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41 Cards in this Set

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Life Course Theory

Personality is learned via family, environment and personal interactions.

Latent Trait Theory

Biological factors given at birth or soon after birth.

Differences between Life Course Theory and Latent Trait Theory

Life Course- lack of parental supervision, sex, drugs, peer pressure, family disfunction--> Was not absolutely supposed to happen.

Latent Trait- Low IQ, antisocial behaviors, gender, physique, mental illness. Commit crimes based on traits given at birth.

What were the Glueck's findings on the life cycle of delinquent criminal careers?

-Changing kid's attitudes=not problematic as adults.

-Family relations were determined by amount of discipline & emotions w/ parents.

-Kids w/ low IQ, mental illness = delinquents

What is Problem Behavior Syndrome?

Many antisocial behaviors clustered together to create problems & lead to criminal behavior.

Ex- unemployment, low IQ, school misconduct, living in poverty, teen pregnancy, mental illness, medical issues.

What are some gender differences and early predictors of criminal behavior?

Girls- drugs/alcohol abuse, school misconduct, mental health issues, bad relationships. Lead to depression & suicide.

Boys- problems at work, substance abuse.

Predictors: truancy, cruelty to animals, lying, left.

Adolescent Limited Offenders

Antisocial delinquent behavior peaks during youth years, and then diminishes.

Life Course Persistent Offenders

Persistent, begin offending at an early age and continue through adulthood. Have poor parenting, deviant behaviors and then become involved w/ delinquent groups.

Two likely turning points that keep offender from continuing, according to Sampson and Laub

Career & marriage

According to Wilson and Hernstein's human nature theory, what contibutes to criminality?

Intelligence and body build

How does Colvin's research suggest coercion as a master trait for criminality?

Interpersonal Coercion involves the use or threat of force and intimidation from parents and peers

Describe main assumptions of biological theories

Tend to view crime as a form of illness caused by pathological factors.

Bad- normal, commit crimes for fun.

Sick- have mental illness, commit crimes because of it.

Criticisms of Latent Trait Theory

Place more emphasis on behavior being linked to personal change than to changes in surrounding world.

Criticisms of Life Course Theory

Theorists emphasize the influence of changing interpersonal and structural factors.

Lombroso's Theory of Crime

Argued that bodily constitution indicates whether a person is a born criminal. Criminals are physically distinct.

What traits (According to Lombroso) were found to be associated w/ criminal behavior?

Asymmetry of face, large ears, long arms, tattoos, deformed.

How did Lombroso test his early theory of crime?

He observed physical characteristics of Italian prisoners and compared them to Italian soldiers.

How did Lombroso's research influence criminal profiling later in life?

Police forces began developing techniques such as mug shots, which was designed to explore relationship between appearance and criminal behavior. Complied lists from police to see if all criminals had same facial features.

Criticisms of Lombroso's findings:

Theory doesn't take into consideration bright & handsome criminals, ignores those who are ugly and lead lives of productive and cooperative labor, does not look at variations of crime rates over time, Lombroso studied only very poor people, not every person who breaks law ends up in prison.


Type of human body

What were the main findings of Sheldon's research on somatotypes?

Ectomorph, Endomorph & Mesomorph


Delicate body build, flat chest, lean, lightly muscled, small shouldered, thin

Ex- Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Kate Moss


Athletic, hard body, hourglass shape (girls), rectangular shape (males), muscular body, gains muscle easily, thick.

Ex- Bruce Willis


Body is round & soft, physique is much mass in abdomin, hands and feet are small, body has high waist, skin is soft and smooth, large head.

Ex- Jack Black, Roseanne

Criticisms of Somatotypes:

Maybe need a tough body to gain acceptance in particular neighborhood, body type was meant to be judged to be delinquent, people fall into several categories.

What are three criticisms of karyotyping?

More recent studies found, less aggressive than XY males, convicted of petty property crimes, has to do with more physical features like height.

What are the assumptions of general pedigree theories of crime?

Criminal parents have criminal children, due to genetics and environmental factors.

Conclusions of twin studies:

Identical twins shared 100%, Fraternal twins shared 50%. Environment became control, rates of delinquency and selection of friends became more important.

Problems with Twin Studies:

Sampling error & bias, operational definitions of outcome measures.

Conclusions of Adoption Studies:

One way to measure influence of biology is to look at children born from same parents but raised apart. Non-criminal biological parents= 13.5% had convictions, non-criminal biological and atleast 1 criminal adoptive parent= 14.7% conviction rate, at least 1 of each, 25% conviction rate.

Methodological problems w/ twin/adoption studies:

Various amounts of time spent with biological parents and some time in foster homes, those who were speerated later were more likely to exhibit antisocial behavior.

Techniques of Neutralization:

Denial of responsibility, denial of injury, denial of victim, appeal to higher loyalties, condemning of condemners.

Social Bond Theory

Attachment to parents, commitment to social norms, involvement in activities, and belief that crimes are important.

Authority Conflict Pathway

First and easiest way, stubbornness, refusal and disobedience, authority avoidance (running away)

Covert Pathway

2nd stage: Lying, shoplifting, theft, burglary, vandalism.

Overt Pathway

3rd aggressive acts: bullying, fighting, gang involvement, assaults, rapes.


Process that people go through to stop offending.

Social Control

formal & informal means of control; informal=customs, norms. formal=


Persuading someone to do something by using force or threats

Choleric Person

Leaders, strive to be the best, confident, dominant.

Sanguine Person

Bubbly, chatty, extroverts, talkers,