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132 Cards in this Set

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Jeffersonian Republicans defeat the Federalists to win majorities in both houses of Congress for the first time. The Federalist Party never again wins control of either house of Congress and disappears by ____.
1800; 1815
Thomas Jefferson is elected President by the House of Representatives after tying Aaron Burr in Electoral College votes. This leads to the adoption of the 12th Amendment in 1804.
The Sedition act expires and President Jefferson pardons violators.
Marshall Court's expansive nationalist phase.
Marbury v. Madison: The SC in an opinion by Chief Justice John Marshall articulates the principle of judicial review, by which the SC passes on the constitutionality of acts of Congress. The Court declares a section of the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional.
The Louisiana Purchase doubles the territory of the US
Robert Fulton's "Clermont" proves steam to be a practical source of power for river craft.
New Jersey abolishes property and tax-paying qualifications for voting but only for *white males* (MD follows in 1810)
Congress bans the African Slave Trade.
The charter of the Bank of US expires and is not renewed b/c Jeffersonian Republicans control Congress & the presidency.
A second war with England. After the treaty of peace is signed, but before word reaches Louisiana, American Troops under command of Andrew Jackson win Battle of New Orleans.
Organization of the Boston Manufacturing Company to produce cotton cloth in Waltham, MA. The US is beginning to evolve from a commercial and agricultural nation to an industrial one.
Martin v. Hunter's Lessee. The SC reviews and reverses a decision of a state supreme court interpreting a matter of federal law.
Pres. Madison successfully urges Congress to establish the Second Bank of the U.S. with a 20 year charter. In supporting the new bank, Madison waives all constitutional objections to the bank
NY state builds the Erie Canal. It connects the Great Lakes to the Hudson River which in turn flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
McCulloch v. MD: The SC upholds the power of Congress to establish a Bank of the US and offers an expansive interpretation of the powers of the national gov't.
The Panic of ____. The nation's first depression since the COnstitution was adopted, leads to hostility to the Bank of the US, which calls loans in the wake of the panic.
Dartmouth College v. Woodword: The SC uses the Contract Clause to provide a constitutional foundation for the protection of corporations from arbitrary interference by states.
The Missouri Compromise prohibits slavery in all federal territory north & west of Missouri; territory south of it remains open to slavery.
NY state abolishes its property qualification for voting for white males over the opposition of conservatives like Chancellor James Kent. NY retains its property qualification for black male voters. During the next two decades, most states will drop property qualifications for white voters, while PA, TN, NC take the vote away from the black men.
A second war with England. After the treaty of peace is signed, but before word reaches Louisiana, American Troops under command of Andrew Jackson win Battle of New Orleans.
Organization of the Boston Manufacturing Company to produce cotton cloth in Waltham, MA. The US is beginning to evolve from a commercial and agricultural nation to an industrial one.
Martin v. Hunter's Lessee. The SC reviews and reverses a decision of a state supreme court interpreting a matter of federal law.
Pres. Madison successfully urges Congress to establish the Second Bank of the U.S. with a 20 year charter. In supporting the new bank, Madison waives all constitutional objections to the bank
NY state builds the Erie Canal. It connects the Great Lakes to the Hudson River which in turn flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
McCulloch v. MD: The SC upholds the power of Congress to establish a Bank of the US and offers an expansive interpretation of the powers of the national gov't.
The Panic of ____. The nation's first depression since the COnstitution was adopted, leads to hostility to the Bank of the US, which calls loans in the wake of the panic.
Dartmouth College v. Woodword: The SC uses the Contract Clause to provide a constitutional foundation for the protection of corporations from arbitrary interference by states.
The Missouri Compromise prohibits slavery in all federal territory north & west of Missouri; territory south of it remains open to slavery.
NY state abolishes its property qualification for voting for white males over the opposition of conservatives like Chancellor James Kent. NY retains its property qualification for black male voters. During the next two decades, most states will drop property qualifications for white voters, while PA, TN, NC take the vote away from the black men.
Gibbons v. Ogden: in a very popular opinion, Chief Justice Marshall strikes down a steamboat monopoly in NY with a broad definition of commerce.
After no candidate receives a majority of Electoral College votes, John Quincy Adams is elected President by the House of Representatives. Andrew Jackson, who won the most popular and electoral votes, complains that he lost the election because of a corrupt bargain between Adams and the man who ran fourth, Henry Clay.
Marshall Court's defensive or more cautious phase.
Congress passes the "Tariff of Abominations" raising import duties on most goods far beyond what is needed to raise revenue for the nation.
Andrew Jackson is elected President.
The first 13 miles of the Baltimore and OH Railroad opens, initiating RR passenger travel in the US. Pres. Jackson vetows the "Maysville Road Bill" asserting that Congress has no power to finance a road built entirely within one state (KY), even though the road is part of the larger National Road, which crosses many state lines.
William Lloyd Garrison publishes the first issue of the radical abolitionist periodical, the "Liberator"
In VA, Nat Turner leads the bloodiest slave revolt since the colonial period.
Worcester v. GA: The SC rejects GA claim to sovereignty over Indian lands, but the US gov't refuses to enforce ruling.
SC issues an "Ordinance of Nullification" declaring it will not allow the new tariff of ____ to be enforced in the state, even though that tariff substantially reduced the rates from the 1828 levels. Pres. Jackson responds with his "Proclamation to the People of SC" warning them not to challenge the national gov't in this manner. In ____, Congress passes the "Force Bill" authorizing the President to use the military to enforce laws. SC rescinds its nullification of the tariff, but in a last moment of defiance, nullifies the "Force Bill"
Pres. Jackson vetoes the bill to recharter the Bank of the US, declaring that despite the SC's decision in McCulloch v. MD, he finds the law to be unconstitutional.
Barron v. Baltimore: The SC holds that the guarantees of the BOR limits only the federal gov't, not the states; Pres. Jackson orders the Sec. of Treasury to remove fed. deposits from the Bank of the US. After two secretaries refuse to comply, Roger B. Taney, as acting Secretary, follows Jackson's instructions
Roger Taney is appointed Chief Justice by Andrew Jackson, replacing John Marshall. The Taney Court lasts from _____ to _____.
1835, 1835 to 1864
The American Anti-slavery Society calls for the immediate abolition of slavery and it sends anti-slavery publications to the Southern elite. Men break into the Charleston post office and burn the abolitionist publications. The NY postmaster embargoes abolitionist publications. Mobs attack abolitionists in various Northern cities.
In his 7th Annual Message to Congress, Andrew Jackson urges removal of the Indians living east of the Mississippi.
Gag Rule: The House of Rep. bans reading or discussion of petitions for abolition of slavery.
American women attending the World's Anti-Slavery Conventions in London are refused permission to speak and are allowed to attend only if they sit behind a screen. They vow to have a women's rights convention when they return to America, leading to the Seneca Falls Convention in ____.
1836, 1848
Elijah P. Lovejoy, anti-slavery editor, is killed for defending his newspaper press from anti-abolitionist mob in Alton, IL.
Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge Co.: Chief Justice Taney offers an interpretation of the Contract Clause of the Constitution, allowing a state to charter a new bridge that harms the interest of an existing company.
The nation suffers the Panic of ____, a major depression, in party caused by Jackson removing federal deposits from the Bank of the US.
Dorr's Rebellion in RI results in the final elimination of property restrictions on the right to vote.
Prigg v. PA: The SC upholds the Fugitive Slave Law of 1793 despite its lack of procedural protections for free blacks who might be wrongly seized as fugitive slaves. At the same time, the SC strikes down PA's "personal liberty law," which had required that a state judge hold a hearing b4 anyone could remove a black from the state as a fugitive slave.
The electric telegraph is inaugurated for commercial use.
James K. Polk, Democrat, is elected President. Henry Clay, Whig, is defeated.
Federick Douglass, an escaped slave, publishes "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass." He goes on to work with the Underground RR, to co-found and edit an abolitionist newspaper, the "North Star" (1847-1860), and to serve as a US ambassador to Haiti after the Civil War.
US annexes TX.
The US wins vast new territory in the Mexican War. But the new territory reopens conflicts over the extension of slavery to new territories.
Sneeca Falls Women's Rights Convention begins movement for women's suffrage and other women's rights.
The Compromise of 1850 brings CA into the Union as a free state; it bans the public sale of slaves in DC; it allows slavery in the remaining territory acquired in the war with MX (The Mexican Cession); and it settles a boundary dispute between TX and New Mexico. The most important provision is the Fugitive Slave Law of ____, which creates a new system for returning fugitive slaves that involves using federal marshals, the army, the navy, and newly appointed federal commissioners in every county. The law has harsh penalties for people who help fugitive slaves and does not allow alleged slaves to testify at hearings on their status.
Numerous protests, riots, and rescues involving fugitive slaves. Two major cases: Ableman v. Booth (____) and KY v. Dennision (____), go to the SC. In Ableman, the SC upholds the constitutionality of the new law and rejects the idea that a state can interfere with the implementation of the alw. In Dennison, decided after 7 states had seceded, the SC held that the federal government cannot force a state governor to remand a fugitive from justice to another state.
Ableman: 1859;
Dennison: 1861
Cooley v. Board of Wardens: The SC recognizes the states' ability to regulate areas of local concern in the absence of federal legislation.
Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes Uncle Toms Cabin. The book is a national best seller, but is banned in most of the slave states.
With the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Congress repeals part of the Missouri Compromise by allowing slavery in federal territories to decide the issue of slavery under a theory known as "Popular Sovereignty"
The Anti-Nebraska Movement, in response to the new law, soon leads to the creation of the Republican Party, founded to oppose the expansion of slavery into the territories.
Dred Scott v. Sanford: The Court rules that Congress lacks the power to outlaw slavery in federal territories and that even free blacks cannot be citizens of the US. Every justice on the SC writes an opinion.
Hinton Helper publishes the "Impending Crisis", an indictment of slavery. Members of the Republican Party use the book as a campaign document. Southern states treat circulation of the book as a crime.
A typesetting machine is created and exhibited.
John Brown raids the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry in order to begin a slave-manned guerilla war in the South.
Daniel Worth, a minister, is prosecuted in NC for circulating the "Impending Crisis" among whites. Worth is charged under a NC statute that bans circulation of books tending to make free Negroes or slaves discontent with their condition.
Charles Darwin publishes "Origin of Species"
NC SC affirms Worth's conviction.
Abe Lincoln's election as a Republican President, on a platform opposing further expansion of slavery, leads SC to secede and it is quickly followed by 6 other states in the South.
The Confederate attack on Forth Sumter begin the Civil War. Four more states leave the Union.
Homestead Act provides 160 acres of free land to settlers who cultivate it.
Morrill Act permits Congress to provide land to states for establishment of colleges.
The Emancipation Proclamation frees only the slaves residing in states "in rebellion against the US"
National Banking Act provides the framework for a national banking system.
Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrenders to the Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox. Five days later Pres. Lincoln is assassinated.
Andrew Johnson becomes President after Lincoln's assassination.
The 13th Amendment is ratified. Congress and the nation face the question of the return of Southern states to the Union and to representation in Congress. The 13th Amendment, but its implie drepeal of the clause by which slaves counted as 3/5th a person for purposes of representation in the federal House of Rep. and the Electorial College, raises the prospect that the Souther, having lost the war, might return to political power on the backs of disenfranchises Americans of African descent.
Former slave states begin to pass harsh "Black Codes" that limit the legal, social, and political rights of blacks.
The first African American is licenses to practice before the US SC.
Reconstruction. A white and black Republican coalition rules the South. Ultimately, Republicans and blacks are driven from power by political terrorism. The "Jim Crow" era is alter entrenched by racist laws requiring segregation in various aspects of public & private life.
Congress passes the Civil Rights Act of ____, basing its authority on the new 13th Amendment. Questions about the constitutionality of the law under the 13th Amendment, together with concerns about the repression of civil liberty in the South before the Civil War, lead Congress to propose the 14th Amendment.
Mendel publishes his path breaking study on genetics.
AK (admitted as the 49th state in ___) is purchased from Russia.
AK admitted in 1949.
Purchased in 1867
The Patrons of Husbandry is organized and starts the farmer's protest movement known as the Granger Movement.
KS holds a state referendum on whether to enfranchise blacks, women, or both. Lucy Stone, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton traverse the state speaking in favor of women's suffrage. Both black suffrage and women's suffrage are voted down.
Pres. Johnson is impeached, but the Senate fails by one vote to convict and remove him from office.
The 14th Amendment is ratified by the requisite number of states. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton bitterly oppose the Amendment because §2 reduces the state's congressional representations *only* if it restricts the voting rights of *males*
The first transcontinental RR is completed.
Ex Parte McCardle: The SC seemingly recognizes the power of Congress to control the appellate jxdn of the federal courts, at least in the facts of that case.
The Wyoming Territory gains women's suffrage, the first jxdn to do so since NJ abolished women's suffrage early in the century
The 15th Amendment is ratified by the requisite number of states, giving the right to vote to black men, but not women.
Victoria Woodhull addresses the Judiciary Committee of the HOR arguing that women have the right to vote under the 14th Amendment and asking for congressional enforcement. A divided Judiciary Committee issues a negative report.
Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone.
The last 3 decades of the 19th cent. are known as the Gilded Age b/c the rise of great corporations are organizes of wealth. During this time period, great corporations are organizes and businesses are merged and consolidated into larger units. Laissez faire economics and limited gov't are strong ideologies, but this is also an era of some reform legislation such as the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and the Interstate Commerce Act. All Presidents during this time period are Republican except for Grover Cleveland, a conservative Democrat.
The Amnesty Act restores political privileges to most citizens of the late Confederacy who had sworn allegiance to the US and then fought against it; widespread violence begins restorations of "White Supremacy" in the South.
In Rochester, NY, Susan B. Anthony registers and votes, contending that the 14th Amendment gives her that right. Several days later she is arrested for voting illegally. At Anthony's trial, the judge does not allow her to testify that she believes that she had the right to vote, directs the jury to enter a verdict of guilty, and fines her $100. She refuses to pay, yet the judge releases her.
Attack on and eventual overthrow of Reconstruction in the South.
Slaughter-house Cases: The SC, in a 5-4 decision, narrowly construes the Privileges or Immunties Clause of the 14th Amendment. Following the decision, the Court holds on after another of the guarantees of the BOR does not limit the states.
Bradwell v. State: Following the approach of Slaughter-House to the Privileges or Immunities Clause of the 14th Amendment, the Court upholds Illinois ban on women practicing law, ruling law practice is not a privilege of national citizenship. No equal protection claim is made.
Minor v. Happersett: The SC unanimously rules that citizenship does not give women the right to vote under the Privileges or Immunities Clause of the 14th Amendment; therefore, women's political rights are under the jxdn of each individual state. Mrs. Minor's husband had to sue on her own behalf since married women, like children, could not file suits on their own.
The Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia exhibits the economic progress of the nation since 1776.
The "Compromise of ____" effectively ends Reconstruction. Republicans get the Presidency in a contested election. Federal troops are withdrawn from the South.
Munn v. Illinois: The SC upholds a state regulation of grain elevators against claims that the regulation violates due process and rights to private property.
Railroad strikes occur across the nation. Industrial warfare marks the late 19th and early 20th cent. Speculative panics, business failures, and substantial unemployment occurred from 1873 to 1878, 1882 to 1885, and 1893 to 1897.
The phonograph is invented
Thomas A. Edison builds the first central electric power station, located in NYC.
Reynolds v. US: The SC upholds prosecutions of Mormons for practicing polygamy in accordance with their religious beliefs. In 1890 the Mormon Church renounces polygamy and by the end of the decade Congress returns most of the property taken from the Church.
Congress passes the Chinese Exclusin Act, which eliminates Chines immigration for a decade.
The Pendleton Act establishes the federal civil service.
Civil Rights Cases: The Court, over Justice Harlan's dissent, strikes down the Civil Rights Act of 1875, which prohibited racial discrimination in public accommodations. The SC holds that Congress lacks power under the 13th Amendment to pass such a statute and that Congress' power under the 14th Amendment is limited to "state action"
Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Rw. Co. v. Illinois: The SC limits state power to regulate the intra-state rates charged by RR's
Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Rw. Co.: The SC hold 14th Amendment's protection of "persons" includes corporations.
The American Federation of Labor (AFL) is organized under the leadership of Samuel Gompers.
Interstate Commerce Commission is created, an early effort in federal regulation.
The Sherman Antitrust Act forbids monopolies and combinations in restraint of trade.
The Judiciary Act of ____ transfers most federal appellate jxdn from the Circuit Courts to the newly established Courts of Appeals. The legislation also abolishes "circuite riding" by SC justices.
The People's Party (also known as the Populist Party) is organized. Protesting farmers and others nominate General James B. Weaver for President. The Party's later (___) platform favors direct election of Senators, a progressive income tax, initiative and referendum, gov't ownership of railroads, employment of labor on public works in times of depression, and other "radical" measures.
Chicago's "World Fair" illustrates the use of electricity for illumination and power.
The Panic of ___ strikes the nation and is the worst depression to date in US history.
Workers at Pullman RR Car plant strike, leading to a sympathy strike by RR workers. Pres. Cleveland sends federal troops to Chicago to break the strike on the grounds that it is interfering with the US mail. During the strike, federal courts issue injunctions v. the RR union, its leaders, and locals and forbid communication between locals. The SC upholds this exercise of federal authority in In Re Debs in ____.
In Re Debs: 1895
Booker T. Washington, Pres. of the Tuskegee Institute, makes his "Atlanta Compromise" speech. He urges blacks to accept their inferior social position for the present and to strive to raise themselves through vocational training and economic self-reliance.
U.S. v. E.C. Knight Co: The SC embraces a narrow reading of the Commerce Clause, and holds the Sherman Act does not reach a sugar manufacturing monopoly b/c manufacturing is not commerce.
Pollock v. Farmers Loan & Trust Co: The Court holds that the federal income tax is unconstitutional in two decisions.
A motion picture is commercially exhibited for the first time.
Plessy v. Ferguson: The SC, over Justice Harlan's dissent, upholds a LA statute requiring racially segregated railway cars.
Wiliam Jennings Bryan runs for President as candidate of both the Democratic and Populist parties. He attacks the tight fiscal policies of Congress in his famous "Cross of Gold Speech." He is defeated in a watershed election by the Republican, William McKinley.
Allegeyer v. LA: The SC unanimously holds that the right to make K's is protected by the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment. "Freedom of K" and "substantive due process" will mark the "Lochner era" in the Court's jurisprudence, it lasts until ____.
Allegeyer: 1897
Lochner era lasts until 1937
A successful war with Spain establishes the US as a colonial empire as the nation acquires Puerto Rico and occupies Philippines. The war also leads to the annexation of HI (admitted as the 50th state in ___)
HI admitted in 1959
Thorstein Veblen publishes "The Theory of the Leisure Class" Sigmund Freud publishes "The Interpretation of Dreams"