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47 Cards in this Set

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True or false- CF is an autosomal dominant disorder and is the most common disorder of this time among caucasians?
False: autosomal RECESSIVE
When is CF most typically diagnosed?
At or shortly after birth.

Note: if diagnosed later in adolescence its considered "milder" phenotype
CF is caused by mutations on a single gene on chromosome ___ and is known as _._._._

- This specifically function as regulated ____ channel at the epithelial surface
Chromosome 7
- CFTR- Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator

- Chloride channel
True or false: there are 1500 mutations id'd in CFTR gene but not all of them = CF?

Note: there are about 1200 associated with clinical disease
Classes of Genetic Mutations: 1-5-

which is the most severe?
which is the most common?
which is the most mild?
1 is the most severe

2 is the most common --> delta F508 mutation

5 is the most mild
True or false: the delta F508 is the only mutation associated?
False: F508 does correlate but other factors take part like TGF-beta 1 and MBL (mannose binding lectin)
A major part of diagnosis involves increased ____ content in sweat gland secretions
What Sx would a patient present with CF?
Respiratory Sx
Failure to thrive
meconium ileus
- there MUST be clinical Sx consistent with CF in at least ___ organ system(s) AND evidence of ____ dysfunction

- Gold standard for Dx is ____ shown by >____mmol/L on ____ occasions?
- One organ system; CFTR

-Sweat chloride test- >60 mmol/L on 2 occasions
In the sweat test, what is applied to the skin?
- Pilocarpine, a cholinergic agent that causes sweating
>85% of mortality from CF is due to ____ Dz indicated by what type of Sx?
- pulmonary

-Sx = lung destruction due to dehydrated & thickened secretions, infection, exaggerated inflammatory response
- spontaneous pneumothorax, hemoptysis, respiratory failure
Life expectancy today is __-__ years
40-50 years
Pancreatic/GI Tract Involvement:

1. Intestinal- obstruction due to ____ deficiencies.

- Sx include
1. enzyme

-GERD, meconium ileus (destruction of small intestine due to electrolyte transportation deficits), distal intestinal obstruction syndrome
Pancreatic/GI Tract Involvement:

2. Pancreatic-
- (Most/Least) common GI complication

- ____ malabsorption leads to maldigestion of nutrients
- most common (99% with delta F508 mutation have it)

-fat malabsorption (leads to decreased enzymes)
Pancreatic/GI Tract Involvement:

3. Hepatobiliary
- usually diagnosed by age ____
- can lead to ____-HTN, ____varices, hyper____ism
- 20

-portal HTN; esophageal varices, hypersplenism
Pancreatic/GI Tract Involvement:

Medications and Tx

- _____ ____ supplementation
- ____ to ____ lipase units per 1 gm ingested fat
- pancreatic enzyme

-500-4000 lipase units
- releases enzymes in the ____ at a pH >5.5
- taken how?
- can they substitute?

- Dosing per CF foundation based on ___ ___/kg per meal- max of ____/kg/day
- duodenum
- swallow whole with meals or sprinkle contents on nonalkaline food (applesauce, jelly)

- lipase units; max of 10,000 lipase units per day
Which of the following pancreatic enzymes are NOT on the market today?

B. Pancreaze
C. Pancrease
D. Creon
C. Pancrease
Vitamins Suplementation
- all patients should be taking ____
- additional ___ soluble vitamins
- Vitamin ___ 5 mg PO 2x/wk if ____ ___ prolonged
- multivitamin
- fat soluble vitamins

- Vit K, if PT time prolonged
Surgery options
- for meconium ileus- usually don't respond to ____

- _____ transplant
- enemas

- liver txp
Respiratory Tract Involvement:
- Lab tests- often have decrease in ___ and ___ and increased ___ volume
- decreased FEV, FEV1; increased tidal volume

(due to viscous secretions)
Respiratory Tract Involvement:
- medications:
- ____/____ (dornase alpha)
- MOA?
- Improved ___
- __ mg inhaled via ____ daily

- Recommendation: grade ___ for children > ___ with mod-severe. Grade __ for mild
- DNase I/ Pulmozyme

- MOA: endonuclease; cleaves long strands of denatured DNA released by degenerating neutrophils- liquefied CF sputum
- FEV1
- 2.5 mg; nebulizer

-A; >6 yrs; B for mild
Respiratory Tract Involvement:
- Medcations:
Hypertonic Saline
MOA: liquefies mucus by pulling ___ from airway to surface layer

- dose: ___ mL of ___% saline inhaled via nebulizer ____ daily

-used in combo?
- H20

- 4 mL; 7%; twice daily

- yes, combo with DNase I in pts >6 yrs (alone for 6 mo - 6 yrs)
Respiratory Tract Involvement:
Medications- Albuterol
- MOA?
- Improved ___
- Grade ___ recommendation
- Beta-2 adrenergic receptor agonist
- FEV1
Respiratory Tract Involvement:
- True or false: the CF foundation recommends the chronic use of inhaled steroids in all patients
- False!

Note: grade B recommendation use high dose ibuprofen in pts >6 yrs with FEV1 >60%
True or false: Inhaled anticholinergics, cromolyn, leukotriene modifiers, N-acetylcysteine do not have sufficient evidence of efficacy?
Chest Physiotherapy- to promote ___ and includes ___ and ____ techniques

Supplemental ____ is reserved for pts with chronic hypoxemia
- secretion clearance; breathing and coughing

- oxygen
Respiratory Tract Involvement:
Role of Vaccinations:
- yearly ___ in pts >6mo
- _____ vaccine due to favorable risk-benefit profile
- influenza

- pneumococcal
Potential Pathogens involved in airway:
- name a few involved
- which one is the WORST to have?
- S. aureus
- H. influenza
- P. aeruginosa
- Burkholderia capecia

- the worst is burkholderia!
Data shows greater improvement of lung function when ______ are added to bronchodilators
- antibiotics
When should you give PO antibiotics?

When should you give IV antibiotics?
- mild and pathogens are sensitive

- severe and bacteria are resistant
What type of antibiotics can you give PO? For how long?

- aerosolized ____ or ____ for P. aeruginosa
- Bactrim, dicloxacillin, Amox-Clav, Cephalexin, macrolide
"BD-MAC".. BD is a MAC

- for 14-21 days

- Tobi or colistin for P. aerug
Clearance of hydrophillic abx (Aminoglycosides, PCNs, cephs) are INCREASED/DECREASED in CF patients?

Do you need LARGER/SMALLER more frequent dosing?
- increased

- larger
- ____ has best activity against Pseudomonas
- start dose __-___% higher than normal
- ____ daily dosing
- Tobramycin
- once daily
Vanco: do you have to increase the dose compared to a non-CF patient?

- Adults need (Higher/Lower/Same) dose as non-CF patient
- Children need (Higher/Lower/Same) dose as non-CF patient

- Adults - same
- Children need HIGHER dose (40 mg/kg/day)
How often should sputum cultures be obtained?

- Lungs appear ______ on radiograph

- _.____ and _.____ persist for years once est in airways
- monthly

- hyperinflated

- P. aeruginosa, B. cepacia
True for False:

1. Routine PO broad spectrum ABX is recommended
2. Prophylactic anti-staph abx is not supported
3. Chronic PO meds directed towards Pseudomonas supported
1. False
2. True
3. False- NEBULIZED not PO!!!!
Many CF centers treat recently detected Pseudomonas with ____ or _____ for 28 days
- Tobramycin; quinolone for 28days
- dose: ___ mg in 5 mL sterile water via jet _____ BID x ___days on ___ days off
- Improves ____
- inhaled
- Aminoglycocide
- 300 mg; nebulizer; 28 on, 28 off
- FEV1
- route:
- benefit over TOBI?
- nebulized
- antipseudomonal polypeptide
- no shown benefit
- Class
- used in what type of infections?
- ___ - ___ mg __ times weekly or ___ mg daily

- Improves ____ and reduces ___
- macrolide
- antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory activity
- Pseudomonas- Grade B
- 250-500 3x/week; 250 mg daily

- FEV1; exacerbations
- Normal:
- Mildly impaired
- Moderately impaired
- Severely impaired
- Normal >90%
- Mild = 70-89%
- Mod = 40-69%
- Severe = <40%
Infection with ______ associated with accelerated decline in pulm function and its presence is a contraindication to ____ ____
- Burkholderia; lung transplant
Drugs used against Burkholderia
- Bactrim, Doxyclycline, Ceftazidime, meropenem or a combo of 2 or more

Burkhold is a "Bad Dog Crap Master"
About ___% of males are sterile

Females experience ____ irregularities
- 95%

- mentrual (abnormal cervical mucus production)
Hematological abnormalities due to distrubances in ___ regulation and ___ availability

- DECREASED/INCREASED HCT and serum ferritin?

- DECREASED/INCREASED carboxyhemoglobin
- EPO; Iron

- decreased

- increased
Gene therapy:

- correction of _._._._. through homologous replacement
- Splicesome-mediated RNA transsplicing to correct ___-____
- Inserting normal _._._._. copies to airway cells

- delta F508