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46 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following tests assesses the low-speed strength of an experienced, well-trained collegiate rower?
a. 1 RM back squat
b. Wingate Test
c. Margaria-Kalamen test
d. 1RM power clean
1RM back squat
Maximal strength test usually involve what?
low-speed muscular strength (2-4 seconds)
it is related to the ability of muscle tissue to exert high force while contracting at a high speed
maximal anaerobic muscular power (high-speed muscular strength) OR Anaerobic power tests
ex: 1RM of explosive exercises=snatch, power clean, push jerk (1 second)
vertical jump, stair case sprint test
the maximal rate of energy production by the combined PH and LA energy systems for moderate-duration activities (max power output during muscular activity between 30-90 sec)
anaerobic capacity
Anaerobic capacity is quantified as the maximal power output achieved during activity lasting
30-90 seconds
the ability of certain muscles or muscle groups to perform repeated contractions against a submaximal resistance (performed in a continuous manner for several sec-minutes)
EX: max chin-ups or push ups or fixed load resistance lift of 1RM
local muscular endurance
the max rate at which an athlete can produce energy through oxidation of energy resources (carb, fat, protein)
aerobic capacity or aerobic power
aerobic capacity is generally expressed as?
volume of O2 consumed per kg of weight per minute
Which of the following is a test for aerobic power?
a. 1RM Power Clean
b. Vertical jump
c. T-test
d. 1.5 mile run
1.5mile run
All of the following tests are used to measure maximum muscular power EXCEPT the
a. Margaria-Kalamen test
b. Vertical jump
c. 40-yard (37m) sprint
d. 1RM power clean
40 yard sprint
the ability to stop, start, and change the direction of the body or body parts rapidly and in a controlled manner
movement distance per unit time
it is typically quantified as the time taken to cover a fixed distance
tests of speed are not conducted over distances greater than?
because longer distances reflect anaerobic/aerobic capacity rather than absolute ability to move the body at max speed
ROM about a body joint
flexibility measurements are more reliable when what precedes the assessment?
standardized warm up and static stretching
usually refers to the relative proportions by weight of fat and lean tissue
body composition
the science of measurement applied to the human body
generally includes measurements of ht, wt, and body girths
Which of the following is a reason for a trial of the T-test to be disqualified (see figure 12.7)?
a. Touching the base of cone D
b. Shuffling from cone C to cone D
c. Crossing the feet from cone B to cone C
d. Running forward from Cone A to cone B
Crossing Feet
Flexibility of which of these muscle groups or body areas is assessed during the sit-and-reach test?
I. Hamstrings
II. Erector spinae
III. Lumbar spine
IV. Hip flexors
erector Spinae
lumbar spine
What is the correct arm position when measuring the girth of the upper arm?
shoulder abducted to 90 degrees with elbow extended
Of the locations measured in the 3-site skinfold protocols, which of the following are only measured on women?
I. Thigh
II. Suprailiac
III. Abdomen
IV. Triceps
suprailliac and triceps
When compiling results from the volleyball team’s vertical jump testing, the strength and conditioning professional notices that most scores are similar, but there are three scores that are much higher than the rest. Which of the following measures of central tendency is most appropriate for this group?
a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. Variance
the difference between an athlete's score at the beginning and end of a training period or between any two separate testing times
difference score
summarizes or describes a large group of data
its used when all the info about a population is known
has 3 categories of numerical measurement: central tendency, variability, percentile rank
descriptive statistics
measures are values about which the data tend to cluster
central tendency
3 most common measures: mean, median, mode
the avg of scores
(most common measure of central tendency)
the middlemost score when a set of scores is arranged in order of magnitude (w/even # of scores, the median is the avg of the two middlemost scores)
*it measures central tendency better than mean (when extreme high or low scores exist)
the score that occurs with the greatest frequency
the degree of dispersion of scores within a group
the interval from the lowest to highest score
advantage is that its easy to understand, disadv. only uses 2 extreme scores
standard deviation (SD)
a measure of the variability of a set of scores about the mean
useful when a group of scores is 'normally distributed (bell shape curve)
the percentage of test takers scoring below that individual
percentile rank
A strength and conditioning professional can use sit and reach test to determine the flexibility of which of the following muscle groups?
I. Hip extensors
II. Hip flexors
III. Spinal erectors
IV. Hip abductors
hip extensors and spinal erectors
the warm up for any flexibility test should never include what?
ballistic exercises
A college baseball player was tested ten weeks before the start of the season with these results:
1RM bench press: 275 pounds (125 kg)
Vertical jump: 24 inches (61cm)
T-test: 11.6 seconds
40 yard sprint: 4.8 seconds
1-minute sit-u: 37
Which of the following need to be improved in the pre-season training program?
a. Agility and muscular strength
b. Power and local muscular endurance
c. Power and muscular strength
d. Agility and local muscular endurance
Agility and local muscular endurance
A junior college basketball forward is administered a battery tests to determine her training status. Based upon the results shown below, her training program should be designed to emphasize improvement in which of the following areas?
Height: 69 in (175cm)
Weight: 150 lb (68kg)
Percent BF: 20%
1RM bench press: 100lb (45kg)
1RM squat: 215lb (98kg)
Vertical Jump: 19 in (48cm)
Upper body strength
A 130-pound (59kg) female college basketball guard has the following test profile:
1RM bench press: 85lb (39kg)
Maximal Oxygen uptake rate: 49 ml/kg/min
Percent BF: 18%
Vertical Jump: 21 in (53cm)
Which of the following needs improvement the MOST?
upper body strength
A 315-pound (143kg) male collegiate American Football offensive lineman is tested to determine his training status. Based upon the results shown below, which of the following areas should his training program emphasize?
40-yd sprint: 5.9 seconds
% BF: 20%
1 RM bench press: 405 pounds
1RM back squat: 530 pounds
sprint speed
A 23-year old Division I college baseball player achieved the following testing results:
1RM bench; 245lbs
1RM back squat: 275lbs
Sit & reach: 20 inches
1.5 mile run: 10:16 minutes:seconds
When designing his training program, the strength and conditioning professional should focus on improving
lower body back strength
what is the INITIAL movement performed by an athlete performing the T-test?
sprint forward
In preparing for the hexagon agility test, the strength and conditioning professional should create a hexagon on the floor with which of the following dimensions?
length of each side= 24in (60cm)
angle between sides = 100 degrees
what procedure will help this athlete obtain the HIGHEST valid score in flexibility test?
exhale while reaching forward
Which of the following are common skinfold assessment sites to use when testing females using the Jackson-Pollock 3-site body composition formula?
I. Supraillium
II. Abdomen
III. Triceps
IV. Thigh
A 120lb (55kg) female basketball player has the following test results:
1RM bench press: 155lb (70kg)
1RM squat: 225lb (102kg)
Vertical jump: 15in (38cm)
1-min sit-up test 65
Based on these results, which of the following exercises should be added to her training program?
a. Dumbbell fly
b. Front squat
c. Depth jump
d. Machine abdominal crunch
depth jump
Which of the following correctly describes the T-test?
a. The first (at the start/finish line) and second cones are 10yd apart
b. The athlete crosses over the feet when moving laterally
c. The second and third cones are 10 yd apart
d. The athlete runs forward when moving toward the start/finish line
The first (at the start/finish line) and second cones are 10yd apart
A professional defensive tackle (American Football) had the following testing results two months before the competitive season:
Bodyweight: 302lb
Vertical jump: 28in (71cm)
1RM Bench press: 405lb (184kg)
1 RM back squat: 530lb (241kg)
40-yd (37m) sprint: 5.9s
Which of the following areas should this athlete focus on to improve his performance?
a. Muscular power
b. Upper body strength
c. Lower body strength
d. Sprint speed
sprint speed