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79 Cards in this Set

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Iterative process through wc req and technical considerations are translated to a blueprint for construction


Model that provides details about architecture, data structures, interfaces, and components

Design Model

Firmness - no bugs

Commodity - suitable for purpose

Delight - pleasurable experience

A good software design must exhibit


Functionality - features

Usability - human factor, docu

Reliability - accuracy, recover from errors

Performance - processing speed, efficiency

Supportability - maintainability

Software Quality Attributes

Procedural - method

Data - object

Abstraction design concept


Overall software structure

Structural - majoy sys components

Extra-functional - capacity, reliability, security

Family of related systems - ability to reuse architectural bldg blocks

Properties of architecture

Design pattern

Proven design solution to a recurring problem


Feature or behavior that is specified as part of req model

Separation of concerns

A complex problem can be more easily handled if its subdivided into pieces that can be solved



. Easily planned

. Increments delivered

. Changes more accomodated

. Efficient testing debugging

. Better long term maintainance

Separation of Concerns

Separation into right no. Of modules

>Information hiding


. Reduces side effects

. Communication through controlled interfaces

. Discourages global data

. Encapsulation

. Higher quality software

Separation of concerns

Hiding details of data structs and processing behind a module interface

>Functional independence

Separation of concern

Each module addresses a specific subset of requirements and has simple interface

[high] Cohesion

Indicates relative functional strength of a module

[low] coupling

Indicates relative interdependence among modules

>Stepwise refinement

Separation of concerns

Series of specified steps


Separation of concernsModule that enables the concern to be implemented across other concerns it crosscut

Cross-cutting concerns

System characteristics that applies across many different requirements


Design/code simplification without changing its functions


Unused design elements

Inefficient/ unnecessary algos

Poorly constructed data structs

Design failure to yield better design

Why refactor?

User interface classes

Design classes

Human-computer interaction

Business domain classes

Design classes

Attributes and methods required to implement some element

Process classes

Design classes

Lower level business abstractions to fully manage the business domain classes

Persistent classes

Data classes

Represent data stores (database)

System classes

Design classes

Control fcns that enable the sys to operate and communicated within and with outside world

. Program-component level - data structs and associated algos

. Application level - translation of data model to database

. Business level - collection of data into data warehouse

Data elements levels

Application domain - for software to be built

Requirements model elements - analysis classes and their relatio ships

Architectural patterns and styles

Architecture elements sources

User interface UI

External interfaces - other sys, devices , netowrks

Internal interfaces - between components

Interfaces elements

.analyze effectiveness of design

.consider alternatives early

.reduce risks

.provides representation for communication among stakeholders

.graspable model of how the sys is structured

Importance software architecture

Blueprint metaphor

Language metaphor

Decision metaphor

Literature metaphor

Different views on architecture

Architectural description

Collection of work products that represents multiple views

Data-centered architecture - promotes integrability

Architectural style

Data-centered architecture

Data flow architecture

A. Pipes and filters

B. Batch sequential

Archtiectural styles

Data-flow architecture


A. Main program architecture

B.remote procedure call arch

Architectural style

Call and return architecture

Object oriented architecture

Architectural styles

Components of a system encapsulate data and operations

Coordination bet components are done via message passing

Architectural styles

Layered architecture

.economy - avoid unnecesary comlexity

.visibility - decisions must be obvious

.spacing - sufficient separation of concerns

.symmetry - consistent and balanced attributes

.emergence - self organized behavior and control

Architectural considerations

Archtectural patterns

>Concurrecy - handle mutiple tasks in manner of parallelism (process mngmt, task scheduler)

>Distrubution - components communicate with one another in distributed env (broker)

>Persistence - data survives past executions (dbms, application lvl)

Examples of architectual patterns


External entities (sys, devices, ppl) that interact with the software and the nature of interaction


Important abstraction (class or pattern) that represents a pivotal element of sys behavior

View layer - ui

Control layer - directs flow of info to and from client browser

Model layer - manages data, logic, app rules

Web apps arch design


Agility and architecture


A modular, deployable, replaceable part of a system that encapsulates implementation and exposes set of interfaces

Set of collaborating classes

A component contains?

. Open closed principle (ocp)

. Liskov substitution princ (lsp)

. Dependency inversion princ (dip)

. Interface segregation princ (isp)

. Release reuse equivalency princ (rep)

. Common closure princ (ccp)

. Commom reuse princ (crp)

Basic design principles


single mindedness of a component

. Functional - a module performs one and only one computation

. Layer - higher layer accesses a service of a lower layer

. Communication - all operations that access the same data are defined within one class

Types of cohesion


Degree of connectedness between components

. Content - when a component sneakily modifies data to another component

. Control - occurs when A() invokes B() and passes a control flag to B

. External coupling - when a component communicates with infrastracture components (OS, DB)

Categories of coupling

Design patterns

Way of resuing abstract knowledge about a problem and its solution

Pattern name

Problem descp

Solution descp


Pattern elements

Observer pattern - tell several obj that the state of other obj has changed

Iterator pattern - provide standard way of accessing the elemnts in a coolection

Decorator pattern - allow the possibility of extending the functionality of an existing xlass at runtime

Design problems

. Creational - creation, composition, repsresentation of obj

. Sttuctural - how obj are organized and integrated

. Behavioral - communication bet obj

Gang of Four patterns

. Abstraction level

. Object level

. Component level

. System level

Levels of reuse

Singleton pattern

Pattern that ensure a class has only one instance, and provide a global point of access to it

Lazy instantiation

Prob: 2 instances of singleton

Sol: synchronization or eager instantiation

Singleton instance is Only created when needed

Decorator pattern

Aka Wrapper

Pattern that attach additional responsibilities to an obj dynamically. Provides flexible alternative to subclassing

Iterator pattern

Aka cursor

Povide a way to access an aggregate obj sequrntially without exposing its internal structure

Aggrragte object

Or container or collection

Ex. Linked list or hash table

Objevt that cointains other objevts for purpose of groupinng those obj as a unit

. Want single instance of class only and dont want addtnl instances

. Addntl prpperties for ex GUI want scrollbar and border

. Want to traverse a list without exposing internal ****. Different traversals and multiple

Motvation for single ton, decorator, iiterator

Robust iterator

Iterator that allows insertions and deltiond eithout affecting the trsversal.


400% higher velocity than average waterfall team velocity


Sum of all story points completed per sprint


Sum of all points spent per sprint (story points or hours)

Focus factor

Velocity over capacity

Adopted work

Sum of pulled work from another sprint

Found work

Reported work minus original estimate

Sum of original estimate divided by sum of original, adopted, found

Accuracy of commitment

1. Actual vs committed stories - ability to predict their capabilities

2. Technical debt - problems issued delivered (# of bugs)

3. Team velocity consistency - (+/-)10%

4. Restrispective process improvement - teams abilit to improve its process (#of improvement items)

5. Qualitative measures - surveys, observation discussion, feedbacks

Other metrics

. Reactive - firefightong, reacts to risks when they occur. Lead to crisis managmt when not addressed

. Proactive - begins before technical work is initiated. Contingency plan

Risk management strategies

. Project risks - threaten project sched or cost. Budget, sched, staff prpblems

. technical risks - threaten quality and timeliness. Design, implementation, testing probs

. Business risks - threaten the viability of softwarr and often jeopardize the prog

Types of risks

. Mantain global perspective

. Take a forward-looking view

. Encourage open communication

. Integrate

. Emphasize a continuous process

. Develop a shared prod vision

. Encourage teamwork

Risk management principles

Identify analyze plan track control

Risk mngmt model

Performance risk - unceryaitny to meet reqs

Cost risk - product budget be maintaned

Support risk - resultant software is easy to correct, adapt

Schedule risk - product delivered on time

Risk components

. Prpduct size

. Business impact

. Stakeholder characteristics

. Process definition

. Development environment

. Techbokogy to be built

. Staff size and experience

Risk identification

Risk projection aka

Risk estimation

Rates in two ways:

1. Probability of risk

2. Consequence of risk

Risk projectiob

Mitigation - how can we avoid risk

Monitoring - factors to track to know if risks is more or less likely

Management - what contingency plan if happen