable of developing into all cell types found in the adult
first cleavage is asymetrical w. 2 blastomeres receiving 2 diff cytoplasmic determinants
cleavage path (in mammals)
zygote > morula > cells differentiate (trophoblast and embryoblast/inner cell mass/blastocoel cavity) [blastocyst] > gastrula
structure of blastocyst
outer layer; trophoblast
inner cell mass/ embryoblast
bastocoel (fluid-filled cavity)
Sertoli cells
specialized cells of seminiferous tubules where speratogenesis occurs
spermatogenesis occurs...
in Sertoli cells of seminiferous tubules
spermatogonia > ....sperm
spermatogonia> miosis (primary spermatocyte) 2n > meiosis 1 (spermatids), > meiosis 2...mature into spermatids (connected by cytoplasmic bridge) n > gain flagellum (sperm)
sperm become motile in...
oogenesis begins when?
in embryo
spermatogenesis begins when..?
oogonia> meiosis stops at prophase 1 (primary oocytes 2n)
> at puberty, FSH develops follicles, finish 1st meiotic cycle ( n secondary oocyte) + 1st polar body= oocyte/egg

meiosis 2 stops at metaphase2; completed when ovulated occyte is fertilized by sperm (+ 2nd polar body)
= ovum!
endometrium cycle stages
proliferative phase
secretory phase
deuterostome evolutionary line
cleavage is indeterminant, each cell can develop into a separate org
cleavage is radial
protostome evolutionary line
determinate cleavage, cells specialize early in development
spiral cleavage
when blastula develops distinct 3 layers (ecto, meso and endoderm)
Ectoderm forms....
S - sweat glands
E- epidermis
E - eye (lens and cornea)
N - NS

T- tooth enamel
H - hair
E - epithial lining of mouth/rectum
N- nails
Mesoderm forms...
S- skeletal system
M- muscle
A - adrenal cortex
L - lining of body cavity
L- lymph system
Endoderm forms...
P- pancreas
E - epithelial lining of digestive tract
T- thyroid

R- reproductive tract
U - urinary tract
L- liver
E- epithial lining of respiratory tract
stimulate uterine contractions to move sperm
secreted by seminal vesicles
vitelline layer is..
glycoprotein layer surrounding plasma membrane of oocyte
aka zona pellucida
zona pellucida is ...?
aka vitelline layer
glycoprotein layer surrounding plasma membrane of oocyte
embryo polarity
vegetal pole - more yolk/ stored food
animal pole
chem signal that is secreted into circulatory system and communicated regulatory msgs within the body
body's long-distance chem regulators
target cell
equipped to respond to a specific hormone
conveys electrical signals along neurons
endocrine system
hormones coordinate slow, but long acting responses to stimuli
endocrine glands
ductless glands
secrete chem msgers directly into extracellular fluid
neurosecretory cells
specialized nerve cells that release hormones('neurohormones') into blood
(connection between NS and ES)
fight-or-flight hormone
produced by adrenal medulla
-also chem signal conveys msgs between neurons in NS

breaks down glycogen > glucose
efferent signal
outgoing signal from control center that directs effector to respond
acts on particular effector tissue and elicts specific changes
signal transduction
signal transduction pathway
binding of a signal molecule to a receptor protein triggers events in target cell

- series of changes in cellular proteins that converts extracellular chem signal to specific intracellular response
skin cells
contain dark brown pigment melanin
in frogs MSH causes darkening of skin by dispearsion of pigment molecules in melanophore cells
water-soluble hormone binds to
receptor protein on surface of target cell
lipid-soluble hormone binds to
intracellular receptor, in cytoplam or nucleus
hormone-receptor complex move > nucleus and stimulate transcription of genes
paracrine signaling
local regulators convey msgs between neighbouring cells
target cells nearby
nitric oxids (NO)
local regulator
when blood O2 lvls drop, endothelial cells in blood vessel walls synthesize and release NO which relaxes smooth muscle/dilates vessels ^ blood flow
gland, hormones released from posterior pituitary and hormones that regulate the anterior pituitary
pituitary gland
posterior- releases neurohormones made in hypothalamus
anti-diuretic hormone
promotes retention of H2) by kidneys
regulated by h20/salt balance
human growth hormone
stimulates growth and metabolic functions...^bone& cartilage growth
regulated by hypothalamus
secreted by anterior pituitary
stimulates milk production and secretion
reg by hypothal
stimulates thyroid gland
reg by thyroxine in blood and hypothal hor
adrenocorticotrophic hormone
stimulates adrenal cortex to secrete glucocorticoids
reg by glucocorticoids and hypotha hor
Thyronine (T4)
Triiodothryonine (T3)
secreted by thyroid
stimulate and maintain metabolic processes
Reg by TSH
parathyroid hormone
secreted by parathyroid gland
raises blood Calcium lvl by causing osteoclasts to decompose mineralized matrix of bone and release Ca2+
converts Vit D in kidneys to active hormonal form
reg by cal lvls in blood
secreted by pancreas
lowers blood glucose lvl
reg by glucose lvl in blood
secreted by pancreas
raises blood glucose lvl
reg by glucose in blood
adrenal medulla
secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine
reg by NS
raise blood glucose
secreted by adrenal cortex
reg by ACTH
secreted by adrenal cortex
promote absorption of Na+ and excretion of K+ in kidneys
reg by K+ in blood
secreted by pineal gland
reg biological rhythms
reg by light/dark cycles
posterior pituritary
secretes oxytocin and ADH
tropic hormones
hormones that regulate the function of endocrine organs
i.e FHS/LH, TSH, ACTH, Prolactin, MSH, Endorphin, HGH
neurosecretory cells of hypothalamus > ...
posterior pituitary
anterior pituitary secretes...

(MSH, melanocyte-stimulating hormone, in fish/frogs)
B-endorphins- bind to brain receptors to dull pain preception
Grave's Disease
high body temp, sweating, weight loss, high bp, protruding (bulging) eyes
deficiency of iodine in diet
thyoid gland cannot secrete enough T4/ T3 to neg feedback loop... .: TRH from hypotha &TSH from anterior pituitary secreted...thyroid enlarges
skeletal muscles contract compulsively due to low blood Ca 2+ lvls
stimulated by PTH
decomposed mineralized matrix of bone and releases Ca2+ into blood
islets of Langerhans
clusters of endocrine cells scattered throughout exocrine tissue of pancreas.
Each islet has alpha and beta cells
alpha cells produce...
hormone glucagon

Alpha, Add, Glucose, Glucagon
beta cell produce...
hormone insulin
insulin role...
lowers blood glucose by stimulating all body cells, except brain, to take up glucose from blood
diabetes mellitus
deficieny in insulin in target tissues
ppl have high glusocse in blood, excrete glucose in urine
autoimmune...detroyed beta cells
glucocorticoid of adrenal cortex
anti-inflammatory effects , supress immune system
proteins/fats broken down > glucose, ^ blood glucose
secreted by adrenal cortex
stimulates kidneys to reabsorbe Na ions and water from filtrate, ^ bp and volume
Brain hormone
neurosecretory cells in insect brain produces BH,
stimulates release of ecdysome
Ecdysone hormone
secreted from prothoracic gland,
reg by Brain Hormone of neurosecretory cells
promotes molting and development of adult traits in insect
Juvenile hormone
secreted by corpis allata
promotes retention of larvel traits in insect

when lvls wane, ecdysone produce pupa, metamorphosis gives adult form
secreted by adrenal cortex
stimulated by ACTH
- glucocorticoids; cortisol& cortisone (^ blood glucose by promoting protein breakdown )
mineralocorticoids; aldosterone (regulate Na/K lvls and water by reabsorption in nephron, ^ bp & blood volume
- sex hormones; androgens
adrenal cortex levels (3)
outter = glomerulosa, secretes aldosterone
middle = fasciculata, secretes cortisol
inner = reticularis, secretes anddrogens

For - cortisol
secreted by adrenal cortex
epinephrine and norepinephrine
hormones of anterior pituitary (6)

P- Prolactin
I- (ignore)
G - GH
overproduction of GH in adults
overgrowth of bone
= GH
hypothyroidism in newborn
have mental retardation and short stature
hormone secreted by kidneys when blood volume falls
cahnges plasma protein from angiotenosin 1to angiotensin 2, which stimulate adrenal cortex to release aldosterone
injested food causes stomach to release
causes glands to release HCl
released by small intestine when acidic food enters from stomach
stimulates secretion of alkaline bicarbonate soln from pancreas
released from small intestine when fats are present
causes contraction of gallbladdr and release of bile into s.intestine
cyclic AMP
second msger, relays msgs from extracellilar peptide hormone (first msgers) & initates successive rsn in cell
conversion of ATP > cAMP catylyzed by enyme adenylate cyclase
cAMP is inactivated by cytoplasmic enzyme: phosphodiesterase