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45 Cards in this Set

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Criticality v Sensitivity in the sense of data classification
sneisitivity is commensurate with losses org would sustain if revealed; criticality is indicator of how the loss would impact fundamental business processes of the org
Data sensitivity levels in commercial sector
"Confidential, prviate, sensitive, public"
Data sensitivity labels in government sector
"Top secret, secret, confidential, sensitive but unclassified, unclassified"
Criteria for data classification
"Conditions, Elements, Limitations, Procedures"
Considerations during security labeling
"usefulness of data, value of data, age, effects of data on security"
Privacy v Security
Security leads to privacy; privacy refers to the amount of control an individual ca expect to have as it relates to release of their personal info
CSO and CPO positions
CSO has broader responsibility than CISO because their concerned with organizational risk; CPO is chief privacy officer and is concerned with preventing disclosure of data
Data Owner responsibility
responsible for classifying data and authorizing controls
data custodian
"responsible for backing up data, implementing controls, performing integrity checks, restoring data, maintaing activity records, etc."
system owner
"responsible for ensuring proper security controls on owned systems; have to manage vulnerabilities on their systems, etc.; might be the same person as the data owner"
security administrator
"responsible for implementing specific security network devices and software in the enterprise; this person might also handle account provisioning, patch mgmt, and password issuance"
Trusted Platform Module
3 States of Data
"At rest, in-use, in transit"
Definition of Configuration Management
"The process of identifying and documenting hardware components, software, and the associated settings'"
Example contents of a configuration management document
"Make, Model, MAC, Serial#, OS/Firmware, BIOS or passwords"
Distinction between QA and QC
QA procedures maintain quality throughout all development stages while QC occurs at the end of the production cycle
Data Standards Examples
"Agreements on format, representation, definition, structuring, etc. All leads to more efficient management"
Media Viability Controls
"Marking, handling, storage"
Data Remanance
Data that is left over after we purge a disk
Federal Information Processing Standards
3 fundamentals of data retention policies
"What do we keep, how long, and where do we keep it?"
process of producing for a ccourt all electronically stored information pertinent to a legal proceeding
side channel attack example
analyzing how a processor changes during encryption to determine the type of algo in use
3 Types of DLP approaches
"Network, Endpoint, Hybrid"
Misuse Case
describe the actions of a threat actor rather than a legitimate user
CCCA of 1984
"Precursor to 86 CFAA; this idetnfied a number of crimes, which include some ocmputer crimes"
Computer Security Act of '87
Mandated baseline security requirements for federal info systems; led to formation of NIST
Prudent Man Rule

Would a theoretical prudent man do this? Also relates to executives being personally liable for info sec negligence

1994 CFAA Amendments
Basically broadened the jurisdiction so that it was no longer JUST federal and financial info systems
"Government information security act- Amendment to late 90's paperwork reduction act, which placed some controls on agency in the areas of, say, collecting more data or adding processes"
Tasked NIST with developing some infosec requirements for federal agencies
4 Types of License agreements
"Contractual, Shrink-wrap, click-through, cloud service"
Privacy Act of '74
Limits ability of feds to disclose personal data
Fourth Amendment
Constitutional right to privacy
Electronic Communications Privacy Act of '74 - prohibits any interception of transmissions
Comm Assist for Law Enforc. - requires comm carriers to make wiretaps possible
Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act of 98
Protected Health Information
Clearing v purging
clearing will write a bit pattern over the disk space once; purging provides higher assurance by performing the operation multiple times
"Microsofts disk encryption method, which uses AES on the TPM"
symmetric algo with variable key sizes between 32 and 448 bits
Safe Harbor
set of STANDARDS companies must comply with if they transfer data/work with EU companies
ISMS Definition
"a coherent set of policies, processes, and systems to manage risks to information assets. Outlined in ISO 27001"
ISMS v enterprise security architecture
"Enterprise Security architecture is a subset of business architecture and focuses on strategically aligning security initiatives throughout processes, systems, etc. ESA should tie in strategic alignment, business enablement, rpcoess enhancement, and security effectiveness."
"Microsoft threat categorization scheme - Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, DoS, Escalation of Privledge"