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20 Cards in this Set

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Subprogram linkage

Call & return language operations

Activation record format

Static format, dynamic size

Static link points to a static parent ARI

Dynamic link points to top of caller's ARI

ARI (Activation Record Instance) dynamically created on call

Record instances on run-time stack

EP (Environment Pointer) points to base of activation record

Subprograms & parameters

Header is name, type, and formal parameters

Parameter profile is number, order, and all types

Protocol is parameter profile, maybe return type

Declaration is protocol with no body

Formal parameter is dummy variables in header

Actual parameter is value/address in call statement

Subprogram design issues

Side effects, static/dynamic variables, overloaded, etc.

Reference environment


Semantic models & parameter-passing methods

In mode passes values (read-only)

Out mode passes buffers (write-only)

Inout mode passes reference (read & write)



Common control structures

Counter-controlled loops

Single/multi-way selection

Unconditional branching (goto/label)


Nested control structure problems

Dangling 'else'

Operator precedence & associativity

1. ()
2. Unary
3. ** (if supported)
4. *, /
5. +, -

Referential transparency

If any two expressions in the program with the same value can be substituted for one another anywhere in the program without affecting the action of the program

Mixed-mode assignment

Weakly-typed assignments aren't checked and can be confusing because the assignment of one type to a variable of another may not have been explicit (or even implicit)

User-defined ordinal types

Range of possible values can be easily associated with the set of possible integers



Homogeneous aggregate of data elements

Primitive data types

Integer, floating point, boolean, character

Subscript bindings

Static, fixed stack-dynamic, fixed heap-dynamic, heap-dynamic

Associative array

Map with keys

Implementation methods

Compilation, interpretation, hybrid


Name, address, type, value, lifetime, scope

Language evaluation criteria

Readable, writable, reliable, cost, portable, general, well-defined

Language categories

Imperative, functional, logic, markup