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102 Cards in this Set

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1. A 9-year-old patient with cystic fibrosis will take pancreatic enzymes 3 times a day. The nurse will know the child’s mother needs more education on the purpose and timing of these enzymes if she says
A. "The purpose of the enzymes is to help digest the fat in foods."
B. "The enzymes should be taken prior to meals."
C. "They should be given following breakfast, lunch and dinner."
D. "They should be taken at meal times, 3 times a day."
1. A 9-year-old patient with cystic fibrosis will take pancreatic enzymes 3 times a day. The nurse will know the child’s mother needs more education on the purpose and timing of these enzymes if she says
A. "The purpose of the enzymes is to help digest the fat in foods."
B. "The enzymes should be taken prior to meals."
**C. "They should be given following breakfast, lunch and dinner."
D. "They should be taken at meal times, 3 times a day."
2. Which one of the following treatment plans is most appropriate in the nursing/medical management of a 10-year-old child with congestive heart failure?

A. High concentrations of oxygen, strict bed rest, diuretics
B. Oral fluids, daily weights, high-Fowler’s position
C. High-Fowler’s position, digoxin, diuretics, daily weights.
D. Digoxin, diuretics, prophylactic antibiotics
2. Which one of the following treatment plans is most appropriate in the nursing/medical management of a 10-year-old child with congestive heart failure?

A. High concentrations of oxygen, strict bed rest, diuretics
B. Oral fluids, daily weights, high-Fowler’s position
**C. High-Fowler’s position, digoxin, diuretics, daily weights.
D. Digoxin, diuretics, prophylactic antibiotics
3. To facilitate breathing in a child with bronchiolitis, the nursing care plan will include establishing an environment of

A. Humidified oxygen
B. Warm mist with oxygen
C. Cool, moist oxygen
D. Oxygen therapy with no mist
3. To facilitate breathing in a child with bronchiolitis, the nursing care plan will include establishing an environment of

A. Humidified oxygen
B. Warm mist with oxygen
**C. Cool, moist oxygen
D. Oxygen therapy with no mist
4. A nurse is preparing to perform a physical assessment on a toddler. Which of these actions should the nurse take?

A. Perform the assessment from head to toe.
B. Leave intrusive procedures such as ear and eye examinations until the end.
C. Explain each part of the examination to the child before performing it.
D. Ask the mother to tell the child not to be afraid.
4. A nurse is preparing to perform a physical assessment on a toddler. Which of these actions should the nurse take?

A. Perform the assessment from head to toe.
**B. Leave intrusive procedures such as ear and eye examinations until the end.
C. Explain each part of the examination to the child before performing it.
D. Ask the mother to tell the child not to be afraid.
5. Administering an immunization to a 2-month-old infant, the anatomical area the nurse will use is the

A. Bottom of the deltoid muscle
B. Lateral and anterior aspect of the thigh
C. Top of the deltoid muscle
D. Dorsogluteal muscle
5. Administering an immunization to a 2-month-old infant, the anatomical area the nurse will use is the

A. Bottom of the deltoid muscle
**B. Lateral and anterior aspect of the thigh
C. Top of the deltoid muscle
D. Dorsogluteal muscle
6. An infant who had surgery 6 hours ago is now back on the pediatric unit. Which one of the following signs is the earliest indicator of a shock state?

A. Bulging fontanels
B. Pulse rate of 160
C. One diaper change since surgery
D. Respiratory rate of 50 and irregular
6. An infant who had surgery 6 hours ago is now back on the pediatric unit. Which one of the following signs is the earliest indicator of a shock state?

A. Bulging fontanels
B. Pulse rate of 160
**C. One diaper change since surgery
D. Respiratory rate of 50 and irregular
7. Collecting physical data on an infant at the well-baby clinic, the nurse will observe which of the following signs in an infant with congenital hip dysplasia?

A. Limited adduction of the affected leg
B. Symmetrical gluteal folds
C. Femoral pulse when the hip is flexed and the leg is abducted
D. Limited abduction of the affected leg
7. Collecting physical data on an infant at the well-baby clinic, the nurse will observe which of the following signs in an infant with congenital hip dysplasia?

A. Limited adduction of the affected leg
B. Symmetrical gluteal folds
C. Femoral pulse when the hip is flexed and the leg is abducted
**D. Limited abduction of the affected leg
8. In a 2 year old with increased intracranial pressure, which one of the following signs would be cause for alarm?

A. Diminishing sunset sign
B. Absence of nystagmus
C. Equal pupils that react to light
D. Increasing lethargy and drowsiness
8. In a 2 year old with increased intracranial pressure, which one of the following signs would be cause for alarm?

A. Diminishing sunset sign
B. Absence of nystagmus
C. Equal pupils that react to light
**D. Increasing lethargy and drowsiness
10. A 3-year-old child is brought to an emergency department by his mother because she could not get him to wake up completely after his nap. He is semiconscious and has a low-grade fever. The physician suspects lead poisoning. The nurse should expect that the child will be treated with

A. Calcium disodium edetate (EDTA)
B. Syrup of ipecac
C. Activated charcoal
D. Erythromycin
10. A 3-year-old child is brought to an emergency department by his mother because she could not get him to wake up completely after his nap. He is semiconscious and has a low-grade fever. The physician suspects lead poisoning. The nurse should expect that the child will be treated with

**A. Calcium disodium edetate (EDTA)
B. Syrup of ipecac
C. Activated charcoal
D. Erythromycin
11. When assessing a 2-month-old infant’s reflexes, the nurse should understand that at this age the infant should exhibit

A. A negative Babinski’s reflex
B. An absent tonic neck reflex
C. An absent rooting reflex
D. A palmar grasp
11. When assessing a 2-month-old infant’s reflexes, the nurse should understand that at this age the infant should exhibit

A. A negative Babinski’s reflex
B. An absent tonic neck reflex
C. An absent rooting reflex
**D. A palmar grasp
12. An 11-year-old patient with the diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever will have a care plan that includes the most important nursing measure of

A. Sufficient vitamins for tissue repair
B. Adherence to bed rest regimen
C. Breathing exercises to increase oxygen exchange
D. Isolation for prevention of infection
12. An 11-year-old patient with the diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever will have a care plan that includes the most important nursing measure of

A. Sufficient vitamins for tissue repair
**B. Adherence to bed rest regimen
C. Breathing exercises to increase oxygen exchange
D. Isolation for prevention of infection
13. Before discharging a 3-year-old child to home in a hip spica cast, the nurse will want to be sure that the

A. Child is scheduled for a cast change in 2 or 3 days.
B. Child can crutch walk safely
C. Child’s mother understands the need to faithfully administer narcotic analgesics for pain.
D. Cast is not restricting her abdomen and the edges are nonirritating.
13. Before discharging a 3-year-old child to home in a hip spica cast, the nurse will want to be sure that the

A. Child is scheduled for a cast change in 2 or 3 days.
B. Child can crutch walk safely
C. Child’s mother understands the need to faithfully administer narcotic analgesics for pain.
**D. Cast is not restricting her abdomen and the edges are nonirritating.
14. A child has the diagnosis of impetigo contagiosa. To prevent further spread of the disease, the nurse should instruct the mother to

A. Strictly isolate this child from others in his family.
B. Take all other children in the family to the physician to be vaccinated for this disease.
C. Wash toys and other objects the child uses with soap and very hot water.
D. Not take any special precautions.
14. A child has the diagnosis of impetigo contagiosa. To prevent further spread of the disease, the nurse should instruct the mother to

A. Strictly isolate this child from others in his family.
B. Take all other children in the family to the physician to be vaccinated for this disease.
**C. Wash toys and other objects the child uses with soap and very hot water.
D. Not take any special precautions.
15. A 4 year old with a diagnosis of possible epiglottitis is admitted to the pediatric unit. A priority nursing intervention will be to

A. Avoid use of restraints.
B. Keep the child in an upright position.
C. Administer oxygen mist therapy.
D. Monitor hydration status.
15. A 4 year old with a diagnosis of possible epiglottitis is admitted to the pediatric unit. A priority nursing intervention will be to

A. Avoid use of restraints.
**B. Keep the child in an upright position.
C. Administer oxygen mist therapy.
D. Monitor hydration status.
16. A new mother is worried about a "soft spot" on the top of her newborn infant's head. The nurse informs her that this is a normal physical finding called the anterior fontanel. The mother understands further teaching when she states that "It will close on its own when my infant is:

A. "2-3 months of age."
B. "6-9 months of age."
C. "12-18 months of age."
D. "19-24 months of age."
16. A new mother is worried about a "soft spot" on the top of her newborn infant's head. The nurse informs her that this is a normal physical finding called the anterior fontanel. The mother understands further teaching when she states that "It will close on its own when my infant is:

A. "2-3 months of age."
B. "6-9 months of age."
**C. "12-18 months of age."
D. "19-24 months of age."
17. The nurse is at the bedside when a 9 year old has a seizure shortly after admission. The first action during the seizure is to:

A. Call the physician immediately.
B. Place a tongue blade between the child’s teeth.
C. Protect the child from injury by removing objects from the bed.
D. Observe the course of the seizure for future diagnosis.
17. The nurse is at the bedside when a 9 year old has a seizure shortly after admission. The first action during the seizure is to:

A. Call the physician immediately.
B. Place a tongue blade between the child’s teeth.
**C. Protect the child from injury by removing objects from the bed.
D. Observe the course of the seizure for future diagnosis.
18. A young patient, age 12, is hospitalized for left lower lobe pneumonia. The physician has ordered percussion, vibration and postural drainage for as long as tolerated or 30 minutes. Prior to providing this intervention, the nursing priority action is to:

A. Give instructions on correct diaphragmatic breathing.
B. Assess vital signs.
C. Auscultate lung fields.
D. Assess sputum characteristics.
18. A young patient, age 12, is hospitalized for left lower lobe pneumonia. The physician has ordered percussion, vibration and postural drainage for as long as tolerated or 30 minutes. Prior to providing this intervention, the nursing priority action is to

A. Give instructions on correct diaphragmatic breathing.
B. Assess vital signs.
**C. Auscultate lung fields.
D. Assess sputum characteristics.
19. A 2 year old has eaten half a bottle of his grandmother’s ferrous sulfate tablets. When the mother calls the clinic, the nurse will tell the mother to

A. Take him to the hospital immediately.
B. Give him syrup of ipecac to induce vomiting.
C. Contact the poison control center by phone.
D. Do nothing because vitamins are nonpoisonous.
19. A 2 year old has eaten half a bottle of his grandmother’s ferrous sulfate tablets. When the mother calls the clinic, the nurse will tell the mother to

A. Take him to the hospital immediately.
B. Give him syrup of ipecac to induce vomiting.
**C. Contact the poison control center by phone.
D. Do nothing because vitamins are nonpoisonous.
20. What development stage is the sense of industry?

A. Adolescent
B. Preschool
C. School-age
D. Toddler
20. What development stage is the sense of industry?

A. Adolescent
B. Preschool
**C. School-age
D. Toddler
21. When a child is admitted with the diagnosis of croup, why are cool mist vaporizers better to use than hot steam vaporizers?

A. The temperature of the mist is irrelevant because the child needs humidity.
B. More moisture can be delivered in cool mist than with hot steam.
C. Small children are more resistant to anything that is hot.
D. The cool mist relieves swelling in the airways and makes breathing easier.
21. When a child is admitted with the diagnosis of croup, why are cool mist vaporizers better to use than hot steam vaporizers?

A. The temperature of the mist is irrelevant because the child needs humidity.
B. More moisture can be delivered in cool mist than with hot steam.
C. Small children are more resistant to anything that is hot.
**D. The cool mist relieves swelling in the airways and makes breathing easier.
22. The parents of a 4 month old noticed that many bruises were forming on their son’s knees, buttocks and thighs. The blood tests reveal that he has classic hemophilia. The nurse understands that hemophilia is

A. Caused by spontaneous mutation.
B. Transmitted by diseased mothers to affected sons on the X chromosome.
C. Transmitted by asymptomatic fathers to affected sons on the Y chromosome.
D. Transmitted by asymptomatic females to affected sons on the X chromosome.
22. The parents of a 4 month old noticed that many bruises were forming on their son’s knees, buttocks and thighs. The blood tests reveal that he has classic hemophilia. The nurse understands that hemophilia is

A. Caused by spontaneous mutation.
B. Transmitted by diseased mothers to affected sons on the X chromosome.
C. Transmitted by asymptomatic fathers to affected sons on the Y chromosome.
**D. Transmitted by asymptomatic females to affected sons on the X chromosome.
23. The initial treatment of children with rheumatic fever consists of the administration of drugs such as

A. Penicillin and salicylates.
B. Antihypertensives.
C. Aspirin and digitalis.
D. Phenobarbital or morphine.
23. The initial treatment of children with rheumatic fever consists of the administration of drugs such as

**A. Penicillin and salicylates.
B. Antihypertensives.
C. Aspirin and digitalis.
D. Phenobarbital or morphine.
24. A special, controlled diet instituted relatively early after birth may prevent or limit mental retardation in children with the condition of

A. Cretinism.
B. Down’s syndrome.
C. Phenylketonuria (PKU).
D. Tay-Sachs disease.
24. A special, controlled diet instituted relatively early after birth may prevent or limit mental retardation in children with the condition of

A. Cretinism.
B. Down’s syndrome.
**C. Phenylketonuria (PKU).
D. Tay-Sachs disease.
25. The nurse in a well-baby clinic reminds a mother that at 4 months of age the infant should receive immunizations that include

A. DTaP, MMR and Hepatitis B.
B. Hepatitis B only.
C. DTaP, IPV, PVC, and Hib.
D. DTaP, MMR, HbCV, and Hib.
25. The nurse in a well-baby clinic reminds a mother that at 4 months of age the infant should receive immunizations that include

A. DTaP, MMR and Hepatitis B.
B. Hepatitis B only.
**C. DTaP, IPV, PVC, and Hib.
D. DTaP, MMR, HbCV, and Hib.
26. When counseling the mother of a child with cystic fibrosis, which of the following choices would indicate to the nurse that the mother understands the most appropriate food to combine with a pancreatic enzyme

A. Sliced canned fruit.
B. Cottage cheese.
C. Applesauce.
D. Yogurt.
26. When counseling the mother of a child with cystic fibrosis, which of the following choices would indicate to the nurse that the mother understands the most appropriate food to combine with a pancreatic enzyme

A. Sliced canned fruit.
B. Cottage cheese.
**C. Applesauce.
D. Yogurt.
27. A 3-year-old in respiratory distress has orders for 90% oxygen administration. The nurse could most effectively administer this oxygen when the child is spontaneously breathing by using a(n)

A. Oxygen tent.
B. Face mask with re-breathing reservoir.
C. Oxygen hood
D. Nasal prongs.
27. A 3-year-old in respiratory distress has orders for 90% oxygen administration. The nurse could most effectively administer this oxygen when the child is spontaneously breathing by using a(n)

A. Oxygen tent.
**B. Face mask with re-breathing reservoir.
C. Oxygen hood
D. Nasal prongs.
28. One test that can monitor the progress in treating hypovolemic shock in a child is hourly

A. Arterial blood gases.
B. Serum potassium level.
C. Blood pressure management for hypertension.
D. Measurement of urine output.
28. One test that can monitor the progress in treating hypovolemic shock in a child is hourly

A. Arterial blood gases.
B. Serum potassium level.
C. Blood pressure management for hypertension.
**D. Measurement of urine output.
29. If untreated, a child who has contracted diphtheria may die because of

A. Liver failure.
B. Sepsis.
C. Airway obstruction.
D. Hyperkalemia.
29. If untreated, a child who has contracted diphtheria may die because of

A. Liver failure.
B. Sepsis.
**C. Airway obstruction.
D. Hyperkalemia.
30. Interventions in the plan of care for a neonate who is admitted for sepsis should include

A. Obtaining a catheter urine specimen as ordered prior to starting antibiotic therapy.
B. Administering oxygen to increase oxygen saturations before blood gas determinations are drawn.
C. Administering antibiotic infusions after the blood culture results are obtained.
D. Administering acetaminophen after complete blood count (CBC) is drawn.
30. Interventions in the plan of care for a neonate who is admitted for sepsis should include

**A. Obtaining a catheter urine specimen as ordered prior to starting antibiotic therapy.
B. Administering oxygen to increase oxygen saturations before blood gas determinations are drawn.
C. Administering antibiotic infusions after the blood culture results are obtained.
D. Administering acetaminophen after complete blood count (CBC) is drawn.
31. A toddler is scheduled to receive the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and inactivated polio (IPV) vaccines. The nurse should not administer the MMR vaccine if the child

A. Tests positive for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
B. Has a cold and low-grade temperature.
C. Is currently receiving immunosuppressive drugs.
D. Experienced a mild rash after a previous immunization injection.
31. A toddler is scheduled to receive the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and inactivated polio (IPV) vaccines. The nurse should not administer the MMR vaccine if the child

A. Tests positive for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
B. Has a cold and low-grade temperature.
**C. Is currently receiving immunosuppressive drugs.
D. Experienced a mild rash after a previous immunization injection.
32. The nurse talking with the parents of a toddler who is struggling with toilet training reassures them their child is demonstrating a typical developmental stage that Erikson described as:

A. "Trust vs. mistrust."
B. "Autonomy vs. shame and doubt."
C. "Initiative vs. guilt."
D. "Industry vs. inferiority."
32. The nurse talking with the parents of a toddler who is struggling with toilet training reassures them their child is demonstrating a typical developmental stage that Erikson described as:

A. "Trust vs. mistrust."
**B. "Autonomy vs. shame and doubt."
C. "Initiative vs. guilt."
D. "Industry vs. inferiority."
33. A symptom of meningitis in a young infant is

A. Constipation.
B. Sunken fontanels.
C. A change in feeding pattern.
D. A subnormal temperature
33. A symptom of meningitis in a young infant is

A. Constipation.
B. Sunken fontanels.
**C. A change in feeding pattern.
D. A subnormal temperature
34. A 2-year-old male child arrived in the Emergency Department with complaints of sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and suspected diagnosis of acute epiglottitis. Which of the following interventions should not be included in the child's immediate care and assessment?

A. Vital signs
B. Medical history
C. Assessment of breath sounds
D. Throat culture
34. A 2-year-old male child arrived in the Emergency Department with complaints of sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and suspected diagnosis of acute epiglottitis. Which of the following interventions should not be included in the child's immediate care and assessment?

A. Vital signs
B. Medical history
C. Assessment of breath sounds
**D. Throat culture
35. A characteristic lesion that occurs in children with measles (rubeola) is

A. Erythema marginatum.
B. An erythematous rash.
C. Koplik spots.
D. Petechiae
35. A characteristic lesion that occurs in children with measles (rubeola) is

A. Erythema marginatum.
B. An erythematous rash.
**C. Koplik spots.
D. Petechiae
36. Hemophilia is an x-linked recessive trait. Which of the following is characteristic of x-linked recessive inheritance?

A. Affected individuals are principally females.
B. Affected individuals will always have affected parents.
C. There are no carriers.
D. Affected individuals are principally males.
36. Hemophilia is an x-linked recessive trait. Which of the following is characteristic of x-linked recessive inheritance?

A. Affected individuals are principally females.
B. Affected individuals will always have affected parents.
C. There are no carriers.
**D. Affected individuals are principally males.
37. The most accurate assessment of fluid volume imbalance in a child is determined by

A. Measurement of intake and output.
B. Daily weighing.
C. Assessment of skin turgor.
D. Evaluation of areas of edema.
37. The most accurate assessment of fluid volume imbalance in a child is determined by

A. Measurement of intake and output.
**B. Daily weighing.
C. Assessment of skin turgor.
D. Evaluation of areas of edema.
38. The nurse is caring for a newborn with meningomyelocele. The correct position for the baby to be placed preoperatively is

A. Semi-Fowler’s position.
B. Supine position.
C. Prone position.
D. Side-lying position.
38. The nurse is caring for a newborn with meningomyelocele. The correct position for the baby to be placed preoperatively is

A. Semi-Fowler’s position.
B. Supine position.
**C. Prone position.
D. Side-lying position.
39. Clinical manifestations the nurse would expect to see in a 2-month-old with hydrocephalus include

A. Apnea and hypotension.
B. Dilated scalp veins and bulging fontanels.
C. Bradycardia and hypertension.
D. Bradycardia and hypertension.
39. Clinical manifestations the nurse would expect to see in a 2-month-old with hydrocephalus include

A. Apnea and hypotension.
**B. Dilated scalp veins and bulging fontanels.
C. Bradycardia and hypertension.
D. Bradycardia and hypertension.
40. A 6-year-old child is admitted with a diagnosis of asthma. An early sign of respiratory distress would be

A. An increased pulse rate.
B. An increased temperature.
C. Intercostal and sternal retractions.
D. An increased respiratory rate.
40. A 6-year-old child is admitted with a diagnosis of asthma. An early sign of respiratory distress would be

**A. An increased pulse rate.
B. An increased temperature.
C. Intercostal and sternal retractions.
D. An increased respiratory rate.
41. An 8-year-old child had a tonsillectomy 12 hours ago. The nurse notes the following: T-98; P-112, thready; R-36, shallow; skin, cool and clammy. The nurse assesses the patient to be in shock. The first intervention is to

A. Begin oxygen by nasal cannula.
B. Place the child on a cardiac monitor.
C. Obtain arterial blood gases (ABGs).
D. Put the child in the semi-Fowler’s position.
41. An 8-year-old child had a tonsillectomy 12 hours ago. The nurse notes the following: T-98; P-112, thready; R-36, shallow; skin, cool and clammy. The nurse assesses the patient to be in shock. The first intervention is to

**A. Begin oxygen by nasal cannula.
B. Place the child on a cardiac monitor.
C. Obtain arterial blood gases (ABGs).
D. Put the child in the semi-Fowler’s position.
42. A young child has a diagnosis of nephrosis. Which of the following medications would the nurse plan to discuss with his parents?
A. Glucocorticoids.
B. Long-term antibiotics.
C. Antihypertensives.
D. Antiemetic drugs.
42. A young child has a diagnosis of nephrosis. Which of the following medications would the nurse plan to discuss with his parents?
**A. Glucocorticoids.
B. Long-term antibiotics.
C. Antihypertensives.
D. Antiemetic drugs.
43. A 12-year-old child is admitted with bronchial asthma. He is discharged on albuterol (a beta-adrenergic agonist) by metered dose inhaler. Discharge planning will include the explanation that this drug will

A. Reduce inflammation.
B. Slow the heart rate.
C. Relieve bronchospasm.
D. Inhibit the release of histamine.
43. A 12-year-old child is admitted with bronchial asthma. He is discharged on albuterol (a beta-adrenergic agonist) by metered dose inhaler. Discharge planning will include the explanation that this drug will

A. Reduce inflammation.
B. Slow the heart rate.
**C. Relieve bronchospasm.
D. Inhibit the release of histamine.
44. The clinic nurse is teaching the parents of a newborn about the immunization schedule they will follow. The immunizations that should be started after the first birthday or at 15 months are

A. Hemophilus influenzae type b (Hib).
B. Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR).
C. Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DPT).
D. Trivalent oral polio (TOPV).
44. The clinic nurse is teaching the parents of a newborn about the immunization schedule they will follow. The immunizations that should be started after the first birthday or at 15 months are

A. Hemophilus influenzae type b (Hib).
**B. Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR).
C. Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DPT).
D. Trivalent oral polio (TOPV).
45. An infant with tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is having a hypercyanotic episode ("tet" spell). Which of the following nursing interventions should the nurse implement? (Select all that apply.)

A. Place the child in knee-chest position.
B. Draw blood for a serum hemoglobin.
C. Administer oxygen.
D. Administer morphine and propranolol intravenously as ordered.
E. Administer Benadryl as ordered.
45. An infant with tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is having a hypercyanotic episode ("tet" spell). Which of the following nursing interventions should the nurse implement? (Select all that apply.)

**A. Place the child in knee-chest position.
B. Draw blood for a serum hemoglobin.
**C. Administer oxygen.
D. Administer morphine and propranolol intravenously as ordered.
E. Administer Benadryl as ordered.
46. When assessing a patient for nephrosis, which of the following clinical signs and symptoms would the nurse expect?

A. Gross hematuria, weight gain, and hypertension.
B. Proteinuria, edema, and decreased albumin.
C. Fever, weight gain, and hematuria.
D. Bacteriuria and hypotension.
46. When assessing a patient for nephrosis, which of the following clinical signs and symptoms would the nurse expect?

A. Gross hematuria, weight gain, and hypertension.
**B. Proteinuria, edema, and decreased albumin.
C. Fever, weight gain, and hematuria.
D. Bacteriuria and hypotension.
47. When monitoring a 10-year-old child who has undergone a cardiac catheterization, which of the following signs would have the highest priority for continued monitoring?

A. Generalized weakness.
B. Loss of appetite.
C. Difficulty voiding.
D. Cardiac arrhythmias.
47. When monitoring a 10-year-old child who has undergone a cardiac catheterization, which of the following signs would have the highest priority for continued monitoring?

A. Generalized weakness.
B. Loss of appetite.
C. Difficulty voiding.
**D. Cardiac arrhythmias.
48. A 6-year-old is admitted with a diagnosis of rheumatic fever. Which of the following goals is the most important when caring for her while she is in the hospital?

A. Providing rest.
B. Providing a nutritious diet.
C. Maintaining contact with school friends.
D. Keeping up with schoolwork.
48. A 6-year-old is admitted with a diagnosis of rheumatic fever. Which of the following goals is the most important when caring for her while she is in the hospital?

**A. Providing rest.
B. Providing a nutritious diet.
C. Maintaining contact with school friends.
D. Keeping up with schoolwork.
49. When assessing the male child with hypospadias, the nurse would observe for

A. The absence of a testicle.
B. A smaller-than-normal penis.
C. A urethral opening along the ventral surface of the penis.
D. A herniation into the scrotal sac.
49. When assessing the male child with hypospadias, the nurse would observe for

A. The absence of a testicle.
B. A smaller-than-normal penis.
**C. A urethral opening along the ventral surface of the penis.
D. A herniation into the scrotal sac.
50. A nurse is planning to provide education for a family who has a child with sickle-cell anemia. For the prevention of a sickle-cell crisis, the nurse should teach the family the importance of avoiding:

A. Over-hydration.
B. Midrange altitudes.
C. Weight loss without dehydration.
D. Respiratory infection and dehydration.
50. A nurse is planning to provide education for a family who has a child with sickle-cell anemia. For the prevention of a sickle-cell crisis, the nurse should teach the family the importance of avoiding:

A. Over-hydration.
B. Midrange altitudes.
C. Weight loss without dehydration.
**D. Respiratory infection and dehydration.
51. Reye’s syndrome usually develops following

A. Strep throat.
B. Bacterial meningitis.
C. Acetaminophen overdose.
D. Viral infection.
51. Reye’s syndrome usually develops following

A. Strep throat.
B. Bacterial meningitis.
C. Acetaminophen overdose.
**D. Viral infection.
52. To improve the comfort of a child in the acute stage of meningitis, the nursing intervention is to

A. Play musical audiotapes.
B. Massage child’s neck and back.
C. Keep room lights dim.
D. Gently rock the child
52. To improve the comfort of a child in the acute stage of meningitis, the nursing intervention is to

A. Play musical audiotapes.
B. Massage child’s neck and back.
**C. Keep room lights dim.
D. Gently rock the child
53. The leading cause of mental retardation, physical disability, and seizures in children is
A. Cancer.
B. Congenital birth defect.
C. Head injury.
D. Cerebral palsy.
53. The leading cause of mental retardation, physical disability, and seizures in children is
A. Cancer.
B. Congenital birth defect.
**C. Head injury.
D. Cerebral palsy.
54. Elbow restraints are used with infants who have had a cleft palate repair. Parents are instructed that the restraints should be
A. Snug to prevent arm movement.
B. Pinned tightly to the infant’s shirt.
C. Positioned from wrist to elbow.
D. Removed one at a time at frequent intervals.
54. Elbow restraints are used with infants who have had a cleft palate repair. Parents are instructed that the restraints should be
A. Snug to prevent arm movement.
B. Pinned tightly to the infant’s shirt.
C. Positioned from wrist to elbow.
**D. Removed one at a time at frequent intervals.
55. Assessing a child who has painful ear, a bulging tympanic membrane is an indication of
A. Strep throat.
B. Perforation of tympanic membrane.
C. Thickened tympanic membrane.
D. Acute otitis media.
55. Assessing a child who has painful ear, a bulging tympanic membrane is an indication of
A. Strep throat.
B. Perforation of tympanic membrane.
C. Thickened tympanic membrane.
**D. Acute otitis media.
56. A common manifestation of chronic hypoxemia in children that the nurse would assess for is
A. Low hematocrit and hemoglobin.
B. Slow respiratory rate.
C. Clubbing of fingers and toes.
D. Capillary refill less than 2 seconds.
56. A common manifestation of chronic hypoxemia in children that the nurse would assess for is
A. Low hematocrit and hemoglobin.
B. Slow respiratory rate.
**C. Clubbing of fingers and toes.
D. Capillary refill less than 2 seconds.
57. A characteristic position assumed by a toddler with tetralogy of Fallot is

A. Sitting with head forward.
B. Squatting.
C. Trendelenburg.
D. Supine.
57. A characteristic position assumed by a toddler with tetralogy of Fallot is

A. Sitting with head forward.
**B. Squatting.
C. Trendelenburg.
D. Supine.
58. When a child with cerebral palsy is admitted to the hospital, the plan of care must include

A. Bed rest to speed recovery.
B. The child’s normal exercise program.
C. Physical restraints to prevent falls.
D. A low-calorie diet because of immobility.
58. When a child with cerebral palsy is admitted to the hospital, the plan of care must include

A. Bed rest to speed recovery.
**B. The child’s normal exercise program.
C. Physical restraints to prevent falls.
D. A low-calorie diet because of immobility.
59. When an infant with tetrology of Fallot has a hypercyanotic episode, the initial treatment is to give oxygen and place the infant in the position of
A. Supine.
B. High-Fowler’s
C. Knee-chest.
D. Reverse Trendelenburg.
59. When an infant with tetrology of Fallot has a hypercyanotic episode, the initial treatment is to give oxygen and place the infant in the position of
A. Supine.
B. High-Fowler’s
**C. Knee-chest.
D. Reverse Trendelenburg.
60. Infants with cyanotic heart disease are often difficult to feed because they exhibit

A. Dyspnea and fatigue.
B. Apneic episodes and sleepiness.
C. Poor suck and swallow reflexes.
D. Poor appetite and low calorie needs.
60. Infants with cyanotic heart disease are often difficult to feed because they exhibit

**A. Dyspnea and fatigue.
B. Apneic episodes and sleepiness.
C. Poor suck and swallow reflexes.
D. Poor appetite and low calorie needs.
61. During warm weather, the nurse will instruct the parents of a child with sickle cell anemia that the child must

A. Maintain appropriate hydration.
B. Take aspirin to avoid blood clots.
C. Take corticosteroids.
D. Avoid any exertion.
61. During warm weather, the nurse will instruct the parents of a child with sickle cell anemia that the child must

**A. Maintain appropriate hydration.
B. Take aspirin to avoid blood clots.
C. Take corticosteroids.
D. Avoid any exertion.
62. In children, the development of rheumatic fever can be reduced by

A. Isolating children with rheumatic fever.
B. Giving antibiotics whenever the child is exposed to a cold or flu.
C. Culturing and treating strep throat infections.
D. Immunizing children against disease.
62. In children, the development of rheumatic fever can be reduced by

A. Isolating children with rheumatic fever.
B. Giving antibiotics whenever the child is exposed to a cold or flu.
**C. Culturing and treating strep throat infections.
D. Immunizing children against disease.
63. Discharge instructions for a child who has had rheumatic fever need to emphasize compliance with
A. Prophylactic antibiotic treatment.
B. Daily exercise regimen.
C. Monthly throat cultures.
D. Serial electrocardiograms every year
63. Discharge instructions for a child who has had rheumatic fever need to emphasize compliance with
**A. Prophylactic antibiotic treatment.
B. Daily exercise regimen.
C. Monthly throat cultures.
D. Serial electrocardiograms every year
64. An early symptom of congestive heart failure in an infant is
A. Wheezing.
B. Ascites.
C. Tiring easily.
D. Cyanosis
64. An early symptom of congestive heart failure in an infant is
A. Wheezing.
B. Ascites.
**C. Tiring easily.
D. Cyanosis
65. A mother asks the nurse some questions about toilet training her daughter, age 1 1/2 years. The most basic principle to consider in attempting to toilet train a toddler is that

A. Girls present unique problems in toilet training.
B. Children must be physiologically ready for toilet training.
C. All children must be 2 years of age before toilet training should be started.
D. Toilet training will come without any special effort on the part of the parent.
65. A mother asks the nurse some questions about toilet training her daughter, age 1 1/2 years. The most basic principle to consider in attempting to toilet train a toddler is that

A. Girls present unique problems in toilet training.
**B. Children must be physiologically ready for toilet training.
C. All children must be 2 years of age before toilet training should be started.
D. Toilet training will come without any special effort on the part of the parent.
66. A simple, noninvasive method to assess adequacy of tissue perfusion is
A. Echocardiography.
B. Serum electrolyte monitoring.
C. Arterial blood gas monitoring.
D. Capillary refill.
66. A simple, noninvasive method to assess adequacy of tissue perfusion is
A. Echocardiography.
B. Serum electrolyte monitoring.
C. Arterial blood gas monitoring.
**D. Capillary refill.
67. An infant is admitted with the diagnosis of bronchiolitis. As the condition progresses, the nurse would assess for
A. Tachypnea and retractions.
B. High fever and toxic appearance.
C. Slow deep respirations.
D. Thick yellowish mucous production.
67. An infant is admitted with the diagnosis of bronchiolitis. As the condition progresses, the nurse would assess for
**A. Tachypnea and retractions.
B. High fever and toxic appearance.
C. Slow deep respirations.
D. Thick yellowish mucous production.
68. Which of the following is of greatest developmental concern for a 10-year-old girl hospitalized for the first time?

A. Staying in unfamiliar surroundings.
B. Missing her friends and activities.
C. Being separated from her parents.
D. Fearing needles and injections.
68. Which of the following is of greatest developmental concern for a 10-year-old girl hospitalized for the first time?

A. Staying in unfamiliar surroundings.
**B. Missing her friends and activities.
C. Being separated from her parents.
D. Fearing needles and injections.
69. The nurse is caring for a 3-month-old infant with Down syndrome. Which of the following conditions would pose the greatest threat to the baby’s health?
A. Chicken pox.
B. Sore throats.
C. Lung infections.
D. Allergies
69. The nurse is caring for a 3-month-old infant with Down syndrome. Which of the following conditions would pose the greatest threat to the baby’s health?
A. Chicken pox.
B. Sore throats.
**C. Lung infections.
D. Allergies
70. An infant is 2 months old and had repair to a cleft lip 10 hours ago. He is now crying. The most important nursing intervention would be to

A. Medicate him immediately.
B. Allow him to cry.
C. Get his mother to hold him
D. Give him his pacifier.
70. An infant is 2 months old and had repair to a cleft lip 10 hours ago. He is now crying. The most important nursing intervention would be to

A. Medicate him immediately.
B. Allow him to cry.
**C. Get his mother to hold him
D. Give him his pacifier.
71. When assessing a child who is having an acute asthma attack, the nurse’s first priority is to
A. Avoid giving too much medication.
B. Evaluate the child’s hydration status.
C. Auscultate lung bases for air movement.
D. Take the child’s temperature and blood pressure.
71. When assessing a child who is having an acute asthma attack, the nurse’s first priority is to
A. Avoid giving too much medication.
B. Evaluate the child’s hydration status.
**C. Auscultate lung bases for air movement.
D. Take the child’s temperature and blood pressure.
72. A 2-year-old child has just been started on total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Which of the following laboratory values must be monitored closely during this time?
A. Urine specific gravity.
B. White blood cell count.
C. Red blood cell count.
D. Serum glucose.
72. A 2-year-old child has just been started on total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Which of the following laboratory values must be monitored closely during this time?
A. Urine specific gravity.
B. White blood cell count.
C. Red blood cell count.
**D. Serum glucose.
73. A safety precaution when caring for a child with a tracheostomy is to
A. Suction for 10-15 seconds every 2 hours.
B. Keep a new tracheostomy tube at the bedside.
C. Position child on abdomen to prevent aspiration.
D. Keep new ties at the bedside if old ones begin to fray.
73. A safety precaution when caring for a child with a tracheostomy is to
A. Suction for 10-15 seconds every 2 hours.
**B. Keep a new tracheostomy tube at the bedside.
C. Position child on abdomen to prevent aspiration.
D. Keep new ties at the bedside if old ones begin to fray.
74. A child with cystic fibrosis is at risk for a deficiency in which vitamins?
A. Vitamins C and B6.
B. Vitamins A and D.
C. B12 and niacin.
D. B1 and folic acid.
74. A child with cystic fibrosis is at risk for a deficiency in which vitamins?
A. Vitamins C and B6.
**B. Vitamins A and D.
C. B12 and niacin.
D. B1 and folic acid.
75. In a child with cystic fibrosis, the best time to perform chest physiotherapy (CPT) would be
A. Immediately before meals.
B. 2 hours after meals.
C. After deep suctioning.
D. During night hours.
75. In a child with cystic fibrosis, the best time to perform chest physiotherapy (CPT) would be
A. Immediately before meals.
**B. 2 hours after meals.
C. After deep suctioning.
D. During night hours.
76. Assessing an infant with bronchiolitis an ominous sign would be
A. Refusal to drink.
B. Wheezing in bronchi.
C. Diminished breath sounds.
D. Crackles in lungs.
76. Assessing an infant with bronchiolitis an ominous sign would be
A. Refusal to drink.
B. Wheezing in bronchi.
**C. Diminished breath sounds.
D. Crackles in lungs.
77. The young patient has just been admitted for evaluation. The nurse reports that the physical assessment reveals a finding that may indicate coarctation of the aorta, which is
A. Weak femoral pulses.
B. High blood pressure in the legs.
C. Weak radial pulses.
D. Low blood pressure in the arms.
77. The young patient has just been admitted for evaluation. The nurse reports that the physical assessment reveals a finding that may indicate coarctation of the aorta, which is
**A. Weak femoral pulses.
B. High blood pressure in the legs.
C. Weak radial pulses.
D. Low blood pressure in the arms.
78. The nurse is planning care for a 3-month-old infant with eczema. Which of the following would take top priority in this infant's care?
A. Maintaining adequate nutrition
B. Keeping the baby content
C. Preventing infection of lesions
D. Applying antibiotics to lesions
78. The nurse is planning care for a 3-month-old infant with eczema. Which of the following would take top priority in this infant's care?
A. Maintaining adequate nutrition
B. Keeping the baby content
**C. Preventing infection of lesions
D. Applying antibiotics to lesions
79. A child with cerebral palsy needs a diet
A. High in calories.
B. High in iron.
C. Low in calories.
D. Low in fiber.
79. A child with cerebral palsy needs a diet
**A. High in calories.
B. High in iron.
C. Low in calories.
D. Low in fiber.
80. The staff is developing a care plan for a child who is to have a cardiac catheterization. Following the procedure, the plan of care will include
A. Maintaining NPO status for 6 hours.
B. Applying direct pressure over site for 1 hour.
C. Maintaining adequate hydration.
D. Keeping affected extremity straight
80. The staff is developing a care plan for a child who is to have a cardiac catheterization. Following the procedure, the plan of care will include
A. Maintaining NPO status for 6 hours.
B. Applying direct pressure over site for 1 hour.
C. Maintaining adequate hydration.
**D. Keeping affected extremity straight
81. A strategy to improve nutrition in an infant who tires easily because of congestive heart failure is to feed the infant
A. Every 6 hours.
B. Diluted formula.
C. High-calorie formula.
D. Every hour.
81. A strategy to improve nutrition in an infant who tires easily because of congestive heart failure is to feed the infant
A. Every 6 hours.
B. Diluted formula.
**C. High-calorie formula.
D. Every hour.
82. When teaching a family about the side effects of diuretics for their child, the nurse encourages giving tomato juice and meats. She explains to the parents that because of the medication, the child needs replacement
A. Potassium.
B. Vitamins.
C. Chlorides.
D. Chlorides.
82. When teaching a family about the side effects of diuretics for their child, the nurse encourages giving tomato juice and meats. She explains to the parents that because of the medication, the child needs replacement
**A. Potassium.
B. Vitamins.
C. Chlorides.
D. Chlorides.
83. When evaluating the use of prednisone in treating a child with leukemia, the nurse would note effectiveness when observing that the child has
A. A decrease in the inflammatory response.
B. A decrease in nausea and vomiting.
C. An increase in the white blood cell count.
D. Relief from all pain.
83. When evaluating the use of prednisone in treating a child with leukemia, the nurse would note effectiveness when observing that the child has
**A. A decrease in the inflammatory response.
B. A decrease in nausea and vomiting.
C. An increase in the white blood cell count.
D. Relief from all pain.
84. The discharge nurse is teaching the family of a child with asthma about home care issues. The nurse will know they understand the important factors when they say they will

A. Keep the child indoors during the winter.
B. Maintain temperature of the home at 72degree F.
C. Keep dogs away from the child.
D. Forbid smoking in the home.
84. The discharge nurse is teaching the family of a child with asthma about home care issues. The nurse will know they understand the important factors when they say they will

A. Keep the child indoors during the winter.
B. Maintain temperature of the home at 72 degree F.
C. Keep dogs away from the child.
**D. Forbid smoking in the home.
85. A dramatic decline in H-flu type B illness over the last decade is attributed to

A. Greater resistance to H-flu.
B. Development of more effective antibiotics.
C. Effective education about the disease.
D. Introduction of vaccination for H-flu.
85. A dramatic decline in H-flu type B illness over the last decade is attributed to

A. Greater resistance to H-flu.
B. Development of more effective antibiotics.
C. Effective education about the disease.
**D. Introduction of vaccination for H-flu.
86. Children diagnosed with hypercalcemia are at high risk for

A. Spontaneous fractures.
B. Renal calculi.
C. Tetany.
D. Vitamin D deficiency.
86. Children diagnosed with hypercalcemia are at high risk for

A. Spontaneous fractures.
**B. Renal calculi.
C. Tetany.
D. Vitamin D deficiency.
87. The classic symptom in an infant with pertussis is a
A. Spasmatic cough and stridor.
B. Grayish membrane over the tonsils.
C. Swelling of lymph nodes.
D. Red, raised rash.
87. The classic symptom in an infant with pertussis is a
**A. Spasmatic cough and stridor.
B. Grayish membrane over the tonsils.
C. Swelling of lymph nodes.
D. Red, raised rash.
88. In a young child, the type of infection that occurs in the eyelid and tissues surrounding the eye, is likely to be a (an)
A. Localized infection treated with antibiotic eye ointment.
B. Viral infection that will resolve on its own.
C. Infection that can result in glaucoma.
D. Serious bacterial infection requiring IV antibiotic treatment.
88. In a young child, the type of infection that occurs in the eyelid and tissues surrounding the eye, is likely to be a (an)
A. Localized infection treated with antibiotic eye ointment.
B. Viral infection that will resolve on its own.
C. Infection that can result in glaucoma.
**D. Serious bacterial infection requiring IV antibiotic treatment.
89. Hyperlipidemia can be managed in most children by
A. Weight loss.
B. Antihypertensive medication.
C. Diet and exercise.
D. Digoxin and furosemide (Lasix).
89. Hyperlipidemia can be managed in most children by
A. Weight loss.
B. Antihypertensive medication.
**C. Diet and exercise.
D. Digoxin and furosemide (Lasix).
90. An infant is brought to the well-baby clinic. While the nurse is collecting data, which observation would lead the nurse to suspect a diagnosis of meningitis in the infant?

A. Severe constipation.
B. Increased pulse rate.
C. High-pitched cry.
D. Rigidity of lower extremities.
90. An infant is brought to the well-baby clinic. While the nurse is collecting data, which observation would lead the nurse to suspect a diagnosis of meningitis in the infant?

A. Severe constipation.
B. Increased pulse rate.
**C. High-pitched cry.
D. Rigidity of lower extremities.
91. A nursing priority when caring for an infant in a mist tent is to
A. Remove the child from the tent every hour.
B. Place toys in the tent for stimulation.
C. Change sheets often to keep the child dry.
D. Continuously monitor the child’s heart rate.
91. A nursing priority when caring for an infant in a mist tent is to
A. Remove the child from the tent every hour.
B. Place toys in the tent for stimulation.
**C. Change sheets often to keep the child dry.
D. Continuously monitor the child’s heart rate.
92. Children with acute otitis media are treated with a full 10 - 14 day course of antibiotics. It is important to instruct the parents to
A. Give medication until pain is gone.
B. Give medication with meals only.
C. Ask physician for prophylactic antibiotics.
D. Give all prescribed medication until it is finished.
92. Children with acute otitis media are treated with a full 10 - 14 day course of antibiotics. It is important to instruct the parents to
A. Give medication until pain is gone.
B. Give medication with meals only.
C. Ask physician for prophylactic antibiotics.
**D. Give all prescribed medication until it is finished.
93. Which of the following symptoms may be an indication of respiratory alkalosis in a young child?
A. Tingling in fingers.
B. Shallow respirations.
C. Tachycardia.
D. Lethargy.
93. Which of the following symptoms may be an indication of respiratory alkalosis in a young child?
**A. Tingling in fingers.
B. Shallow respirations.
C. Tachycardia.
D. Lethargy.
94. The infant with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is at risk for developing
A. Metabolic alkalosis.
B. Metabolic acidosis.
C. Respiratory alkalosis.
D. Respiratory acidosis.
94. The infant with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is at risk for developing
**A. Metabolic alkalosis.
B. Metabolic acidosis.
C. Respiratory alkalosis.
D. Respiratory acidosis.
95. When congestive heart failure (CHF) in a 4-year-old child is well controlled, the nurse will evaluate that the
A. Heart rate will be normal.
B. Diuretic dose can be decreased.
C. Energy level is increased.
D. Digoxin dose can be decreased.
95. When congestive heart failure (CHF) in a 4-year-old child is well controlled, the nurse will evaluate that the
A. Heart rate will be normal.
B. Diuretic dose can be decreased.
**C. Energy level is increased.
D. Digoxin dose can be decreased.
96. A 10-year-old child has just had a bone marrow transplant. The nursing care plan will focus on the fact that the child is at high risk for
A. Marrow rejection.
B. Infection.
C. Dehydration.
D. Bleeding
96. A 10-year-old child has just had a bone marrow transplant. The nursing care plan will focus on the fact that the child is at high risk for
A. Marrow rejection.
**B. Infection.
C. Dehydration.
D. Bleeding
97. The nurse will instruct the mother that a common side effect of DTP vaccines in children is
A. Fever over 102degree F.
B. Redness at site.
C. Rash.
D. Joint pain.
97. The nurse will instruct the mother that a common side effect of DTP vaccines in children is
A. Fever over 102degree F.
**B. Redness at site.
C. Rash.
D. Joint pain.
98. Trivalent oral polio vaccine is contraindicated if the child
A. Is allergic to eggs.
B. Is immunosuppressed.
C. Has had a reaction to pertussis vaccine.
D. Has a history of seizures.
98. Trivalent oral polio vaccine is contraindicated if the child
A. Is allergic to eggs.
**B. Is immunosuppressed.
C. Has had a reaction to pertussis vaccine.
D. Has a history of seizures.
99. A common clinical manifestation of mononucleosis in older children and adolescents is
A. Headache.
B. Muscle pain.
C. Lymphadenopathy.
D. Hepatomegaly.
99. A common clinical manifestation of mononucleosis in older children and adolescents is
A. Headache.
B. Muscle pain.
**C. Lymphadenopathy.
D. Hepatomegaly.
100. Haemophilus influenza type B is a significant health problem for children because it could develop into
A. Meningitis.
B. Antibiotic-resistant illness.
C. Anaphylactic shock.
D. Flu-like symptoms.
100. Haemophilus influenza type B is a significant health problem for children because it could develop into
**A. Meningitis.
B. Antibiotic-resistant illness.
C. Anaphylactic shock.
D. Flu-like symptoms.
101. Which of the following clinical manifestations are usually present in glomerulonephritis? Select all that apply.

A. Periorbital edema
B. Irritability
C. Hematuria
D. Gross proteinuria
E. Decreased BUN and creatinine
101. Which of the following clinical manifestations are usually present in glomerulonephritis? Select all that apply.

**A. Periorbital edema
**B. Irritability
**C. Hematuria
D. Gross proteinuria
E. Decreased BUN and creatinine
102. Which of the following are clinical manifestations of diabetes insipidus? Select all that apply.

A. Polydipsia
B. Polyphasia
C. Polyuria
D. Polydactyly
E. Hypoglycemia
102. Which of the following are clinical manifestations of diabetes insipidus? Select all that apply.

**A. Polydipsia
B. Polyphasia
**C. Polyuria
D. Polydactyly
E. Hypoglycemia
9. A 3-month-old infant has unrepaired Tetralogy of Fallot. Which of the following signs and symptoms would the infant be expected to exhibit?

A. Tachycardia, hypertension, decreased femoral pulses
B. Circumoral cyanosis, hypoxic spells, feeding fatigue
C. Hypotension, bradycardia, dyspnea
D. Cyanosis, tachypnea, hypertension in upper extremities
9. A 3-month-old infant has unrepaired Tetralogy of Fallot. Which of the following signs and symptoms would the infant be expected to exhibit?

A. Tachycardia, hypertension, decreased femoral pulses
**B. Circumoral cyanosis, hypoxic spells, feeding fatigue
C. Hypotension, bradycardia, dyspnea
D. Cyanosis, tachypnea, hypertension in upper extremities