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40 Cards in this Set

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1840 what type of sedation agents were used?
What might be the #1 goal for Procedural Sedation?
If a have an order House Protocol that states I as the RN “must”, complete this task…is it optional?
No! You must complete task.
If I have an order from House Protocol that states I as the Rn “may” complete this task is it an option?
Yes, the task does not have to be completed.
Anxiolysis require what kind of monitoring?
O2 and Pulse rate
True or False Level II of Sedation is Moderate Sedation
Deep Sedation is which Level of Sedation?
Level III
True or False During Deep Sedation the PT has protective reflexes and is easily aroused
False loss of protective airway occurs and unable to arouse.
What are the agents that can be used for Deep Sedation
Anxiolytics, Sedative-analgesics
General Anesthesia is used when
Before sedation can begin the Rn must has a __________ for the PT
List some of the things needed as far as documentation is concerned before sedation can occur?
Record of NPO status ( last food & fluid), Vital Signs, Informed consent, Allergy, Hx of Sedation & events
What does DEMOS stand for related to Sedation?
Drugs, Emergency, Monitoring, Oxygen, Suction
What does a Capnography measure?
Exhaled volume of CO2
What type of monitoring must take place for a Level II Moderate Sedation?
VS every 5min, ETCo2, EKG,
What type of monitoring for Level III Deep Sedation?
VS every 5min, ETCo2, EKG, Access to Defibrillator, IV access
True or False there is an antidote for Barbiturates such as Pentobarbital?
False, There is NO antidote!
True or False Barbiturates also have analgesia properties as well as sedation?
False Sedation Only!!
If you over sedated a PT with Pentobarbital what action could you take?
Ambu Bag until Drugs wear off.
Versed is what class of drug?
What is the Antidote for Versed?
What is important to know about Flumzaenil
Give Slowly 1-2 min, May cause SZ, Rapid Onset 1hr duration.
SZ could be caused by given the antidote..what is _____________?
What is the loading does for Morphine ____ to ____ mg/kg slowly?
0.05 to 0.1
What is the antidote for to reverse the effects of morphine?
Narcan (Nalaxone)
This Opiate is 100 time stronger then morphine and is used for analgesia, & sedation?
This anesthetic is mainly used for children, s/e for adults are thing like psychosis…drug is
? Ketamine note it can be used in adults if pretreated with versed.
What is the antidote for Fentanyl
When Ketamine is used as an anesthetic it tend to cause increased secretion, can you pre-treat with?
When this drug is administer for sedation and analgesia it should be pushed slowly, note it can cause skeletal muscle or chest wall rigidity?
If my patent has been sedated and has his eyes are wide open what might he have been given?
When Ketamine is given as a analgesic and a sedation agent which last longer the sedative agent or the analgesic?
The Alpha 2 agent decreases norepi release, provides anaxiolysis, arousable sedation & analgesia while being delivered bucally?
True or False Propofol should only be given to PT receiving fluids for hydration?
Propofol will cause Hypo or Hyper tension?
Propofol is short term or long term acting?
Short Term
What are the general sedation practices when an RN is preparing to sedate a pt?
Crash Cart, Ambu Bag, Antidote(Rescue Drug), Med’s Labeled, Suction, O2, VS Mont every 5 min, Charting, PT Baseline.
Bispectral Index Monitoring for an Awake adult =?
Bispectral Index Monitoring for general anesthesia is?
40-60 General Anesthesia
Propofol Infusion Syndrome (PRIS) can cause cardiac & renal failure as well as metabolic acidosis, True or False?