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53 Cards in this Set

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What is language?
A set of shared symbols or signs that a group of people have mutally agreed to use to create meaning.
What are the language variations?
Accent, Dialect, Argot, Slang, Branding
What is the relationship between culture and language?
Language reflects what is important in a culture and in turn culture shapes language.
What is High and Low Context?
Low- more emphasis on words rather than non verbal
High- more emphasis on the non verbal cues than the words
What is High and Low Power Distance?
High- titles and differenciencal of power is a part of every day culture.
Low- people are treated equally amonst themselves and do not have as much of an emphasis on power
How can miscommunication be reduced?
Mindfulness, Speech Rate, Vocabulary, Monitor Nonverbal Feedback, Checking
What is the difference between interpretation and translation?
Interpretation occurs verbally and Translation occurs in writing.
What are some key points of non-verbal communication?
Expesses Emotion
Multidimensional that can be influenced by multiple factors
It is ambiguous
What is non-verbal communication?
Nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver.
What are the two classifications of nonverbal communication?
Produced by the body (appearance, movement, facial expressions, eye contact, touch and paralanguage.
Combined with the setting (space, time and silence)
What are the 5 categories of touch behavior?
1. Professional
2. Social
3. Friendship
4. Love-Intamacy
5. Sexual Touching
What is paralanguage?
Communicative Characteristics of the voice and with how people use their voices (giggles, laughter, accents, groans, sighs, pitch, tempo, volume, and resonance.
What are the three categories of paralanguage?
Vocal qualifiers, Vocal Characteristics, Vocal Segregates
What is the study of Space and Distance?
What are the 3 stated categories of space and distance?
Personal space, seating and furniture arrangement.
What is Monochronic Time and Polychronic Time?
M-time: time is a scarce resource, schedules, appointments, multi-tasking
P-time: Time is the maintanence for a harmonious relationship, so use of time needs to be flexible.
How can a person assess the context of communication?
Informality and Formality, Assertiveness and Interpersonal Harmony, Egalitarian and Hierarchical
What are the different categories of business protocol addressed? (p300)
1. initial contacts
2. greeting
3. personal appearance
4. gift giving
5. conversational taboos
How does Egypt conduct initial contacts?
Egypt (cold call or letter of introduction) Business by who you know.
Greeting Behavior
Cultures have different greeting behaviors, some more formal while other informal.
Leadership Styles
Widespread agreement: what they may or may not do, their influence.
Decision Making Styles
Who makes the decisions and how they are made.
5 styles of business negotiations that create problems.
1. Formality and staus
2. Pace and Patience
3. Emotional Displays
4. Direct and Indirect
5. Evidence and Truth
How can negotiation skills be developed?
1. Be Prepared
2. Develop Sensitivity to the use of time.
3. Listen Carefully
4. Learn to tolerate ambiguity
5. Try to locate areas of agreement
What are the 5 basic ways Americans deal with conflict?
1. Avoidance
2. Accommodation
3. Competition
4. Compromise
5. Collaboration
What are the different ways to Manage intercultural conflict?
1. Identify the Contentious Issues
2. Keep an open mind
3. Do not Rush
4. Keep the conflict centered on ideas, no people
5. Develop techniques for avoiding conflict
What is an important aspect of education in a culture?
What and How they teach: what is taught in a culture is crucial to the maintencance and perpetuation of that culture and usually is a major responsibility of the formal educational systems within a culture.
Language education
Cultures first teach their own language.
What are 3 components to understanding how education is taught in a culture?
1. knowledge about the nature of the culture
2. helps understand interpersonal relationships among students
3. helps understand the importance education is within the culture
What are two ways that multicultural education can be difficult?
1. teachers can misread aptitudes, intent and abilities
2. teachers may utilize styles of instruction, communication, or discipline that are at odds with community norms
What are cultural learning preferences?
The way in which individuals like to receive and process information.
What is field sensitive vs field independence?
Field Sensitive: prefers to work with others, seek guidance from their teachers, and receive rewards based on group relations.
Field Independant: prefer to work independantly, task orientated, prefer rewards based on individual competition.
What are the different learning styles discussed?
Field Sensitive vs. Field Independent
Cooperation vs. Competition
Trial & Error vs. Watch, then do
Tolerance vs. Intolerance for Ambiguity
What are the four learning preferences?
Sensing-thinking (Mastery)
Sensing-feeling (Interpersonal)
Intuitive-thinking (Understand)
Intuitive-feeling (Self-express)
What are relational styles of learning?
Refers to the manner in which people relate to one another.
What are the 3 relational styles?
What are the 4 cultural motivational styles?
Intrinsic: Internal drive
Extrinsic: requires external rewards for motivation, lacks internal drive
Learning on Demand: set curriculum
Learning when Interested: only learn what is useful and interesting to them.
What 4 topics help to develop culturally competent classroom communication?
1. Multicultural Competence
2. Multicultural Classroms
3. " " communication competence
4. effective " " communication strategies
What two factors play a role in developing cultural competence?
1. Understanding Self
2. Understanding Diversity
What are some key components teachers must have in a multicultural classroom?
1. understand and identify diferences in learning and performance
2. design instruction using students strengths as the basis for growth
3. how a students learning is influenced
4. incorporate students experience, culture and community resources into instruction
5. Sensitivity to community and cultural norms
What are the two factors listed under strategies for multicommunication?
Immediacy: direct and relevant to time and purpose
Empathy: the ability to assume the role of another.
What are the 4 guidlines to become an empathetic communicator?
1. Communicate a supportive Climate
2. Attend to a students nonverbal behavior as well as verbal communication
3. Accurately reflect and clarify feelings
4. Be genuine and congruent
Supernatural/ Magico/ Religious Tradition
subscribe to a supernatural/magico religious worldview believe that one's state of health is affected by sorcery, magic, and evil spirits.
What is Yin and Yang?
Bodily balance is derived from the notion of opposites that complement each other. Extends to the body and 5 basic elements: fire, water, wood, metal and earth
How is treatment carried out for Supernatural/Magico/Religious tradition?
By healers that invoke special powers to cast out the evil forces.
Holistic Tradition
Believe that there is a connective relationship between the mind, body and spirit.
How is treatment carried out in Holistic Tradition?
Based on a balanced system between the body, mind and spirit. Illness occurs when there is an imbalance between any of these aspects of the system. Cures are effected by restoring balance in the system.
Scientific/Biomedical Tradition
Objective diagnosis and scientific explanation of disease. Interested in discovering and fixing abnormalities in the physical structure or chemical functioning of the body.
How is treatment carried out in the Scientific/Biomedical field?
Treatments attempt to return the body to its normal state through surgery or therapeutic interventions.
What are the 5 components of Intercultural Compentance in the Medical field?
1. acknowledge importance of culture
2. make assessments of intercultural relations
3. maintain vigilance towards the differences
4. utilize the expansion of knowledge
5. adapt services to meet the diverse needs
What are the 5 attributes of Intercultural competence?
1. Cultural Awareness
2. Cultural knowledge
3. Cultural understanding
4. cultural sensitivity
5. cultural skill
What are some of the healthcare communication strategies?
1. Do not treat the patient the same that you would want to be treated
2. Be more formal with patients from elsewhere
3. Allow patients to be open and honest
4. Do not discount effects of beliefs in the supernatural
5. Inquire about beliefs or use of nontraditional cures
6. don't force change or demand compliance
7. employ empathy
8. relating bad news
9. follow communication style of the patient
What are the 8 barriers in the healthcare setting?
1. lack of knowledge
2. the fear and distrust of caregivers
3. racism
4. biases
5. mutual sterotyping
6. ritualistic behavior
7. language diff.
8. diff in perception and expectations