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41 Cards in this Set

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• Folkloristics
the study of folklore [the discipline rather than the objects of folklore]
• Folklore
the beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people, usually transmitted orally and expressed in an artful or creative manner
• Folk
historically/conventionally considered the rural, formally uneducated, orally dominant, peasants but now constituted as any group of people who shares more than one factor [class, gender, occupation, ethnicity, religion] in common
• Popular culture
everyday practices of a given community fall outside of institutional control. Franco says a spectrum of signifying practices and pleasurable activities most of which fall outside the controlling discipline of official schooling.
• Mass culture
mass-produced culture of industrial society; ie popular culture
• Subaltern cultures
the cultures of the dominated sectors of society or lower classes within a group; homeless
• Audience reception
the study of how an audience receives and interprets a signifying practice [performance, joke]. Idea is that what the author/speaker intended is not always the same as what the audience [hearer] understands.
• Social construction
an invention artifact of a particular culture or society, which exists solely because people agree to have as if it exists, or agree to follow certain conventional rules. To say that something is “socially constructed” is only to emphasize that it is NOT god-give or natural but rather that humans have created it and that it carries some meaning for/among people. Obvious social constructs include such things as games, language, money, school grades, titles, governments, universities, corporations, and other institutions.
• Neologism
a neologism is a word, term, or phrase which has been recently created [coined]. Often to apple to new concepts, or to reshape older terms in newer language form. Especially useful in identifying inventions, new phenomena, or old ideas that have taken on a new cultural context.
• Ethnoscapes
landscapes of group ID, recognizing that they are no longer spatially bounded, culturally homogenous, or tied to a particular territory. Such groups include tourists, immigrants, refugees, exiles, and guest work-groups that tend to be [want to be] in motion. Appadurai article
• Deterritorialization
the detachment of social and cultural practices and people from specific places caused by processes of political, social, economic, and cultural globalization
• Displacement
the process of being removed from one’s homeland or place or origin, e.g. peasants who are forced to make a living in a city in factories rather than by farming
• Globalization
the intensification of global interconnectedness, suggesting a world full of movement and mixtures, contact and linkages, and persistent cultural interaction and exchange.
• Transnationalism
focused on the heightened interconnectivity between people all around the world and the loosening of boundaries between countries. The nature of transnationalism has social, political, and economic impacts that affect people all around the globe. Transnational may be used to refer to cultural groups, ID and/or practices that transcend national boundaries
• Modernism
the traditions of objective knowledge which grew out of the Enlightenment’s focus on reason and empirical investigation as means to objective knowledge. A cornerstone of modern anthro is the comparative method: juxtaposition of cultural arrangements of different societies
• Postmodern
in contrast to the modern, the postmodern view contends that Western thought is itself culturally constructed and relative. Among the roots of postmodernism is the increased pluralism in the world as a result of technology, postcoloniality, and a transnational era.
• Anomie
when one becomes detached from society and role in society
• Autochthony
• Biculturalism
identifying with two cultures
• Bilateral descent
tracing lineage through both mother and father
• Biological relatedness
related to someone biologically
• Malinowski
functionalism, field work supporter
• Geertz
thin and thick description; symbolism; culture is a web of meaning that man has suspended himself in
• Consanguinal kinship
relations through blood
• Cosmopolitanism
Garifuna, blending with modern cultures, ie dress like American cosmopolitan ways
• Cultural relativism
can’t judge one culture by own culture’s standards
• Culture
the ways in which we are defined as a people; open-fluid, dynamic, and shared
• Culture shock
Inuit Eskimos in Rosaldo’s article
• Interpellate
recognize others and assign them to different categories
• Emic
• Subjectivity
becoming emotionally in touch with field studies; ie Inuit Eskimos. Everyone has their cultural lens
• Tradition
all the practices that change based on perspective of culture; cannot be bounded in time or space; traditions are always invented: Handler and Linnekin
• Hegemony
a group imposing other groups cultural practices; imposed diffused influence
• Romantic nationalism
American frontier article; romanticizing the past of a country ie “taming the West” in America; finding essence of a country
• Dance
systems of movements; ritual; nonverbal; hard to define; oldest form of human expression; more concerned with what those concerned call dance and what they include and exclude and why. Political: segregation of blacks ie swing, lindy hop.
• Fundamentalism
believing that one’s book/work is the absolute truth, no fallacy, literal, direct word of God. No other religions are true
• Fallwell
how preachers use language; rhetorical strategies; use stories from Bible to relate to life- narrative belief; part of belief come under conviction- speaking as if you believe. Three stages: 1) separation- lost and willing to hear 2) liminality- understanding the concepts and internalizing them, coming under conviction 3) reconciliation- separated from previous moral framework. Scopes trial- legal battle over evolution in schools in 1920’s, and fundamentalists shunned by popular culture at the time by journalists, turned inward until 1980’s where they emerged with the presidency of Reagan.
• Language in Fallwell
inclusive language [we, us, you and me]. Narrative belief and an ethnographer: line between. Cultural exodus
• Imagination
in possibilities in life due to entertainment, ie soap operas
• Interconnectedness
thru globalization, people have become connected in new ways, new technology allows communication to travel faster, easier; cultures are not bound by territories.