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53 Cards in this Set

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When O2 supply can't meet O2 demand, what happens?
In a pt. with renal heart disease, what is the result of coronary thrombosis/plaque disruption?
Unstable Angina

In a pt. with renal heart disease, what is the result of Transient Coronary Ischemia?
Angina Pectoris
This condition is caused by a decrease in coronary blood flow due to vasospasm
Variant or Prinzmetal's Angina
When does Prinzmetal's angina often occur?
at rest or during sleep
What do you think will help allevite pain from an attack of Variant/Prinzmetal's angina?
Increase O2 supply..

Give a vasodilator like a nitrate. Dilating the coronaries stops vasospasm and alleviates the ischemic pain
Stable angina is caused by what disease?
Explain Stable Angina and exertion.
Patient has atherosclerosis.

Upon exertion there is an increase in O2 demand BUT NO INCREASE in blood flow
Why is there no increase in O2 supply with exercise in a person with stable angina?
B/C the coronary arteries are clogged up..
Will arteries with atherosclerotic plaque vasodilate?
Ischemia results from:
an increase in O2 demand in the face of a fixed O2 supply
What will alleviate the pain from an attack of stable angina?
Decrease O2 demand
How can you reduce O2 demand?

↓myocardial contractility

DILATE peripheral arteries & veins
What are the tx goals in a patient with Chronic Stable Angina?
Prevent MI and Death

↓symptoms of angina and occurrence of ischemia
Which type of β Blockers are most effective at treating stable angina?
All β blockers are equally effective in treating stable angina
MOA: β blockers in Stable Angina
Block β1 receptors on heart
↓HR and Contractility
↓O2 demand

Also, ↓BP --> ↓O2 demand
What other organs besides the heart are involved with ↓BP with β blockers?
Kidneys, Brain (CNS)
What is the recommended first line therapy for stable angina?
β blockers
What are contraindications for use of β blockers for tx of stable angina
Heart Block

Heart Failure

Organic Nitrates and Nitrites
MOA: low dose Organic Nitrates and Nitrites
Release of NO

Dilate Veins

↑Venous capacitance


↓Ventricular EDV

↓Wall tension

↓O2 Demand
MOA: high dose Nitrate
Dilate arteries


↓ afterload

↓O2 demand
Which type of vasculature dilates the easiest?
Dilating veins would be beneficial in what type of angina?
Stable Angina
Can nitroglycerine effectively dilate an atherosclerotic epicardial coronary artery?

When nitroglycerine is injected directly in the CA of patients with CAD, anginal attacks do not go away

Sublingual nitro relieves pain in these same patients.

What does this tell us?
Nitroglycerine is reducing angina by VASODILATING VEINS

The antianginal effect of nitroglycerine can be mimicked with _______

How does nitroglycerine relieve the pain of stable angina?
Mainly by ↓ O2 demand by VASODILATING VEINS

What is the MOA for nitrates in VASOSPASTIC Angina?
Release of NO

Dilation of Coronary aa.

Relieve Vasospasm

↑O2 Supply
Why is hydralazine (arterial VD) not used for stable angina?
It aggravates angina and ischemia

**Too much reflex tachycardia**

**Dilation of coronary resistance arterioles** --> Steals blood from ischemic areas
How would you administer Nitroglycerine for Unstable Angina or an Acute MI?
Why use Nitrates in combination with β blockers?
β blockers will suppress reflex tachycardia caused by Nitrates.
If β blockers can't be tolerated for tx of Stable Angina, what is your next best choice?
Nitrates and Nitrites
How do you prevent tolerance with chronic use of nitrates?
a nitrate-free interval each day
What mechanism of nitrates causes acute reactions such as:
Ortho Hypotension
Reflex Tachycardia
What types of drugs do nitrates have an adverse interaction with?
Erectile Dysfunction Drugs
When nitrates are taken with erectile dysfunction drugs, what protein concentration is increased leading to severe hypotension and possible MI?
cGMP concentration is increased because erectile dysfunction drugs block PDE-5 which metabolizes cGMP
What metabolizes cGMP?
do DHP CCBs reduce afterload of preload?
Reduce afterload

Dilating arteries reduces afterload
what will happen to HR with Nifedipine?
HR INCREASES d/t reflex tachycardia
MOA: DHP CCBs in stable angina?
VD arteries


↓Wall Stress

↓O2 Demand
What is the difference between Nifedipine and Non-DHP CCBs?
Non-DHP CCBs directly affect the heart AND peripheral vasculature
MOA: Non-DHP CCBs in stable angina?

↓Wall Stress

↓O2 Demand

↓HR & Contractility

↓O2 Demand
MOA: CCBs in Vasospastic Angina?

Dilate epicardial coronary aa.

MOA: Ranolazine
Blocks late cardiac Na current
(late I NA channels)
Late INA occurs during which phase of the action
Phase 2

Late INA channels cause depol
How is Late INA related to ischemia?
During ischemia there is a peak in Late INA --> Ca++ Overload
What does Ca++ Overload do in ischemic myocardium?
Increases diastolic wall tension which causes an INCREASED O2 demand

The diastolic wall tension also compresses coronary arteries which REDUCES O2 SUPPLY
What is the overall use for Ranolazine?
It reduces anginal attacks

It increases excercise intervals
This drug causes dizziness, headache, constipation and a prolonged QT interval...
How does Ranolazine prolong QT? What is the problem with this?
It blocks K+ channels

Potential for cardiac arrythmia
Would you prescribe Ranolazine to someone with hepatic dysfunction?

Ranolazine is metabolized by CYP450 3A in the liver
Should you use CYP450 3A inhibitors along with Ranolazine

Ranolazine is metabolized by CYP450 3A