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30 Cards in this Set

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Acoustic Neuroma
A tumor arising on the auditory (8th cranial) nerve.
Acoustic Reflex
the measurable contraction of the muscles of the middle ear in response to an intense sound
Air conduction
the pathway of sounds that includes the outer ear, middle ear, inner ear, and the structures beyond
Air-Bone Gap
the difference, in decibels, between the air-conduction threshold and the bone-conduction threshold.
a graph depicting the threshold of audibility (in decibels) as a function of different frequencies
a device used for the measurement of hearing
Auditory brainstem response
measurable responses in the brainstem to a series of acoustic stimuli
Auditory Nerve
the 8th cranial nerve that carries information from the inner ear to the brain about hearing and balance
Bone conduction
the pathway of sound that bypasses the conductive mechanism of the outer and middle ear by vibrating the skill and stimulating the cochlea of the inner ear.
Central Auditory Processing Disorder
difficulty in discriminating speech, often in the presence of background noise, and frequently in the absence of the loss of hearing sensitivity
a structure in the inner ear that converts the mechanical energy received from the middle ear into an electrochemical code for transmission to the brain
Conductive Hearing Loss
a loss of hearing sensitivity caused by damage to the outer and/or middle ear
Hearing Level
the reference that uses normal hearing in the scale of decibels
measurement of the impedance of the tympanic membrane or admittance of sound to the middle ear
Mastoid Process
the bony protrusion behind the pinna
Mixed Hearing Loss
a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss in the same ear
incision into the tympanic membrane with insertion of a small ventilating tube
Otitis Media
Infection of the middle ear
Otoacoustic Emission
either spontaneous or evoked sounds emanating from the inner ear
a hearing loss caused by bony fixation of the stapes in the oval window
Phonetically Balanced (PB) Word Lists
Lists of 50 words that are supposed to contain all the phonetic elements of English speech. These lists are used for testing word recognition
Sensation Level
the number of decibels above the auditory threshold of an individual
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
hearing loss caused by damage to the inner ear and/or auditory nerve
Speech-Recognition Threshold (SRT)
the lowest intensity at which speech can barely be heard
a two-syllable word pronounced with equal emphasis on both syllables. Used in testing the SRT.
Threshold of Audibility
the lowest intensity at which a signal can barely be heard.
Ringing, roaring, or other sounds heard in the absence of an external sound.
a pressure/compliance function that reveals the status of the middle ear.
Vestibular mechanism
the part of the inner ear responsible for reporting balance and equilibrium to the brain
Word Recognition Score
The score, in percent, that reveals the ability to discriminate among the sounds of speech.