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26 Cards in this Set

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Identify on a map the three countries that border Spain. Know their names in Spanish (the names are on the inside of the back cover).
Francia, Marruecos, Portugal
Name the three dominant features of Spain’s geography. (back cover/class notes)
A lot of mountains, a lot of plains, a penisula
How do Spanish speakers tend to greet one another?
Shake hands, hug, or kiss each other's cheeks.
In what places is the 24-hour clock used in the Spanish-speaking world? Name two places.
Television programs, buses, trains, movies
Name two differences between university life in the USA and university life in the Spanish-speaking world.
Less class time in USA than in Spanish-speaking world. Tuition costs are much cheaper in Spanish-speaking world than in USA.
In what part of the Spanish speaking world do they use the term cuate or a cuata? What does it mean?
Mexico. A close friend.
What is the game of pelota and how is it different from soccer
It is a ball game. You put the ball through a ring instead of in a goal like soccer.
¿Cuál es el deporte nacional más popular en México hoy en día?
El deporte nacional más popular en Mexico hoy en dia es futbol. (ACCENT OVER THE U)
¿Cuál es el segundo deporte más popular en México hoy en día?
El segundo deporte mas popular en Mexico es beisbol. (ACCENT OVER THE E)
What is a zócalo and what is its importance to Mexican culture?
A zocalo is the town square. The heart of the city. It's important because many social activities go on and such.
Name two activities people do in a zócalo.
Talk to friends, mariachis play music, some adults conduct business.
What does ¿Qué onda? literally mean? What is the phrase we use in English that is an equivalent?
To wave. English equivalent is what's up
What is a balneario?
Spa, water park
Describe two changes that women’s roles are undergoing in Mexico. What social forces are driving these changes?
They are doing less house work. Getting a job outside the house. Women are getting more education and having a greater sense of their potential.
What is the word for stepmother, stepbrother, etc.?
Mother father- La madrastra, el padrastro. Brother sister- El hermanastro, la hermanastra
What would a Spanish speaker call their half-brother?
El medio hermano.
Name two differences between dining out in a Spanish-speaking country and dining out in the US. what does these differences suggest about our culture?
Socially unacceptable to ask for two checks in Mexico. You talk for hours after eating food in Spanish speaking countries. This says our culture is more rush while their's is laid back.
Name two differences between family life for a typical North American and family life for a typical Spanish-speaker. Name one historical, cultural, or geographical motivation for these differences.
Make **** up!
¿Quiénes son los vascos?
Los vascos son un grupo etnico en Espana y Francia <-memorize at least this! Above and beyond -> que viven en una region de Europa llamada el Pais Vasco.
¿Qué sabemos del origen del pueblo vasco y el idioma?
El origen de este pueblo y su idioma es un misterio.
¿Cuáles son los cuatro idiomas que se hablan en España?
El vasco, el gallego, el catalán, y el castella.

Why do many Spanish-speakers have two last names? Explain the following last name
Alicia López Operé
First last name from father, second last name from mother. Lopez is her fathers first last name and Opere is her mothers first last name.
Explain what would have happened for Alicia to now have the last name Alicia López Operé de Guzmán. What name would her children have?
She got married. The children's last name would be Lopez Guzman.
Explain where St. John and Saint Teresa are from and what they did to become saints.
Both born to Jews and they founded the Discalced Carmelites.
Name the two Jesuit saints we studied that were from Spain.
Ignacio de Loyola and San Alberto Hurtado
Name one of the Latin American Saints we studied on All Saints’ Day and explain what they did to become saints.
Santa Teresa de los Andes - devoted herself completely to god. Overcame self centered personality to become one who cared for others above all.