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58 Cards in this Set

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According to Bill Taylor's Letter to My Students , which of the following is NOT identified as something that academic integrity requires of professors regarding time in class?
Not embarrass students by calling on them when their hands are not raised
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's document entitled Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures is an example of:
a. The civic obligations of members of the academic community of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
b. The stewardship of the members of the academic community of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
c.The shared ethical principles of the members of the academic community of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
d.The integrity of individual members of the academic community of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Which of the following statements is characteristic of students engaged in academic dishonesty?
They prioritize privileges associated with having credentials needed for schools, jobs, and professions over academic integrity.
Juliana and her roommate Bethany are in the same Personal Finance class. Juliana is prepared for the exam, but Bethany is not and needs help. Usually, Juliana would never consider helping a classmate cheat on an exam, but she feels for Bethany because she knows that she was called in to work unexpectedly last night and did not have the amount of study time she had planned to have. Bethany has asked Juliana to use her phone as her calculator for the exam so that Juliana can reply to text messages from Bethany to provide Bethany with answers she may need during the exam. Juliana is not willing to do this. However, Juliana has agreed to sit beside Bethany and make her work visible to Bethany. Juliana knows that her own exam will be honest, as she plans to put her best effort into completing it without any unauthorized assistance. Juliana figures if Bethany is going to look at her exam then that will be Bethany s choice.....etc. will she be guilty of cheating?
Yes because Juliana has engaged or attempted to engage in the assistance of another individual in misrepresenting the academic performance of a student, then her actions do meet the University s definition of cheating.
A lack of academic integrity is more likely in which of the following contexts?
a.When there is a tradition of overt supervision instead of privacy and self-policing
b.When faculty members enforce disciplinary procedures too harshly
c. When the definition of misconduct is unambiguous
d. When societal pressure to succeed is prioritized over shared ethical principles
According to Bill Taylor's Letter to My Students, which of the following is NOT identified as something that academic integrity requires of students regarding written assignments?
Hand in a paper which you yourself have done as it does not matter when you did it or if you did it for another course, as long as it is your work and it meets the requirement of the written assignment for the current class.
According to Bill Taylor's Letter to My Students , which of the following is NOT identified as something that academic integrity requires of students with regards to exams?
Simply answer each question and move on, you are not required to stay the entire class time if you finish early
According to your lecture on Social Responsibility, which of the following statements about academic dishonesty is NOT SUPPORTED by research evidence?
Individuals who were academically dishonest during their college years are found to be honest in the workplace
In the video Tales of the Honor Ninja: The Honor Ninja Within, the battles that Jordan's Honor Ninja wins are examples of:
Jordan's stewardship of the privileges and obligations he has as a member of his academic community
A culture of integrity in the academic community is sustained when students are rewarded for _______________ rather than ______________.
the process of learning; a product
Which of the following refers to the careful and responsible management of the privileges and obligations associated with group membership (members of a particular culture, society, global community, inhabitants of the earth...)?
Written notice to the student or organization that continuation or repetition of specified misconduct may be cause for other disciplinary action.
Reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property or reimbursement for medical expenses incurred by a third party as a direct result of misconduct.
Specified period of time during which a student or organization is warned that any further
Behavioral requirement
Written conditions imposed by a judicial board or a judicial officer which establish specified requirements for the student or organization
Exclusion from all or specified classes and/or exclusion from all or specified privileges or activities of the University and/or exclusion from the campus for a specified period of time.
Permanent termination of student status or organizational status at the University.
In the video Tales of the Honor Ninja: The Honor Ninja Within, Jordan is on his way to the library to do some research for a paper he is assigned to write. Along the way, he runs into a classmate, Sherman, who shows him a book and explains that he can copy straight out of the book and be done with the assignment. In this scenario, which form of academic dishonesty is Sherman committing?
a. Fabrication
b. Plagiarism X
c. Complicity in academic dishonesty
d. Misrepresentation to avoid academic work
According to Bill Taylor's Letter to My Students , which of the following is NOT identified as something that academic integrity requires of professors regarding preparing for class?
Clarify information that the professor might not be clear about
Which one of the following statements is consistent with disciplinary procedures outlined in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures ?
In all cases the University shall have the burden of proving the misconduct alleged against the student or organization.
According to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln s Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures, ______________ refers to the alteration of information, ___________ refers to the invention or counterfeiting of information, and ___________ refers to presenting the work of another as one s own.
falsification; fabrication; plagiarism
In the video Tales of the Honor Ninja: The Honor Ninja Within when Jordan is runs into Sherman, his classmate, Sherman shows him a book and explains that he can copy straight out of the book and be done with the assignment. Sherman assures Jordan that he won t get caught saying Dude, its not like the professor is going to check, there's like 275 kids in the class. You think he is going to read every single paper's sources? In this scenario, what is Sherman assuming about the academic integrity of the professor?
That the professor will fail to give due and careful consideration to the work of the students when evaluating it and assigning each grade.
According to Bill Taylor's Letter to My Students , which of the following is NOT identified as something that academic integrity requires of students regarding your time in class?
Participate in the class discussion unless you think you are wrong, then politely listen so that you will avoid saying something that is clearly wrong that will only confuse your classmates
Free Will
Individual Member
Shared Ethical Principles
Individual Member
Civic Privileges
Civic Obligations
Ch. Activity may not strengthen your civic life skills?
Playing SimCity with my friends
It is a from of experiential education, in which students engage in activities that address human and community needs together, with structured opportunities intentionally designed to promote student learning and development?
Which of the following is not a direct social issue?
Car registration
An individual who knows about the democratic social movements and how to effect system change is:
A justice-oriented citizen
A personally responsible citizen is most likely to be described as:
All of the above
Finding a service opportunity at a non-profit organization, which steps are appropriate in selecting a site:
All of the above
Civic life is described as:
All of the above
It is the number one characteristic employers are looking for in their new hires?
Character, i.e. honesty, integrity
Educational program that focuses on teaching students how government and community-based organizations work and train, to plan and participate in organized efforts to care for people in need, is preparing students for becoming:
A participatory citizen
When Leadership is defined as a property, it
A and c
Effective leaders use conflict to boost creativity and communication. Which of the following is not a root cause of most conflicts?
Servant leadership means that
The leader works for the good of the people and the project/activity
Which is an example of something that will not raise your self-awareness
Increasing your visibility by increasing your numbers of friends and fans on Facebook
When seeking feedback to become more self-aware, which are the least important questions to ask?
Is this person my friend?
Which statement is less likely to be true: effective leaders possess…
A propensity to procrastinate
Leadership relies on strong teamwork. Which of the following is not a teamwork factor?
Doing things on your own
An example of something that will raise your consciousness of others is
Listen to others stories and project yourself into their story
Context is important because
All of the above
To be Conscious of self, you need
Which statement is not true of leaders or leadership?
Leaders go through process to make people feel good
In the Interview with Dr. Hill (YouTube), which of the following is a principle of the concept of Leading From Behind?
Creating a context where others lead
Leadership is a relationship between
Context, self and others
All groups are unique, but they have these general characteristics
None of the above
Emotionally intelligent leaders (are)
All of the above
Being socially perceptive
Relates to context consciousness
Leaders need to have strong networks. Which is not a benefit of networking?
Requires people to come to you for information
Positive leadership attributes include
Doing what you say you will do (e.g., walking the talk)
Leadership is defined as a process with these qualities:
a and c above
To be conscious of self, you need
all of the above