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24 Cards in this Set

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Pulmonary edema associated with these ECG changes is diagnostic for MI.
1. ST Elevation
2. evolving Q waves
BNP levels that are elevated in patients with acute dyspnea and pulmonary edema. Cause of pul. edema?
Heart failure
Used to differentiate b/w cardiogenic and non cardiogenic causes of pulmonary edema
Pulmonary Artery Cath (PCWP)
Pulmonary edema with high PCWP
Pulmonary edema with normal pressure (PCWP)
Indications for pul. art cath in Pulmonary edema?
1. uncertain etiology
2. refractory to therapy
3. hypotension
Early signs of pulmonary edema?
1. exertional dyspnea
2. orthopnea
3. paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
CXR shows:
Vascu redistribution to upper lung field
Interstitial edema
Kerley B lines
Pleural effusions(bilat or on R)
CHF/Cardiogenic pulmonary edema.
•Failure to thrive/weight loss
•Exercise intolerance
•Chest pain (secondary to RV ischemia)
Cor Pulmonale
Physical Exam
•Parasternal RV impulse
•Cyanosis may be evident.
•Hepatomegaly, jugular venous distention, peripheral edema
•A loud, narrowly split or single second heart sound (P2), RV gallop, holosystolic murmur right of the sternum (tricuspid regurgitation), and/or diastolic murmur at the left upper sternal border (pulmonary insufficiency)
Cor Pulmonale
Drug therapy recommended for HF with LVEF < 40%
ACE inhibitor
HF pt has a reduced LVEF, asymptomatic <40% and is unable to take ACE inhibitor due to cough or angioedema what is the substitue?
Angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBS)
Drug rec. for asymptomatic HF patients with reduced LVEF
Beta Blocker
Na restriction in mod to severe HF patient
less than 2 grams daily
fluid restriction for patients with severe hyponatremia (Na < 130) and for pts with fluid retention despite diuretic therapy
Less than 2 liters daily
______ is right ventricular (RV) failure secondary to an altered pulmonary process that results in a loss of functional capillary vascular bed, and in excessive pulmonary artery pressure and resistance (PVR).
Cor Pulmonale
•Brain-type natriuretic peptide is an excellent biomarker of RV diastolic dysfunction and is elevated
•Decreased PaO2, increased PaCO2, and a compensatory metabolic alkalosis
•Polycythemia may be consistent with chronic hypoxemia.
Cor Pulmonale
•Chest x-ray: Cardiomegaly from RV dilation and main pulmonary artery enlargement
•ECHO. RV dilation, RV hypertrophy, pulmonic insufficiency, and RV pressure estimate from tricuspid regurgitation and/or intraventricular septal position
•V/Q scan is beneficial to rule out thromboembolic disease
Cor Pulmonale
Symptoms and signs of chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema.
Elevated jugular venous pressure, parasternal lift, edema, hepatomegaly, ascites.
ECG shows tall, peaked P waves (P pulmonale), right axis deviation, and RVH.
Chest radiograph: Enlarged RV and PA.
Echocardiogram or radionuclide angiography excludes primary LV dysfunction
Cor pulmonale
denotes RV systolic and diastolic failure resulting from pulmonary disease and the attendant hypoxia or from pulmonary vascular disease (pulmonary hypertension). Its clinical features depend on both the primary underlying disease and its effects on the heart.
Cor pulmonale
Ideopathic disorder causing cardiac muscle dysfunction that results in heart failure not due to athersclerosis, hypertension, or valvular disease
Cardiomyopathy type
Left or biventricular congestive heart failure
Dilated ( congestive)
cardiomyopathy type
Dyspnea, chest pain, syncope
Cardiomyopathy type
Dyspnea, fatigue, right-sided congestive heart failure