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246 Cards in this Set

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buzzword is linear soft tissue filling defect within the airway

exudative trachieitis

loss of normal shoulders (lateral convexities) of the subglottic trachea

steeple sign

7% have the PHACES syndrome.

subglottic hemangiomas


P- Posterior fossa brain malformationH- HemangiomasA- Arterial anomaliesC- Coarctation of aorta, cardiac defectsE- Eye abnormalitiesS- Subglottic hemangiomas

Classic histories: C-Section, Maternal Sedation, Maternal Diabetes


Most cases of PIE occur in the ___week oftime


bronchopulmonary dysplasia - which looks similar - occurs in patients older than

2 weeks

intralobar seques presents in

adolescence or adulthood with recurrent pneumonias

intralob seques most commonly occurs in what lobe

left lower lobe posterior segment (2/3s)

does extralobar seques get infected?

It rarely gets infected sinceit has its own pleural covering.

associated anomalies in extralobar seques

Congenital cysticadcnomatoid mal formation (CCAM), congenital diaphragmatic herni a, vertebralanomalies, congenital heart di sease, pulmonary hypoplasia

do bronchogenic cysts have gas in them?

They typically doNOT communicate with the airway, so if they have gas in them you should worry aboutinfection.

malignant transformation of CCAM - 2

pleuropulmonary blastoma,rhabdomyosarcoma

If congenital diaphrag hernia is on the right, there is an association with

GBS Pneumonia

Peribronchial edema isthe buzzword for the CXR findi ng.

viral infection

lt typically occurs after a viral lunginfection in childhood resulting in post in fectious obliterative bronchiolitis. The size of' theatTcctedlobe is smaller than a normal lobe (it's not hyperexpanded).

Swyer ,James- This is the classic unilateral lucent lung

"Multiple lung nodules which demonstmtecavitation" is the classic scenario.

Papillomatosis- Perin atal HPV can cause these soft ti ssue masses within the airway andlungs. also in adult smokers.

why CF men are infertile

vas deferens missing

which lobes affected in CF vs PCD

CF- upper

PCD- lower

what % of PCD have kartageners (situs inversus)


Middle mediastinal lymphadenopathy is most often from

granulomatous disease (TB or Fungal), or from lymphoma

most common posterior mediastinal mass in a child under2


This is now considered part of the EwingSarcoma spectrum, and is sometimes called an Ewingsarcoma of the chest wal l.

Askin Tumor (Primitive Neuroectodermal tumor of thechest wall):

3 types of duplication cysts

bronchogenic, enteric, neuroenteric

pulmonary sling is the only variant that goesbetween the esophagus and the trachea. A classic question, is that this is associated with

trachea stenosis.

Corkscrew Duodenum - This is diagnostic of

midgut volvulus

this does NOT occur at birth or after 3 months. There is aspeei tic age range 2-12 weeks (peak at 3-6 weeks).

hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

which type of gastric volvulus is more common in kids


twisting over the mesentary (rotation along short ax is).

Apressure gradient causes the formation of the "WindSock"

duodenal web

Short Microcolon - Think about

Colonic atresia

Long Microcolon- This can be seen with

meconium ileus or distal ileal atresia.

indirect hernias arc more common in kids, they are ___ to the inferior epigastri c


A cyst in the abdomenwithout gut signature is likely an

omental cyst.

Unchanging bowel gas pal/ern - this would be a dirty trick - showing several plain .films.fi'Oin progressing days, with the bowel gas pal/ern remaining the same.


is gastoschisis midline?

NO, it's always on right side

is the most common associated chromosomal anomaly with omphalocele

Trisomy 18

3 liver tumors to think of in young kids upto age 5


hepatoblastoma - AFP up

mesenchymal hamartoma - mostly cystic

which type choledochal cyst most common

type 1 - focal dilation of cbd

Caroli's is an AR disease associated with

polycystic kidney disease and medullary spongekidney

Itleads to cirrhosis, and a massively di lated hepatic artery. The lung AVM\· set youupfor brain abscess.

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu): Autosomaldominant disorder

Fibrosing Colonopathy:

Wall thickening ofthe proximal colon as a complication of enzyme replacement therapy.

he most common cause of pancreatitis in the pediatric setting is

trauma (seat belt).

Basica lly, it's a kid with diarrhea, short stature(metaphyseal chondroplasia pancreasis), and eczema. Will also causelipomatous pseudohypertrophy of the pancreas.

Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome

Neonatal Renal Vein Thrombosis - This is an associated condition of

maternal diabetes

helps di stinguish congenital megaureter from an actual obstruction.

absence r?f'dilation of the collecting sysletn

2 renal masses in neonate


mesoblastic nephroma

"Solid renal tumor of infancy."

Mesoblastic Nephroma

Wilms loves to pal around with

Hemihypertrophy, Hyposadias, Cryptorchidism

Say Beckwith-Weidemann, You Say,

wilms, omphalocele, hepatoblastoma

Solid renal tumor of childhood


The question is likelythe bimodal occurrence (4 year old boys, and 40 year old women).

Multilocular Cystic Nephroma

This is the most common bladder cancer in humans less than I 0years of age.


"Paratesticular Mass" is often a buzzword


paraneoplastic syndrome associated withneuroblastoma.

Opsomyoclonus (dancing eyes, dancingfeet) -

this vasculitis is the most common cause or idiopathic scrotal edema


Blue Dot Sign on physical exam (looks like a bluedot), is a classic question.

Torsion of the Testicular Appendages

If the mass is extratesticular,the most likely diagnosis is an

embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma from the spermatic cord or epididymis

histologic breakdown of testicular ca- germ cell and non germ cell

germ cell - seminoma, non seminoma

non germ cell - sertoli and leydig

The two Germ Cell Tumors seen in the first decade of life are the

yolk sac tumor, and the teratoma.

Ifthey show you the Peutz.-Jegher lips and bilateral scrotal masses, this is the answer.

Sertoli Cell Tumors "burned-out" tumors (dense echogenic foci that represent calcified scars)

Buzzword = multiple hypoeehoic masses of the testicle.

Testicular Lymphoma

Simling-Larsen-Jolumsson -

This is a chronic traction inj ury at the insertion of the patellar tendon on the patella.

If they show you alateral knee x-ray, and there is an irregularity or lucency on the back of the femur this is it.It 's often bi lateral.

Distal Femoral Metaphyseal Irregularity (Cortical Desmoid)

it's probably a chronic tug lesion fromthe adductor magnus.

"Wimberger Sign"

or destruction of the medial portion of the proximal metaphysis of the tibia. in syphilis

This is really the only childhood malignancy that occurs in newbornsand mcts to bones.

Neuroblastoma Mets

If you see a round lucent lesion in the skull of a child thinkthis

LCH, neuroblastoma mets

They often have big heads, trident hands (3rd and 4th fingers are long),narrowing of the interpedicular distance, and the tombstone pelvis.


The femurs arc sometimes called telephone receivers


vertebral bones are flat(platyspondyly), and the skull can be clovel'leaf shaped


You candi ITercntiate a dead Thanatophoric dwarl: from a dead Jcune dwarf by looking at their

vertebral bodies. The Jcunc bodies arc normal (the thanatophorics arc nat).

is osteopetrosis, in a dwarf with a wide angled jaw, and osteoacrolysis


Another classic trick is to show the legs with the fibula longer than the tibia.

Osteogenesis lmperfecta

choanal atresia is which letter in CHARGE

A - atresia of choane

the C is for coloboma of eye

The classicpicture is the associated central maxillary"MEGA-incisor."

Congenital Pirifrom Aperture Stenosis - Thisresults from abnormal development of the medialnasal eminences, and subsequent failure offormation of the primary palate.

classic location of branchial cleft cyst

angle of mandible


sagittal close premature, so long and skinny



pointed forehead




Un il ateral Lambdoid


Bilateral Lambdoid

start of the esophagus is ___thecricopharyngcus muscle,


The muscul ar ring above the vestibule.

A Ring:

Barium shows concentricrings (distinct look)

Eosinophilic Esophagitis:

This is a mimic or cand idiasis, which has multiple elevated nodulesin an asymptomatic elderly patient.

Glycogen Acanthosis:

what do herpes ulcer look like

Small and multiple with a halo oredema (herpes has a halo)

The way this will be shown is a highstricture with an associated hiatal hernia. Buzzword is reticular mucosal pattern.


most common location of enteric duplication cyst

ileum, then #2 is esophagus

does zenker divertic arise from hypopharynx or cervical esophagus


Dysphagia Lusoria

Syndrome refers to problems swallowingsecondary to compression from an aberrant right subclavian artery

achalasia has increased risk for


scc - 20 years later

They will show you lung changes(most commonly NS IP), and the barium esophagus (or a small bowel series showing closelyspaced va lvulae conni vcntcs - hide bound).


is zenker above or below cricopharyn


Cowden syndrome

hamartoma Style!=, brEAST CA, Thyroid Ca, Lhermitte-Dulcose (posterior fossanoncancerous brain tumor

cronkite canada

hamartoma, stomach, small bowel, colon, ectodermal stuff

carneys triad, carney's eat garbage

chordoma, extra adrenal pheo, GIST

Rugal thickening classically involves the fundus and spares the antrum. Bimodal age di stribution

menetriers disease

how do u go from pancreatitis to gastric varices

panc ca or pancreatitis --> splenic vein thrombus --> gastric varices

multiple gastric vs duodenal ulcers

gastric -aspirin

duodenal - ZE

Clover leaf sign in small bowel is aunt minnie for

healed Peptic Ulcer of Duodenal bulb

Buzzword = Ribbon bowel

Graft vs Host:

It occurs in patients alter bone marrowtransplant. It 's less common with modern anti -rejection drugs

infections that like the duodenum and prox sb

giardia, strongyloides

important association of jejunal diverticulosis

bacterial overgrowth andmalabsorption

mets to small bowel, primary is probably


littre and amyand hernias

lirre- meckel diverti in hernia

amyand- appendix in it

This is by far the most common type or internal hernia


left paraduodenal hernia is thru fossa of


right sided paraduodenal hernia thru fossa of


if' you see a biglymph node in a UC patient (especially onewith long standing disease) you have to thinkthat

might be cancer

coned cecum.

affects cecum and ascending colon, spares terminal ileum

entamoeba histolytica

what does behcets cause in chest

pulmonary artery aneurysms


It 's a retainedcotton product or surgical sponge, and can elicit an inflammatory response

Asfibrosis leads to portal hypertension, velocity in the hepatic artery


in patients with hepatofugal flow inthe main portal vein or intrahepatic portal vein branches, the shunted blood comes from the

hepatic artery.

immature myelin has a ____ water content relative to mature myelin and therefore is ___ on T2



During the maturation process water will decrease, and fat will increase

adult T2 pattern seen around age


The "terminal zones" of myelinationoccur in the ____ regions finishing around 40 months.

subcortical frontotemporoparietal

what is already myelinated at birth

brainstem, posterior limb of internal capsule

calverial bone marrow will be T1 _____ in young kids

hypointense cuz it's active

The sinuses form in the following order:

Maxillary, Ethmoid, Sphenoid, and Frontal Last

what goes thru foramen ovale (2 things)

CN V3, and Accessory MeningealArtery

Inferior Orbital Fissure

V2 - also goes thru foramen rotundum

how does foramen rotundum look on coronal

On the coronal view, itlooks like you are staring into a gunbarrel.

rotundum is superior and anterior, and medial to spinosum and ovale

What are the branches of the external carotid


o Superior Thyroid0 Ascending Pharyngeal0 Lingual0 Facial0 Occipital0 Posterior Auricular0 Maxi llary0 Superficial Temporal

Origin at the"dural ring" is a buzzword for this artery.

Ophthalmic - Supraclinoid

which number is cavernous carotid


Persistent fetal connection between the cavernous ICA to thebasilar artery.

Persistent Trigeminal Artery

tau sign on sag MRI

what veins come together to make great vein of galen

basal vein of rosenthal

internal cerebral veins

cavernous sinus first drains into

superior and inferior petrosal veins

sub-classify obstructive hydroceph into

non-communicating or communicating

4 main causes of communicating hydroceph


SAH, mening, carcinomatous meningitis

blood, pus, cancer

Is transependymal flow seem more withacute hydrocephalus or chronic hydrocephalus?


what causes non-obstructive hydroceph

Choroid Plexus Papilloma - it produced CSF

This is just a fancy way of saying midline shift

Subfalcine Herniation

does PRES restrict on diffusion


Additionally, think increasedT2/FLAIR signal in thebilateral medial thalamus andperiaqueductal gray.

wenicke - also mammillary body enhancement

Marchiafava-Bignami: Seen in drunks.

Swellingand T2 bright signal affecting the corpuscallosum (typically beginning in the body, thengenu, and lastly splenium).

Thehippocampi remain normal in size and you have some decreased FOG uptake in the lateraloccipital cortex, with sparing of the mid posterior cingul ate gyrus (Cingulate Island Sign).

dementia with lewy bodies

Low posteriortemporoparietal corticalactivity

alzhiemer and parkinson

most common TORCH

CMV, 3x more common than toxo

all the TORCHs ____has the highest association withpolymircogyria


which TORCH =Hemorrhagic Infarct, and lead to bad encephalomalcia(hydranencephaly)

HSV - usually hsv2 in 90% of cases neonates

which TORCH = Vasculopathy I ischemia. High T2 signal- Less Calcijications


which TORCH= Hydrocephalus, Basal Ganglia Calctfications


main way to differentiate hiv encephalitis and PML JC virus

in HIV enceph, pattern is symmetric, spare cortical U fibers, and T1 is normal

Just think "ring enhancing lesion, with LOTS of edema."


No restricted diffusion

Toxo is Thallium, pet Cold, and Lymphoma is thallium hot.

how to distinguish HSV from MCA stroke

spares basal ganglia

This could be asked by shO\ving a classic HSV image, but then saying HSV titer negative. then think

lung cancer screening needed

paraneoplastic syndrome (usually small cell lung cancer)

3 appearances of CJD

(/) DWI Showing Cortical Gyriform restrictedsignal - supposedly diffusion is the mostsensitive sign, and the cortex is the mostcommon early site of manifestation.

(2) "Hockey Stick Sign I Pulvinar Sign " Restricteddiffusion in the dorsal medialthalamus (which looks like a hockey stick),or in the pulvinar

(3) A series of MRs or CE showing rapidlyprogressive atrophy

4 stages of neurocyst

think vcug,n

vesicular, colloidal, granular, nodular

Really only 3 things are cortically based


Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor (DNET)



The exceptions to the rule are ___ which are low grade tumors that enhance.

gangliogliomas and pilocytic astrocytoma (JPA)

what brain tumors are T1 bright

hemorrhage - Mela Renal , Carci, chorio Thyroid

fat - lipoma, dermoid

cholesterol in colloid cyst

gliomatosis cerebri is low or high grade

low, so its doesnt enhance

Remember this is the guy that calcifies 90% of the time. It's mostcommon in the frontal lobe and the buzzword is "ex pands the cortex".


It's likely you could getasked about this 1p/19q deletion which apparently has a better outcome.


This is the mostcommon interventricular mass in an adult aged20-40.


pit adenoma is T1 ___


whereas pit apoplexy will be T1 bright

2 types of crinoopharygioma

papillary - adult

adamantinomatous - kid, calcified

These are usually large, pissed off looking tumo•·s withnecrosis and heterogeneous enhancement in first year of life

atypical teratoma/rhabdoid

large cystictumors that like to involve the superficial cerebral cortex and leptomeninges.

Buzzword is " rapidly increasinghead circumference."

Desmoplastic !J?fantile Ganglioglioma I Astrocytoma ''DIG ":

In Adults it's in the 4th Ventricle, in kids it's in thelateral ventricle (usually trigone).

Choroid Plexus Papilloma/ Carcinoma

which part of head does neuroblastoma chacteristically involve

neuroblastoma characteristically involves the posterolateral part ofthe orbit where the frontal bone and greater wing of the sphenoid meet

Kid with drug resistant seizures. Themass will always be in the temporal lobe

DNET (Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor )

The classic history is gelastic seizures (a lthoughprecocious puberty is actually more common).

hypothalamic hamartoma

If you sec a medulloblastoma next look for dural calcs. Ifyou see thick dural calcs you might be dealing with this syndrome.

Gorlin syndrome

They are the so ca lled "plastic tumor"or "tooth paste" tumor because they squeeze out of the 4th ventricle.


2 brain tumors in Turcots

GBM, medulloblastoma


mult schwannomas, mening, ependy

most sens sequence for SAH


(because it won't suppress out, makingit hyperintense).

If the _____ is not involved, you don' t have a LeFort.

pterygoid process

Inferior Orbital Rim and Orbital Floor


Lateral Nasal Aperture

lefort 1

Zygomatic Arch and Lateral Orbital Rim/Wall

lefort 3

really hyperacute blood less than one hour looks ___ on CT


mri changes for blood products


it'll be a little bit baby's doodoo

lenticulostriate arteries, come off where and supply what

supply anterior part of BG

medial come off ACA

lateral off MCA

anterior choroidal artery

comes from ICA,

supplies posterior limb of int capsule, among other things

Watershed Infarcts in a Kid = Moyamoya


Restricted diffusion without bright signal on FLAIR should make youthink

hyperacute(< 6 hours).

restricted diffusion for acute infarcts stays bright until

2 weeks

Are there Non-SAH causes of vasospasm? Yep

Meningitis, PRES, and Migraine Headache.

is characterized by progressive stenosis of the supraclinoidlCAeventually leading to occlusion. The progressive stenosis results in an enlargement of thebasal perforating arteries.


notable associations of moyamoya include:

NF, prior radiation, Downs syndmme

even though CC forms front to back, the ___ is the last


colpocephaly =

disproportionate dilt of occipital horms

"Molar Tooth"appearance of' the superior cerebellarpeduncles

J oubert Syndrome

small cerebellar vermis,

strong assoc with retinal dysplasia

a/w MCDK also

The buzzword is "torcular-lambdoidinversion."

Dandy Walker = Absent Vermis.

mega cisterna magna - the retrocerebellar csf space is greater than

1 cm

pachygyria means

(broad gyri )

Highly Testable Associations of schizencephaly

optice nerve hypoplasia, absent septum pellucidum, epilepsy

Criteria is one cerebellar tonsil more than Smm belowthe foramen magnum. several associations but the one that is most often asked is with Klippei-Feil syndrome(congenital C-spine fusion).

type 1 chiari

some findings of chiari II

• Myelomeningocele - Lumbar Spine, Towering Cerebellum, Tectal Plate Beaking, Long Skinny 4th ventricle (elongatedcraniocaudally, short in other dimensions), Interdigitated Cerebral Gyri

type 3 chiari

type 2 + encephalocele

trigonocephaly is which suture

metopic, basically it's the anterior extension of sag suture

lpsilateral _____ fusion can elevate the superior orbital walland cause a harlequin eye.


another name for scaphocephaly


sag suture

with choanal atresia, there are a bunch of syndromic associations:

CHARGE, Crouzons, DiGeorge, Treacher Colins, and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Piriform Aperture Stenosis The bigthing to know is the high association with

hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction.

lactate and NAA levels in MELAS Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes

lactate up

NAA down

in MR SPECT, The highest normal peak is


Choline is elevated in anything that causes

cell turnover (tumor, infarct, or inOammation).

___ elevation is spec ific for Meningiomas


Choline Down, NAA Down, Lactate Up

radiation necrosis

Chol ine Up, NAA clown, Lactate and Lipids Up

High Grade Tumor

Choline Down, NAA clown, Inositol Up

Low Grade Tumor

The most common primary pctrous apex lesion

Cholesterol Granuloma

cholesteatoma is basically a


imaging difference between cholesteatoma and cholesterol granuloma

choleasteatoma is t1 dark adn t 2 bright and does restrict.

cholesterol is t1 and t2 bright and don't restrict

The classic triad = otomastoiditis, face pain (trigeminalneuropathy), and lateral rectus palsy.

Grandenigo Syndrome

When I sayconductive hearing loss in an adult female, you say this.

Otosclerosis (Fenestral and Retrofenestral): A better term would actually be"otospongiosus," as the bone becomes more lytic

Cholesteatoma Order of Destruction predictable

scutum first, then ossicles (long process of incus), then lateral segment of canal

The buzzword is osteolysis circumscripta.


primary vascular supply of juvenile nasal angiofibroma

the ascending pharyngeal arteryand/or internal maxillary artery

why is octreotide scan positive in enthesioneuroblastoma

neural crest origin

what is a coloboma

focal discontinuity ofthe globe (failure of the choroid fissure toclose).

The classic look is a s mall eye(microphthalmia) with increaseddensity of the vitreous. No calcification

persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous

what age group is optic nerve glioma

90% under age 20

bilateral optic nerve gliomas think


The buzzword is"tram-track" calcifications. Another buzzword is"doughnut" appearance, with circumferentialenhancement around the optic nerve.

optic nerve sheath meningioma

while orbital pseudotumor does cause pain and spares myotendinous insertions, which entity is opposite


Tolosa Hunt =

pseudotumor involvement of cavernous sinus

the most common benigncongenital orbital mass.


classic location of orbital dermoid

It's usually superiorand lateral, arising from the frontozygomaticsuture

breast cancer met to orbit causes a

desmoplastic reaction and enophthalmos

retinoblastoma can be in both eyes, the next two places it would affect are

pineal gland, suprasellar

they are the most common cause of spontaneous orbital hemorrhage


2 causes for pulsatile exophthalmos

cc fistula, NF1

order of involvement in thyroid orbitopathy


is a well-corticated osseous density, usually of the anterosuperior vertebral body corner, that occurs secondary to herniation of the nucleus pulposus through the the vertebral body endplate beneath the ring apophysis.

Limbus vertebra

Burst Fracture of C I

jefferson, axial loading

Bilateral Pedicle or Pars Fracture of C2



tear drop fracture

can be form extension or flexion (more common)

Horizontal Fracture throughthoracolumbar spine( "seat belt '').

chance fracture

An enlarged "ivory vertebrae"


Picture frame vertebrae


theperi ventricular location occurs is that the antibody (NMO IgG) attacks the Aquaporin 4channels - which arc found in highest concentration around the ventricles.

for NMO

what finding to look for on lumbar MRI in GBS

enhancement of nerve roots of cauda equina

The buzzword is thickened, enhancing,"onion bulb" nerve roots.

Chronic Inflammatory DemylinatingPolyneuropathy (ClOP)- The chronicco unterpart to GBS

Intramedullary (3)

Astrocytoma, Ependymoma, Hemangioblastoma

Extramedullary intradural

Schwannoma, Meningioma, Neurofibroma, DropMets


Disc Disease (most common), Bone Tumors, Mcts,Lymphoma

The"myxopapillary form" isexclusively found in the conus/filum locations.


This is similar to an Osteoid osteoma but larger than 1.5cm.


If they show this it's going to be a lytic expansile lesion in thesacrum with no rim of sclerosis.

giant cell tumor

most common location for chordoma

sacrum is #1

clivus is #2

Theclass ic story in the vertebral column is " in vo lvement of two or more adjacentvertebral bodies with the intervening disc. " Most are very T2 bright.
