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27 Cards in this Set

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What will happen to the arterial pressure and venous pressure if there is a fall in TPR, but CO remains constant?
Arterial pressure = CO x TPR
What happens to venous pressure and arterial pressure when TPR rises but CO remains constant?
What happens to venous pressure and arterial pressure when TPR rises but CO remains constant?
What happens to arterial and venous pressure when CO rises but TPR stays the same?
What happens to arterial and venous pressure when CO falls but TPR stays the same
What happens if there is an increase in the demand for blood?
- An increase in need raises the output of metabolites from cells = metabolic demand
- This leads to vasodilation and a fall in TPR
- If cardiac output remains the same, this will cause a fall in arterial pressure and a rise in venous pressure
- The heart needs to pump more blood to meet the demand which has been expressed in terms of changes in TPR, arterial pressure and venous pressure
- The heart responds to these changes to meet the demand, the change in venous pressure being particularly important
- The response is partly automatic and intrinsic to the heart itself and involves in changes in stroke volume
- The response is aided by reflex action (involving especially the baroreceptor reflex) involving changes in contractility and rate
Define the terms pre-load and after-load on the ventricular myocardium
- Pre-load = load on the ventricular myocardium during diastole
- After-load = load of the ventricle when is has to eject blood into the circulation during systole
What are the factors that determine how much the ventricles fill during diastole?
- As the ventricle fills its pressure rises somewhat
- Filling will cease onece the pressure equals venous (filling) pressure
- The higher the venous pressure the more the ventricles will fill
- The relationship between the end-diastolic volume in the left ventricle and venous pressure is almost linear
- However, the relationship is determined by ventricular compliance
- Ventricular compliance may be reduced in disease e.g. both in ventricular hypertrophy and in restrictive cardiomyopathy
- In these conditions the compliance of the ventricle is reduced and it requires a higher venous pressure to fill the heart = higher slope
Describe how changes in end-diastolic volume affect the force of contraction of the myocardium during the following systole
- Starlings law of the heart = the amount of stretch the heart undergoes determines the strength the heart will contract
- Therefore, and increased end-diastolic volume will increase the force of contraction of the myocardium during sytole
- Increase of filling pressure → increase in end diastolic volume → increase in stroke volume
Describe the relationship between venous pressure and stoke volume at a constant afterload
- The Starling curve relates stroke volume to the filling pressure
- In diastole, the ventricle is connected to veins, so venous pressure determines the end-diastolic stretch, or pre-load' on the myocardium
- Once systole beins, the ventricles are isolated from the veins but connected to the arteries, and the force necessary to expel blood into the arteries, or the 'after-load', determines what happens during systole
- Pre-load and after-load may vary independently
- An increase in venous pressure (and therefore end-diastolic volume) will lead to an increase in stroke volume (so more in = more out), at constant afterload
- The slope of this relationship gives the contractility of the ventricle
- The contractility can be altered by noradrenaline or adrenaline
Define contractility and describe how the Starling curve is changed by factors that increase or decrease the contractility of the ventricular myocardium
- Increased contractility may cause increased stroke volume at a lower end-diastolic pressure
- Heart failure = reduced contractility so requires a higher pressure to avoid arterial pressure loss
How can the heart maintain its output in the face of an increased TPR is venous return is maintained?
The heart may also maintain its output in the face of an increased TPR or if the aortic pressure is increased, if venous return is maintained:
an increase in after-load.
- If the resistance is raised, it becomes harder to eject blood → immediate effect is a reduction in stroke volume
- If stroke volume is reduced (and the ventricle empties less) → once it has filled again, end-diastolic volume will have increased
- An increase in end-diastolic volume enables the heart to do more work.
- Stroke volume then recovers, but end diastolic volume has increased (and the ejection fraction has fallen)
- If TPR increases, an increased end-diastolic volume will permit ventricular pressure to rise further in systole maintaining stroke volume.
- Stroke work will increase due to an increased afterload, provided venous return is maintained
- However, a rise in TPR might also be expected to reduce venous pressure (and increase arterial pressure)
– and this will reduce EDV and stroke work, helping correct the rise in arterial pressure that would otherwise occur
- Conversely, a fall in TPR is also likely to raise venous pressure – and this will increase EDV and stroke work, helping correct the fall in arterial pressure that would otherwise occur
Consider the consequences of a fall in arterial blood pressure
- Increase in venous pressure and therefore stroke volume
- In addition, through reflex action
• Increase the heart rate reducing the vagal (sympathetic) tone to the heart
and increasing sympathetic activity
• Increase the contractility of the heart increasing sympathetic activity → pump more blood
• Effects of blood vessels as well – vasoconstriction will raise TPR and this rise will help restore blood pressure.
How do arterial receptors detect changes in arterial changes
- These afferent nerve fibres respond to changes of blood pressure through stretch of the walls of the carotid sinus and aortic arch.
- Impulses are conducted at lower frequency at low pressures and at raised frequency at high pressures.
Describe the effects of a fall in arterial pressure, detected by the arterial baroreceptors, upon heart rate and ventricular contractility
- Overrides any intrinsic effects of the heart
- Baroreceptors are blunted in people with hypertension = sensitized to a high range of pressures
Decribe the effects of rises of venous pressure on heart rate
- Both atria contain stretch receptors that sense filling pressure – at the atrio-venous junctions
- Their principal function is to control extracellular fluid and blood volume (regulates Na+ excretion from the body)
(see Urinary module)
- But they also have an effect on heart rate at high end diastolic volume = puts out hormones allowing pressure etc to change
What occurs at high end-diastolic volumes?
At high end-diastolic volumes two things happen:
1. The diastolic pressure becomes high – venous pressure will be high – increasing the chance of oedema
2. The heart responds less well with an increase in stroke work to a further increase in end-diastolic volume
What are the effects on venous and arterial pressures if the heart stops?
- Arterial pressure will fall
- Venous pressure will rise
- They will come to be equal if the heart stops and will be determined
• the blood volume
• the compliance of
the circulation
= the mean filling pressure of the circulation
Describe the intrinsic reflex mechanism of the heart
- An increase in venous pressure – an increase in filling pressure – will increase the stroke volume
- Intrinsic mechanism – through Starling’s Law of the Heart
- A decrease in arterial pressure will reduce the work the heart has to do to pump out the same volume of blood.
- If venous return remains the same, the same stroke volume will be ejected at a lower end diastolic volume.
- However this response to a change in arterial pressure principally depends on a reflex mechanism, responding to altered information from baroreceptors in the carotid sinus and aortic arch, altering cardiac contractility
Describe the reflexes mechanisms associated with arterial pressure
- A fall in blood pressure risks supply to the brain (and may cause syncope)
- The resistance to flow must therefore rise elsewhere in the circulation (eg skin, gut)
- Principally through a reflex response to information from the baroreceptors in the carotid sinus and aortic arch
- So falls in arterial pressure lead to vasoconstriction
- A fall in arterial pressure will also lead to venoconstriction, increasing the return of blood to the heart
What drives the cardiac output - the heart or the circulation?
- Cardiac output = heart rate × stroke volume
- If the heart rate is raised
→ initially the cardiac output will increase
but the venous pressure with fall as a result
→ reduced end-diastolic volume
→ reduced stroke volume, correcting CO
- The heart does not drive the circulation, but is driven by it
= the output of the heart meets the demands of the circulation
Describe the effects of ingestion of food on the circulation
- Expect, and can show, that blood flow increases
→ Increasing GI motility, secreting endocrine and exocrine factors, absorbing products of digestion
→ Postprandial hyperaemia
- Number of factors cause increased flow:
• Metabolic factors (adenosine, CO2, hypoxia)
• Effects of absorbed substances
• Vasoactive GI hormones
• Neural effects
- GI tract circulation important element in TPR – these changes will reduce TPR
- This must be corrected across the system
- Rise in venous (filling) pressure increases stroke volume (Starling’s Law)
- Fall in arterial pressure
means that contractility of the heart is increased by reflex means.
- Also then gives an
increase in CO
- Tending to correct both arterial and venous pressure
Describe the cardiovascular response to exercise
- Requires a large increase in blood flow to skeletal muscle
• Vasodilatation in skeletal muscle reduces TPR
• Movements of skeletal muscle will increase venous return and raise venous pressure
- Might envisage exercise as a situation where the required increase in CO can be met through an increase in stroke volume
- But if end-diastolic volume becomes very large:
• End diastolic and therefore venous pressure becomes high, increasing likelihood of pulmonary oedema
• The stroke volume ceases to increase with end-diastolic volume
- So another mechanism dominates
• Cardiac output rises – usually up to 3× ( but can rise 5×)
• Principally through an increase in heart rate (from 60 to 180 beats per min)
• Relatively little increase (10 – 20%) in stroke volume
Describe the cardiovascular response to stading from a lying position
- Gravity has effects on the circulation – and particularly on venous return
- Lying down – lower extremities are at the same level as the heart
- On standing - adding the column of blood below the heart to the pressure
- Need muscle pump etc to return blood to the heart – a particular problem for superficial veins
- Blood will be pooled in the superficial veins of the legs
- Central venous pressure falls
- End-diastolic volume will fall and cardiac output will go down
- If the TPR is unchanged, arterial pressure will FALL too
- Difficult situation for the heart to respond to through Starling's Law
- This must be corrected through reflex action (see diagram)
- If this compensation is insufficient (or not fast enough) may lead to fainting
= postural hypotension
- If other physiological responses are reducing TPR the response to a change of posture may be compromised (i.e. enhances chances of failure)
• after eating a meal → vasodilatation in GI tract
• in hot environment → vasodilatation in skin
• If there is pharmacological blockage of a1 receptors for example → can't constrict blood vessels in response so are difficult for patients to take as can't respond to changes in blood pressure
What occurs in the cardiovascular system due to hemorrhage?
- Dangerously rapid loss of blood
- Fall in central venous pressure
- Causes a reduction in stroke volume and so a reduction in cardiac output
- Unless there is a change in peripheral resistance arterial pressure will FALL
- The heart cannot itself respond to correct these changes
• May become self-reinforcing owing to reduced blood flow → build up of vasodilator metabolites, which reduces TPR
• Leading to a further fall in blood pressure to haemorrhagic shock and death = can be sudden so must treat rapidly and give fluids to restore volume
- The immediate response to haemorrhage is principally through reflex responses to the change in blood pressure
- And subsequently through restoration of blood volume at the expense of interstitial fluid
- Recruiting from the venous reservoir is essential (see diagram)
Describe the effects on hydrostatic pressures during hemorrhage
- Recruiting from the venous reservoir is essential, since increasing the cardiac output would tend to lower venous pressure further.
- The heart rate can become very high – and the pulse weak
- At blood pressures below ~40mm Hg, the cerebral ischaemia that ensues stimulates an intense sympathetic discharge
- Fluid is transferred from the extracellular space – from interstitial fluid – into the vasculature
- This will reduce hydrostatic pressure, so that oncotic pressure is always higher
- This causes increased reabsorption throughout the capillary bed and blood volume is corrected within 1/2 hour
- Reabsorption of interstitial fluid restores blood volume
• though at the expense of haematocrit and of plasma proteins (colloid osmotic pressure will fall)
- Other longer term physiological mechanisms will:
• restore extracellular fluid volume – for example, angiotensin II will stimulate secretion of aldosterone, &
haematocrit through increased red cell production.
Describe a situation with long-term increases in blood volume and their effect on the cardiovascular system
- Occasionally changes in renal function or in diet – perhaps a high Na+ diet - may lead in increases in extracellular fluid volume
- Increase in blood volume will raise venous pressure
→ increased end-diastolic volume
→ increased cardiac ouput
increasing arterial pressure
- Increase in flow may lead to autoregulatory increases in TPR
- These changes lead to hypertension
- Reversible in the short term = aided by the use of diuretics favouring the excretion of salt and water
- But in the longer term changes in the walls of blood vessels make reversal more difficult and blunt the baroreceptor reflexes
- A similar situation is seen in Eisenmengers syndrome = changes in blood vessel histology makes them less compliant → blunted reflexes. This can be picked up in the eyes = silver-wiring