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21 Cards in this Set

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What does this article describe?
A unique set of procedures used to develop a critical analysis repertoire.
Why is "critical analysis" used instead of "critical thinking"?
Because the term "critical thinking" has become a dirty word and taken on a mystic and less scientific ring.
How is a critical analysis repertoire learned?
Through interactions with the environment
What do the students work on in critical analysis procedure?
The author tells students in advance that they will see fake psychic demonstrations.

They are instructed to critically analyze these supposed psychic events.
How are the students "vaccinated"?
They are told that the events aren't psychic.
At what point in the course are these procedures implemented?
As soon as the class content and procedures of the course are running smoothly.
Once implemented, how often are critical analysis procedures generally used?
Generally used on a daily basis.
What does "a procedure for all seasons" mean?
Critical analysis procedures can be applied to all courses' procedures and/or content.
What is the starting point for the procedures?
The Clever Hans handout with three parts:

part one: story of how Oscar Pfungst debunked the Clever Hans claim.

Part two: CSICOP and Robert Steiner

Part 3: Letters between Mertens and Steiner.
The History of the Critical analysis procedures. Why did they start?
The first author, 37 years ago, had no magic repertoire. Students would ask how he accounted for supposed psychic and paranormal events, so he began to do research.

He found magic and related repertoires are employed by the supposed psychics.
What is the Ghostbuster/Ellery Queen/Scooby Doo E.S.P. Detective Contest?
The better the students explain the mental magic stunts, the more points they get for the contest.

At the end, the student with the most points gets a certificate.
What does the author hold to be the most scientifically rigorous of any explanation of behavior offered today?
The behavior analytic approach.
How can behavioral orientation be taught faster and more effectively?
Using debunking.
What is debunking?
It can show the shortcomings of inferential explanations of the traditional mentalistic approaches.
Does telling a person an explanation of supposed psychic feats improve their objectivity in reference to their explanations of extraordinary events?
Not necessarily.
What were the results of talking to a sociology professor from a different university who also did fake psychic events for his students?
Mertens and the SOC found that they had opposite results.

Mertens's students changed toward a more objective analysis of extraordinary claims.

The SOC professor's students had little or no change.
What was the one difference between the procedures?
Mertens didn't tell his students how he did the fake psychic events.

The SOC prof told his students how he had done the fake event.
How many handouts are there?
What are the fringe benefits to the critical analysis method Mertens uses?
-students find it entertaining, fun, interesting, and useful

-promotes writing skills
What are some of the things students have said in their evaluations?
-training session involving problem solving and critical thinking

-use observation rather than conjecture

-improves debunking skills

-actively involved in class sessions

-awareness of functional relationships
What does the supporting data state?
The most effective way to change students' views of psychic events is to use a core psychology course with daily debunking and related texts.