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65 Cards in this Set

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Reasons for European Exploration
1. to find a new passage to the far east fr trade
2. To find gold, silver, precious gems and other valuables
3. To claim new lands for their country
4. To convert people to Christianity
5. For adventure
European Conflict with Naive Americans
1. Brought diseases: common cold, measles, small pox
2. Used guns to take whatever they wanted
3. Cleared forests Native Americans used for hunting to build villages
House of Burgesses
First representative government in N. America- 1619 London company gave Virginia colonists a voice in their own government
Mayflower compact
an agreement that provided for a government and a set of laws for the pilgrim colonists
Causes of the French and Indian War
1. In the 1750's, Francs and Britain were fighting in Europe. Tension between their colonies in the new world also began to increase
2. The British colonists wanted to take over French lands to make $ in the fur trade
Results of the French and Indian War
1. France lost most of it's power in North America
2. Spain got New Orleans and all French territory west of the Mississippi
3. Britain got Canada and all French territory east of the Mississippi except New Orleans
4. Britain placed all of its Colonies under strict control and began taxing them to help pay for the costs of the war
The causes of the American Revolution (1775-1783)
1. Parliment's passing of the stamp act- forced colonists to pay taxes on almost everything printed on paper
2. Parliament passed the Townshend Acts- taxed lead, glass, paper, paint and tea imported to the colonies
3. 1768, 4,000 British soldiers moved to Boston. Colonists were forced to keep them in their homes (boston became occupied city- lead to Boston massacre)
4. Boston tea party= Colonists dressed as Mohawks boarded British East India ships full of tea and dumped all the tea in the water
5. to punish the colonists the British passed even stricter laws- called intolerable acts
Results of the American Revolution
1. 13 colonies became the USA, an independent nation
2. All British control of American trade was lifted
3. New gov with elected representatives was elected under the Articles of Confederation
4. Successful revolution encouraged people (the French) to overthrow their governments
First Continental Congress
Met to protest the intolerable acts- demanded they were taken back and the colonists given more control in making decisions
Second Continental Congress
Formed an American continental amy at the start of the American revolution. John Adams, leader of MA delegates, nominated George Washington as commander-in-chief
Who wrote the declaration of independence?
Mainl Thomas Jefferson, also Ben Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston
Main points of Declaration of Independence:
1. People are born with certain rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and the government is formed to protect these rights
2. Lists the insults (unfair treatment) the colonists put up with during years of British domination
3. That the colonies intend to form their own government free of British control
Boston Massacre
Colonists fight with British soldiers- Colonists threw snowballs, British opened fire and shot and killed 5 Americans
Articles of Confederation
Constitution of the confederation- lasted for 8 years, provided for a central gov that was weaker than state govs
The Constitution
May 1787- 55 delegates gathered to write new constitution. Established power that shared between the national government and state governments. 3 branches of government: legislative (makes he laws), executive (carries out the laws) and judicial (decides if the laws are constitutional)
Marbury vs. Madison
1803- showed system of checks and balances really works. Congress declared section of the Judiciary act of 1789 unconstitutional
Bill of Rights
Added to constitution to assure people the central government wouldn't have too much power. Consists of 10 amendments:
1. Freedom of speech, the press and to gather in groups. No official religion for the nation
2. Right to bear arms
3. Privacy of homes- can't be forced to house soldiers
4. Court order for search or seisure
5. Can't be tried twice for the same crime and can't make you testify against yourself
6. Right to know why you are arrested, have a lawyer and a speedy trial
7. jury trial in civil cases
8. Forbids high bail and cruel punishment
9. People have many rights that aren't listed in the constitution
10. power that doesn;t belong to the central gov goes to the state or people
Causes of the war of 1812
1. Britain and France were taking US ships- interfered w/US trade
2. US made deal w/France- would stop trading w/Britain if France would stop taking our ships
3. US thought the British were arming Native Americans in the NW territory
4. US thought that Britain was still interfering with its former colonies
5. US wanted to take Canada from Britain and Florida from Spain
Events of the War of 1812
1. US tried invading Canada- never succeeded
2. Britain tried to invade US from Canada unsuccessfully
3. USS Constitution and USS United States won great victories and became famous. British eventually gained control of th seas
4. British captured and burned Washington DC and bombed Fort McHenry in Baltimore
5. Peace treaty signed in Paris, December 1814, but news didn't reach the US fast enough and British still invaded New Orleans Jan 1815- Andrew Jackson defeated the invasion and became national hero
Results of the war of 1812
1. British recognized US boundaries and stayed out of NW territory
2. US gained national pride from its victories at sea and in New Orleans
3. American industry prospered because it made more goods at home when trade stopped with Britain
4. The Federalist party dissappeared (they had opposed the war)
Main Points of the Monroe Doctrine
1. European countries could no longer form colonies in North or South America
2. The political systems of the Americas were separate from those of Europe
3. The US would consider any attemot by Europe to influence politics in the Americas as a threat to its "peace and safety"
4. The US would not interfere with European govs or their existing colonies
The Louisiana Purchase
US bought Louisiana territory from French Emporer Napolean in 1803. As US settlers moved there conflict with Native Americans because US already paid French for land and didn;t want to give them anything for it.
Lewis and Clark expedition
To find an all water route to the Pacific Ocean. Also to collect info on plants, animals, geography and climate on the way. Found way- led to westward expansion
Causes of the Mexican War (1846-1848)
1. Mexico was opposed to Texas becoming a US territory
2. US/Mexico dispute as to where the Southern boundary of Texas was
3. President Polk used to border dispute to justify moving US troops into Mexican territory
Results of the Mexican War
1. Mexico agreed that the Rio grande was the souther boundary of Texas
2. Mexico gave all of present day California, Nevada and Utah, as well as parts of Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado and Wyoming to the US. US paid Mexico $15 Mil for this land- called he Mexican Cession
3. The size and influence of the US increased once again
Gold Rush
1848- James Marshal (who worked for John Sutter) found gold flakes. Took about a year for news to reach East Coast then thousands of people moved to California (called 49ers beause 1849 was the height of the rush). By 1850 neary all the gold was gone, but people kept coming.
Homestead Act of 1862
1862- law gave land to any farmer who farmed the land for 5 years
Missouri Compromise of 1820
1. Missouri entered the Union as a slave state
2. Maine entered the Union as a free state
3. Except in Missouri, slavery was banned in all other territories gained in the Louisiana purchase north of Missouri's southern border
The compromise of 1850
1. California entered the Union as a free state
2. The rest of Mexican territory was divided into New Mexico and Utah. Each state could decide whether to be a slave state or a free state. Texas gave up part of its territory to create New Mexico
3. It was no against the law to buy and sell slaves in Washington DC, but not to own slaves
4. The Fugitive Slave Act made it legal for slave owners to go after and capture runaway slaves that had escaped to the North
The Dred Scott decision
Slave whose master moved to free state and he sued for his freedom. Brought before supreme court who ruled he could not sue for his freedom because he was property, not a citizen
Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858)
In the 1858 US Senate race anti-slavery Lincoln challenged pro-slavery Stephen A. Douglass to a serious of 7 debates which drew large crowds and national attention
What triggered the Civil War?
Abraham Lincoln was elected, wanted to keep the Union together and end the spread of slavery to new states
After Lincoln was elected, Southern states began to secede from the Union. Eleven states formed their own government called the Confederacy and elected Jefferson Davis as their president
Causes of the Civil War (1861-1865)
1. Slavery.
2. Ways of life- in both North and South most people lived on small farms, but in the North there were several large cities where many people worked in factories. In the South there were many plantations worked by slaves
3. Free labor vs. Slave labor. Northern economy based on free laborers who could work where they wanted and earn a wage. The southern economy was based on slave laborers
4. States' rights. The North thought that no state had a right to leave the Union, or secede. South argued it could if it voted to do so.
Advantages of the North in the Civil War
1. About 10 million more people
2. More factories to produce guns, uniforms, molitary supplies
3. Navy and merchant marines
4. Rail system twice as large as the South's to move troops and supplies
5. Most of the banks and cash in the US
Advantages of the South in the Civil War
1. Better military leaders
2. Most of the war fought on familiar terrain in the South
3. More skilled horsemen and riflemen
the 12 year period after the Civil War rebuilding the Southern States
First Industrial Revolution
Before the Civil War early 1800's manufacturing products went from handmade to machine made. Changed small businesses into huge manufacturing companies
Second Industrial Revolution
Took place after the Civil War- much more powerful. Economy of the entre nation began to move away from farming and toward industry
Positive Effects of the Industrial Revolution
1. More jobs and opportunities were created
2. Inventions like the railroad and electric lightbulb made life more comfortable
Negative Effects of the Industrial Revolution
1. Only a few people got wealthy, often at the expense of the workers
2. Living and working conditions in the industrial cities were often poor and unhealthy
Causes of the Spanish-American War of 1898
1. The US Battleship Maine in Cuba's Havana harbor was sunk mysteriously
2. Many Americans thought the US should help the Cuban rebels gain independence from Spain
3. Other Americans wanted Spain out of Cuba so that the US could control the island and protect US business there
4. American newspapers stirred people up by printing sensational stories
Results of the Spanish-American was of 1989
1. Cuba got limited independence from Spain
2. The US gained an empire of Spain's old possessions- Puerto Rico, Guam and the Phillipines
3. The US paid Spain $20 mil for the Philipines
4. Theodore Roosevelt became a national hero. President McKinley chose him to be his running mate in the next election
5. The US victory demonstrated the growing importance of the US as a leader in international affairs
World War I (1914-1918)
First war involving countries from all over the world. US didn't enter until 1917. When it ended boundaries of several European countries had changed
Causes of WWI
1. The industrial countries of Europe were very competitive. Some had large world empires. Their leaders wanted to increase he size of these empires
2. To protect themselves from each other countries formed alliances. These said that if one nation was attacked the other nations would defend it. France, Russia and Britain had an alliance called the Triple Entente. Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy signed the triple alliance
3. The war was triggered by the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Serbia. In response, Austria-Hungary attacked Serbia
4. The alliances broght many countries into the war. Russia came to the aid of Serbia, Germany then declared was on Russia, France declared war on Germany, Germany attacked Belgium. Britain entered the war to help Belgium and France
5. Many Czechs, Slovaks and otehr Slavic people seeking freedom from Austria-Hungary fought for the allies
Reasons US entered WWI
US declared would remain neutral until German U-Boat subs sunk British passenger ship the Lusitania killing almost 1200 people, including over 100 American passengers. US said this went against international law that seas are neutral territory. U-boats also sank several unarmed American commercial ships. Led president Woodrow Wilson to declare war on Germany in 1917
Results of WWI
1. Germany was forced to give up territory and colonies to France, Belgium, Denmark and Poland
2. To prevent Germany from starting another war the size of its army was reduced. It was forbiden to have submarines and aircraft
3. Germany accepted responsibility for starting the war and was penalized $33 mil in damages to other nations
4. The League of Nations was formed
5. Territories such as Palestine (now Israel) were made protectorates (put under the protection) of Great Britain and other allied countries
Causes of the Great Depression
1. The business boom of the 1920's made people overly confident. They invented their money in risky stocks and deals
2. Banks made careless loans. When people could not pay them back the banks failed
3. Businesses produced more goods than they could sell
4. Machines replaced workers in many factory jobs
5. Many people borrowed $ they could not repay
6. People had invested most of their money in stocks, when stock prices crashed they lost all their savings
Causes of WWII
1. Dictators in Germany, Japan and Italy promoted a fanatical national pride. They also took over government and installed themselves as the sole heads of state. To support their regime they created powerful networks that enforced their ideas of government
2. The Treaty of Versailles (that punished Germany to pay $33 mil after WWI) left Germany poor and its national pride injured
3. The Axis powers wanted to conquer their neighbors. Japan wned a "new order" in Asia; Italy wanted to rule much of Africa; and Germany wanted to rule Europe. Each invaded other countries and replaced their govs with military dictatorships.
Reason for US joining WWII
December 7, 1941 Japan bombed US naval base at Pearl Harbor. US declared war on Japan and entered the war on the side of the Allies
Powers of the Constitution
1. The federal and State government share power
2. Representation of the people: voters elect congress. Reps make laws. # of reps for each state in the House of reps based on population. Each state has 2 senators.
3. Checks and Balances beween the branches
New England Colony
shipbuilding and commerce. Lived in towns or small farms. Salem and Boston main seaports
Southern Colonies
Tobaco, cotton an slavery. Charleston and Savana cotton and slave trade
Middle Colonies
Farming and commerce. Lived on farms. New York and Philly main ports
Earliest settlers religions
Official church of England Anglicans. Then came Puritans. Led to the Cpngregationaists, Baptists and the Pilgrims. Most prevalant religion in the colonies was Protestant. Single church in America not practical
Early national government post-revolution
Articles of Confederation- major weaknesses- national government couldn't regulate foreign trade, didn't have a court system or indepedant taxing power. Development of 2 parties: Federalists and anitfederalists.
New England Colony
shipbuilding and commerce. Lived in towns or small farms. Salem and Boston main seaports
Southern Colonies
Tobaco, cotton an slavery. Charleston and Savana cotton and slave trade
Middle Colonies
Farming and commerce. Lived on farms. New York and Philly main ports
Earliest settlers religions
Official church of England Anglicans. Then came Puritans. Led to the Cpngregationaists, Baptists and the Pilgrims. Most prevalant religion in the colonies was Protestant. Single church in America not practical
Early national government post-revolution
Articles of Confederation- major weaknesses- national government couldn't regulate foreign trade, didn't have a court system or indepedant taxing power. Development of 2 parties: Federalists and anitfederalists.
Federalists vs. Anitfederalists
Federalists favored the rich and wealthy. Believed in the strong central government (Hamilton)
Anitfederalists- wanted limited federal power and power based on farming interests of the country (Jefferson)
Jacksonian Democracy (1826-36)
Symbolized the rise of the "common man"
1. Jackson's war against the banks and the tariff were key issues for the new Democratic Party
2. Jackson initiated the spoils system in which political enemies are replaced by political friends
3. Jackson pursued nationalistic policies
The Whig party
opposed the Democratic party's beliefs in states' rights and instead favored a string national government
Expansion of slavery as a political issue prior to 1850's
1. The Missouri Compromise of 1820's limited the spread of slavery
2. The annexation of Texas (1837) added potential slavery territory to the US
3. The Mexican War (1848) was criticized as a proslavery