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32 Cards in this Set

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A holistic position and a metaorientation are both reflections of what?
Curriculum approach
In which two perspectives can a curriculum approach be viewed?
Technical/scientific and non-technical/non-scientific
Name the five curriculum approaches.
Behavorial, managerial, systems, academic, and humanistic.
Which curriculum approaches are non-technical/non-scientifical?
Academic and humanistic.
Which curriculum approach is rooted in the University of Chicago?
What did Randall Callahan later brand the Behavorial Curriculum Approach?
"Cult of Efficiency"
What is the main goal of the Behavorial Approach?
Reduce teaching and learning to precise behavors with cooresponding measurable activities.
Which approach considers the school as a social system?
In which approach is the curriculum specialist/supervisor considered a facilitator?
Managerial plans involving curriculum and instruction centered around what 5 types of innovation?
Individualization, departmentalization, nongrading, classroom grouping and homeroom and work study activities.
Which curriculum approach was dominant during the 1950s and 1960s?
Which curriculum approach was less concerned with subject matter and content?
Which curriculum approach is sometimes referred to as curriculum engineering?
What is the PPBS and who developed it?
The PPBS stands for planning, programming and budgeting system which is a Systems approach to curriculum. It was developed by the Rand Corporation.
What is the TQM?
TQM is a systems approach to curriculum called "total quality management".
What four components is profound knowledge based on?
Systematic thinking, theory of variation, theory of knowledge, and knowledge of psychology.
Which thoery recognizes that curriculum activity entails common and special causes and effects?
Theory of Variation
Which theory believes that the knowledge possessed by people within the system is essential to curricular success?
Theory of Knowledge
Which curriculum approach believes individuals must understand, respect and care for one another in order to be successful?
Systems Approach
Which approach views curriculum broadly and is concerned with curriculum issues relevant to the entire school or school system rather than with particular subjects and grades?
Systems Approach
Which curriculum approach type coincides with traditional theories and models of educaton and reflect established, formal methods of schooling?
Which curriculum approach type evolved as avant-garde and experimental philosophies and politics?
Which curriculum approach is often referred to as the traditional, encyclopedic, synoptic, or knowledge-oriented approach?
Academic Approach
Which approach became popular in the 1930s only to fade in popularity in the 1960s?
Academic Approach
Why did the Academic Approach fade in popularity in the 1950s?
The interest in curriculum shifted its focus onto the structure of disciplines and qualitative methods.
Everyone involved in the _____ approach to curriculum is in the "business" of words and ideas.
Academic Approach
Which curriculum approach feels that curricularists who try to be scientifical and rational miss the personal and socail aspects of curriculum and instruction?
Humanistic Approach
Which approach contends scientific curriculum approaches ignore subject matter's artisitc, physical and cultural aspects?
Humanistic Approach
Which approach gained momentum in the 1940s and 1950s with the growth of child psychology and humanistic psychology?
Humanistic Approach
Which curriculum approach emphasized socialization and life adjustment for students, as well as stronger family ties and school-community ties?
Humanistic Approach
Which curriculum approach allows the child considerable input into the curriculum?
Humanistic Approach
Curriculum committees in this approach are bottum up rather than top down.
Humanistic Approach