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60 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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biceps femoris
O: ischial tuberosity
I: tibia
F: flexes the shank
O: proximal caudal vertebrae
I: patella
F: abducts thigh
gluteus medius
O:iliac crest, sacral & 1st caudal vertebrae
I: greater trochanter of femus
F: abducts thigh
tensor fascia latae
O: ilium
I: fascia lata
F: extens the fascia lata
adductor femoris
O: pubic symphysis
I: femur
F: Adducts thigh
adductor longus
O: pubic symphysis
I: femur
F: adducts thigh
O: pubic symphysis
I: fascia of lower thigh
F: adducts thigh
rectus femoris
O: ilium
I: patella
F: extends lower leg
O: ischium
I: tibia
F: flexes lower leg
vastus intermedius
O: femur
I: patella
F: extends lower leg
vastus lateralis
O: femur
I: patella
F: extends lower leg
vastus medialis
O: femur
I: patella
F: extends lower leg
O: femur
I: calcaneum
F: extends foot
external intercostal
O: rib
I: rib
F: draws ribs craniad
external oblique
O: lumbodorsal fascia and ribs
I: linea alba
F: compresses abdominal viscera
internal intercostal
O: rib
I: rib
F: draws ribs caudad
internal oblique
O: pelvis and lumbodorsal fascia
I: linea alba
F: compresses abdominal viscera
rectus abdominus
O: pubic symphysis
I: sternum and costal cartilages
F: flexes trunk and compresses abdominal viscera
O: ilium, lumbar vertebrae and posterior ribs
I: linea alba
F: compresses abdominal viscera
O: clavicle
I: ulna
F: draws humerus craniad
O: manubrium
I: fascia of forelimb near elbow
F: adducts and rotates forelimb
pectoralis major
O: cranial sternebrae
I: proximal 1/2 of humerus
F: adducts and rotates forelimb
pectoralis minor
O: caudal sternebrae
I: proximal 1/2 of humerus
F: adducts and rotates forelimb
O: xiphoid process
I: proximal 1/2 of humerus
F: adducts and rotates forelimb
O: clavicle
I: mastoid process
F: rotates head
O: mastoid and jugular process
I: mandible
F: depresses lower jaw
O: mandible
I: hyoid
F: draws hyoid craniad
O: hyoid
I: tongue
F: retracts tongue
O: mandible
I: median raphe
F: elevates floor of mouth
O: manubrium
I: hyoid
F: draws hyoid caudad
O: manubrium
I: mastoid process
F: rotates head
O: manubrium
I: thyroid cartilage
F: draws larynx caudad
O: thyroid cartilage
I: hyoid
F: draws larynx craniad
O: zygomatic arch
I: mandible
F: elevates lower jaw
O: zygomatic process of frontal bone
I: coronoid process of mandible
F: elevates lower jaw
O: acromion process of scapula
I: humerus
F: flexes and rotates the humerus
O: neural spines of cervical verts and T1
I: metacromion process and spine of scapula
F: draws scapula dorsally and medially
O: nuchal line of skull and dorsal midline of neck
I: clavicle
F: draws humerus craniad
O: infraspinous fossa of scapula
I: greater tuberosity of humerus
F: rotates the humerus
latissimus dorsi
O: lumbodorsal fascia & neural spines of last thoracic and lumbar vertebrae
I: medial surface of humerus
F: elevates the arm and draws it caudad
levator scapulae ventralis
O: occipital bone and transverse process of atlas
I: metacromion process
F: draws scapula craniad
O: neural spines of thoracic verts
I: ventral border of scapula
F: draws scapula dorsally
rhomboideus capitis
O: nuchal line
I: angle of scapula
F: draws scapula craniad
O: spine of scapula
I: deltoid ridge of humerus
F: elevates and rotates humerus
O: neural spines of thoracic verts
I: fascia around scapula
F: draws scapula dorsally and caudad
O: mid-dorsal fascia of the neck
I: nuchal line
F: turns and elevates the head
O: supraspinous fossa
I: greater tuberosity of humerus
F: extends humerus
O: ribs
I: cervical verts
F: flexes neck and draws ribs craniad
serratus ventralis
O: first 10 ribs
I: vertebral border of scapula
F: draws scapula ventrally and craniad
O: subscapular fossa
I: lesser tuberosity of humerus
F: draws humerus medially
teres major
O: axillary border of scapula
I: medial surface of humerus
F: draws humerus medially
transversus costarum
O: sternum
I: 1st rib
F: draws sternum craniad
biceps brachii
O: glenoid fossa
I: tuberosity of radius
F: flexes forearm
O: humerus
I: below semilunar notch of ulna
F: flexes forearm
O: latissimus dorsi
I: olecranon process of ulna
F: rotates ulna
triceps brachii (lateral head)
O: deltoid ridge of humerus
I: olecranon process of ulna
F: extends forearm
triceps brachii (medial head)
O: axillary border of scapula
I: olecranon process of ulna
F: extends forearm
triceps brachii (long head)
O: humerus
I: olecranon process of ulna
F: extends forearm
O: iliac crest
I: patella and proximal tibia
F: adducts and rotates thigh
O: ischium
I: medial epicondyle of femur and proximal tibia
F:extends thigh