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10 Cards in this Set

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There are six multiple choice answers. You may want to copy and paste the case study to a blank document so you can keep it with you. The case study in on the flip side of this card.

Good Luck.
Mr. Michaels is a 65 year old male who experienced a sudden onset of left side weakness and slurred speech on 9/30. He was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of a right middle cerebral artery CVA. He has a history of uncontrolled HTN. You are seeing him for therapy in the acute care hospital. Initial evaluation findings include dense left hemiplegia (no, movement, flaccid), PROM is WNL, no prescence of light touch or proprioception of the left extremities. He is unable to sit (<fair) and transfers require mod assist. Pt is impulsive.
Which of the following is true about CVA and this patient?

a)Thrombosis is the most common type of CVA

b)HTN may have been a predisposing factor to CVA in this client

c)Mr. Michaels may have had TIAs in the past, but the symptoms of a TIA resolve within 24hours.

d) All of the above
The answer is D. All of the above.

Which of the following is true about CVA and this patient?

a)Thrombosis is the most common type of CVA

b)HTN may have been a predisposing factor to CVA in this client

c)Mr. Michaels may have had TIAs in the past, but the symptoms of a TIA resolve within 24hours.
Your patient is supine on the mat. His UE and LE are flaccid and his trunk has low tone. You begin to range his arm and notice some tone in his biceps. You think:

A) The predominant pattern of motor return in the UE following a CVA is flexion

B) Increased biceps tone and elbow flexion is part of the UE synergy pattern

C) You should stretch his biceps to stimulate his triceps

D) Both A & B

E) All of the above
The answer is D. Both A & B

A) The predominant pattern of motor return in the UE following a CVA is flexion

B) Increased biceps tone and elbow flexion is part of the UE synergy pattern
You tap on your patient's left biceps to try to facilitate movement. This technique is considered to be:

A) Brunstrum

B) Bobath

C) Rood

D) Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Function
C) Rood
A short term goal for a patient with neurological deficit is as follows: The patient will transfer from tall kneeling to half kneeling with supervision. This activity is an example of:

A) mobility
B) Stability
C) Controlled mobility
D) skill
C) COntrolled mobility
Three weeks later your patient developed an UE synergy pattern. This includes:

A) shoulder retraction, elevation, supination, elbow, wrist, and finger flexion

B) Shoulder retraction, elevation, pronation, elbow, wrist, and finger flexion.

C) Should protraction, depression, elbow flexion, wrist and finger extension.

D) Shoulder retraction, depression, elbow extension, wrist and finger flexion.
A) shoulder retraction, elevation, supination, elbow, wrist, and finger flexion
You patient also has speech problems. The speech therapist told you that your patient slurs his words, because he has weakness of the muscles used in speaking. He has no trouble understanding your directions. This is called:

A) Broca's apasia

B) Dysarthisa

c) Anomia

D) Global aphasia
B) Dysarthisa
Your patient is unable to form a motor plan in order to carry out a task. This condition is called:

A) ideomotor apraxia

B) Ideational apraxia

C) constructional apraxia

D) Akinetic apraxia
B) ideational apraxia
A patient is unable to sing on command, but you heard him singing to commercials on tv. The same patient cannot walk after being taught while in the rehab department, but has been observed walking in the bathroom. This condition is called:

A) Ideational apraxia

B) Ideomotor Apraxia

C) Constructional Apraxia

D) Dressing apraxia
B) Ideomotor Apraxia
Name 3 cognative changes associated with a patient with a right sided CVA and a left hemiparesis.

#8, 9 & 10
quick, impulsive, poor judgement, over estimates abilities, deny problems, emotional lability, decreased attn span, decreased abstract reasoning, safety is a big factor.