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33 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 types of government conduct for purposes of a seizure?
(1) police on or off duty
(2) citizen acting at direction of police
(3) private police with deputized power to arrest
When does a seizure occur?
When a reasonable person would believe she is not free to leave or terminate an encounter with the government
What areas are protected from unreasonable searches and seizures under the 4th amendment? (4)
1. person (body)
2. houses (including hotel rooms and area immediately surrounding the house
3. papers
4. effects (purses, backpacks)
What areas are not protected from unreasonable searches and seizures?
paint scrapings
account records held by a bank
air space (anything seen while flying at commercial level)
garbage left at curb for collection
sound of one's voice
ocor coming from car or luggage
Who always has standing to challange the search?
owners residence, residents of premises, overnight guests
Waht is the requirements for a valid warrant?
probable cause - a fair probability that contraband or evidence of crime will be found in the searched area

Reasonably Precise - search warrant must specify the place to be searched and items to be seized
When is a search warrant facially invalid?
When D shows:
(1) a false statement was includedi n the affadavit by the affiant (cop applying for warrant)
(2) the affiant intentionally or recklessly included the fase statement, and
(3) the statement was material to finding probable cause
When will an officer's good faith not overcome a constitutional defect in probable cause or precision? (4)
1. affidavit was so egregiously lacking PC that no reasonable cop would rely on it,
2. wawrrant so egregiously lacks precision that no cop would relied
3.cop or DA lied or misled the magistrate who issued the warrant
4. magistrate was biased
How is a search properly executed by police?
Officers stay within the scope and comply with the knock and annouce rule
What are the 8 exceptions to the warrant requirement?
1. exigent circumstances
2. search incident to arrest
3. consent
4. automobile
5. plain view
6. inventory searches
7. special needs
8. terry stops/frisks
Explain Exigent circumstances
(a) evanescent evidence - something that would dissipate/disappear in the time it takes to get a warrant
(b) hot pursuit of fleeing felon
Explain Search Incident to Arrest
arrest must be lawful and the search must be for officer safety or to preserve evidence, search must be contemporaneous in time and place with arrest (timing) and geographic scope (wingspan)
automobiles fall within this exception but only the cabin and not the trunk
Explain Consent to Search
consent must be voluntary and intelligent, apparent authority is OK if cops reasonably believed consenting party had actual authority
Explain the Automobile Search Exception
cops need probable cause to believe that contraband or evidence of crime will be found and CAN search the trunk as well as the cabin and containers that would fit what the cops are looking for
Explain Plain View Exception
cops have lawful access to the place from which the item can be plainly seen, and have lawful access to the item itself, criminality of the item must be immediately apparent
What is the standard for a Terry Stop?
cop must have a reasonable and articulable suspicion of criminal activity
What is the exclusionary rule?
physical or testimonial evidence that is obtained in violation of a federal statutory or constitutional provision is inadmissible against the individual whose right were violated
What are the 4 exceptions to the exclusionary rule?
1. impeachment of D's testimony
2. grand jury and civil proceedings or parole revocation hearings
3. knock and annouce rule violations
4. officer's mistake was reasonable
What is the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine?
evidence derived from exploitation of unconstitutionally obtained evidence is inadmissible in the prosecutions case-in-chief
How can you get around the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine?
1. independent source
2. inevitable discovery
3. attenuation (free will restored)
4. physical fruits
What is the 6th amendment? When does it attach?
How does it apply?
Right to counsel, attaches only to formal charges and not to arrests and is offense specific so it provides no protection for unconusiled interrogation of other uncharged criminal activity (jail house buddy)
What are the 4 Miranda warnings?
right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be held against you, right to an attorney, if you can't afford one the court will appoint one for you
When is Miranda necessary?
Less than being arrested
When you are in custody and accused of a crime
What is custody under Miranda?
atmosphere characterized by police domination and coercion such that freedom of action is limited in a significant way (custody in bed)
After lawyering up under Miranda, can the police question you regarding other unrelated crimes?
Hells no
When do you have a 6th amendment right for pre-trial identification?
After formal charges and in Line-ups and Show-ups
When can D withdraw a guilty plea? (4)
1. problem with plea taking colloquy
2. jurisdictional defect
3. D prevails on ineffective counsel claim
4. prosecutor fails to fulfill his part of the dea
Explain the same offense requirement of double jeopardy.
2 offenses are not the same offense if they each have an element the other does not
What are the 5 exceptions to DJ rule that permit retrial?
1. hung jury
2. mistrial for manifest necessity (d in hospital)
3. retrail after successful appeal
4. breach of plea bargain by D
5. mistrial granted at D's request on any ground not constituting an acquital on merits
Who can assert the 5th amendment?
anyone (D, Witness, Party to civil proceeding)
What does the 5th apply to?
only testimonial privilege not the state's use of our body (ex. blood, urine, drug needle marks)
What happens if prosecutor comments on invocation of 5th?
Plain Error - even if counsel does not object, the court should step in, if not there is a grave injustice and appellate court can overturn
How can you eliminate the use of the 5th amendment?
1. use and derivative use immunity - can't be charged for the offense you are testifying about
2. D takes the stand
3. statute of limitations - can't assert of the SOL has run on your offense