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27 Cards in this Set

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Separate but Equal
a. All citizens’ rights are equal under the 14th amendment
b. Thurgood Marshall became a Justice of the Supreme Court
c. $100+ per year on a white kid, $43 for a black kid
d. Stare Decisis
i. To stand by what is decided
e. Supreme Court Divided
i. Those against
1. The framers did not have the barring of separate but equal on their minds when they drew up the 14th amendment
2. After the civil war, the confederate states were forced to take on the 14th amendment as a condition of their surrender
ii. Those for
1. Broad humanitarian approach
2. Moral argument, moral country
f. Cuclevel
i. Something that levels things out
c. Meritacracy
i. Putting the best people forward to lead country
ii. Roman generals discussing gender of angels while they were about to be invaded by Islamic forces
e. Kurds
i. Iran, Turkey, Syria and Iraq origins
ii. Don’t really have a homeland
a. Amendments
i. 13th amendment

ii. 14th amendment

iii. 15th amendment
1. Abolished slavery

1. Blacks are citizens whose rights cannot be denied by states

1. Gave blacks (males) the right to vote
2. 1896 Plessy Ferguson
a. Upheld La. Law calling for separate railroad accommodations
iii. Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X
1. MLK was non-violent
2. Malcolm X
a. Talked about self-defence and violence
iv. CORE
1. Congress on racial equality
d. August 1963
i. MLK marched and gave his ‘’I have a dream’’ speech
g. Desegregated schools
a. Spanish
i. Western European descent
ii. Ignores Caribbean, Black etc…
iii. Don’t always speak Spanish
b. Hispanic
i. Identify with Spanish
c. Latino
i. Think that Hispanic label puts too much emphasis on the Spanish language

ii. Don’t ignore African and Indian backgrounds
d. Chicano
i. Relatives who lived in Mexico/Texas/California

ii. Close to being Mexican
e. La Raza
i. ‘’The race’’ ‘’The people’’
f. Peurtorriquena
i. Citizens of U.S. since 1898
ii. Puerto Ricans
h. Marianismo
i. Referring to accepting the dominance of men over women
j. Dignidad
i. Respect for all
k. Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago, 1848
i. Where the U.S. gained a handful of territories from Mexico
ii. Rio Grande became the border
iii. $15 Million
l. Cinco De Mayo
i. Celebration of victory over French Battalions
m. Mestizo
i. Mixed
o. Barrio
i. Chicano neighbourhood
p. Bracero
i. Workers brought in for jobs
q. Mexican/Hispanic Intentions
i. Maintain ethnic identity
ii. Improve economic status
iii. Attain collective independence within larger system
iv. Organize into powerful groups to achieve their ends
vi. Remittances
1. People earn money in U.S. and send it back to family in Mexico
s. Mexican American
i. Culture of poverty
ii. Majodos
1. Wetbacks or illegals
iii. Repatriation
1. Deporting Mexicans in 1930’s