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134 Cards in this Set

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209776 yw fy rhif ffôn i.
209776 is my phone number.
Aethoch chi i Aberystwyth?
Did you go to Aberystwyth?
Am bum munud ar hugain i hanner nos.
At twenty five to midnight.
Am bum munud i bedwar.
At five to four.
Am bump o'r gloch.
At five o'clock.
Am chwarter i wyth.
At a quarter to eight.
Am ddeg munud wedi pump.
At ten past five.
Am ddeg o'r gloch.
At ten o'clock.
Am saith o'r gloch.
At seven o'clock.
Am ugain munud wedi deg.
At twenty past ten.
Ar y silff.
On the shelf.
Beth gaethoch chi?
What did you have?
Beth gest ti neithiwr?
What did you have last night?
Beth oedd enw eich tad-cu chi?
What was your grandfather's name?
Beth yw dy rif ffôn di?
What's your phone number?
Beth yw enw dy fòs di?
What's the name of your boss?
Beth yw enw dy gefnder di?
What's your cousin's name? (ti)
Beth yw enw eich brawd chi?
What is your brother's name?
Beth yw enw eich cefnder chi?
What's your cousin's name? (chi)
Beth yw mêc dy gar di?
What make is your car?
Bethan yw enw fy nghyfnither i.
My cousin's name is Bethan.
Ble aethoch chi neithiwr?
Where did you go last night?
Ble est ti ddoe?
Where did you go yesterday?
Ble mae ei arian e?
Where's his money?
Ble mae ei chot hi?
Where's her coat?
Ble mae ei got e?
Where's his coat?
Ble mae ei harian hi?
Where's her money?
Ble mae ei lyfr sieciau e?
Where's his check book?
Ble mae ei phwrs hi?
Where's her purse?
Dafydd yw enw ei chefnder hi.
Her cousin's name is Dafydd.
Ddaethoch chi mewn awyren?
Did you come by plane?
Ddes i ddim ar y bws.
I didn't come by bus.
Ddes i ddim ar y trên.
I didn't come by train.
Ddest ti mewn car?
Did you come in a car?
Ddest ti mewn car? (answer "no")
Ddest ti mewn car? (answer "yes")
Des i mewn tacsi.
I came by taxi.
Des i yn y car.
I came by car.
Dr. Bassett yw fy noctor i.
Dr. Bassett is my doctor.
Dw i'n nabod ei brawd hi.
I know her brother.
Dw i'n nabod ei chefnder hi.
I know her cousin.
Dw i'n nabod ei frawd e.
I know his brother.
Dw i'n nabod ei gefnder e.
I know his cousin.
Dych chi'n nabod ei dad e?
Do you know his father?
Dych chi'n nabod ei thad hi?
Do you know her father?
Es i ddim i Abertawe.
I didn't go to Swansea.
Es i ddim i'r dafarn.
I didn't go to the pub.
Es i ddim i'r pwll nofio.
I didn't go to the swimming pool.
Es i i weld am dro.
I went for a walk.
Es i i weld ffrindiau
I went to see friends.
Es i i weld i'r gêm.
I went to the game.
Es i i weld i'r gwaith.
I went to work.
Est ti i'r banc bore ddoe?
Did you go to the bank yesterday morning?
Est ti i'r banc bore ddoe? (answer "no")
Est ti i'r banc bore ddoe? (answer "yes")
Faint o'r gloch yw hi?
What time is it?
Faint yw oedran ei fab e?
How old is his son?
Faint yw oedran ei ferch e?
How old is his daughter?
Faint yw oedran ei mab hi?
How old is her son?
Faint yw oedran ei merch hi?
How old is her daughter?
Gareth yw enw ei gefnder e.
His cousin's name is Gareth.
Ges i beint.
I had a pint.
Ges i ddim byd.
I didn't have anything.
Ges i ddim gwin.
I didin't have any wine.
Ges i gyri.
I had a curry.
Gest ti hwyl?
Did you have fun?
Gest ti hwyl? (answer "no")
Gest ti hwyl? (answer "yes")
Gwilym yw enw fy mrawd i.
My brother's name is Gwilym.
Huw yw enw fy nghefnder i.
My cousin's name is Huw.
John yw enw fy mòs i.
John is the name of my boss.
Mae e'n bedair oed.
He's four.
Mae e'n ddwy oed.
He's two (years old).
Mae hi'n amser codi.
It's time to get up.
Mae hi'n amser coffi.
It's coffee time.
Mae hi'n amser mynd adre.
It's time to go home.
Mae hi'n chwarter i dri.
It's a quarter to three.
Mae hi'n chwarter wedi dau.
It's a quarter past two.
Mae hi'n dair oed.
She's three.
Mae hi'n ddau o'r gloch.
It's two o'clock.
Mae hi'n ddeuddeg.
It's twelve.
Mae hi'n flwydd oed.
She's a year (old).
Mae hi'n hanner awr wedi dau.
It's half past two.
Mae hi'n hanner dydd.
It's midday.
Mae hi'n hanner nos.
It's midnight.
Mae hi'n un ar ddeg.
It's eleven.
Mae hi'n un o'r gloch.
It's one o'clock.
Mae'n ddrwg gyda fi.
I'm sorry.
Margaret oedd enw fy mam-gu i.
My grandmother's name was Margaret.
Nac ydw, dw i ddim yn nabod ei dad e.
No, I don't know his father.
O dan y ford.
Under the table.
Pryd dych chi'n mynd adre?
When do you go home?
Pryd maen nhw'n mynd i'r gwely?
When do they go to bed?
Pryd wyt ti'n codi?
When do you get up?
Pwy yw dy ddoctor di?
Who's your doctor?
Sut daethoch chi?
I didn't come by bus.
Sut dest ti yma heno?
How did you come here tonight?
Tom oedd enw fy nhad-cu i.
My grandfather's name was Tom.
Wrth y drws.
By the door.
Ydw, dw i'n nabod ei dad e.
Yes, I know his father.
Ydw, dw i'n nabod ei thad hi.
Yes, I know her father.
Yn ei boced e.
In his pocket.
Yn ei phoced hi.
In her pocket.
Yn y car.
In the car.
Faint o'r gloch dych chi'n codi?
What time do you get up?
Tua hanner awr wedi saith.
Around half past seven.
Pryd dych chi'n cyrraedd y gwaith?
When do you arrive at work?
Tua deg munud i naw.
Around ten to nine.
Pryd dych chi'n gweithio?
When do you work?
Dw i'n gweithio o naw tan bump.
I work from nine to five.
Pryd mae ________ ar y teledu?
When is ________ on the television?
Mae ________ ar y teledu o hanner awr wedi saith tan wyth.
________ is on the television from half past seven until eight.
Ble est ti ar dy wyliau y llynedd?
Where did you go on your holidays last year? (ti)
Ble aethoch chi ar eich gwuliau y llynedd?
Where did you go on your holidays last year? (chi)
Es i i Sbaen.
I went to Spain.
Gyda phwy est ti ar dy wyliau?
With whom did you holiday? (ti)
Gyda phwy aethoch chi ar eich gwyliau?
With whom did you holiday? (chi)
Es i gyda'r teulu.
I went with the family.
Es i ar fy mhen fy hunan.
I went on my own.
Sut est ti ar dy wyliau?
How did you go on holiday? (ti)
Es i mewn awyren.
I went by plane.
Es i ar y bws.
I went by bus.
Beth gest ti i fwyta?
What did you have to eat? (ti)
Beth gaethoch chi i yfed?
What did you have to drink? (chi)
Ges i sangria.
I had sangria.
Dw i'n gallu siarad am fy nheulu ac eiddo.
I can talk about my family and possessions.
Dw i'n gallu siarad am deulu ac eiddo rhywun arall.
I can talk about someone else's family and possessions.
Dw i'n gallu gofyn cquestiynau am deulu ac eiddo.
I can ask questions about family and possessions.
Dw i'n gallu gofyn faint o'r gloch yw hi.
I can ask what time it is.
Dw i'n gallu dweud faint o'r gloch yw hi yn union ac yn fras.
I can say exactly and approximately what time it is.
Dw i'n gally dweud beth dw i'n wneud ar adegau arbennig o'r dydd.
I can say what I do at certain times of the day.
Dw i'n gallu siarad am ble es i, sut des i a beth ges i i fwyta/yfed.
I can speek about where I went, how I came and what I had to eat/drink.
Dw i'n gallu holi rhywun arall ble aethon nhw, sut daethon nhw a beth gaethon nhw i fwyta/yfed.
I can ask someone else about where they went, how they came and what they had to eat/drink.
Dw i'n gallu trafod dulliau o deithio.
I can discuss modes of transport.