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86 Cards in this Set

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Created LEAA and LEEP
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968
THe process of establishing an accused invividuals ID and formally charging them with a crime
Restricting the freedom of a person by taking them into police custody
The first ten amendments to the constitution, that garented citizens certain rights
Bill of Rights
Declared that it is illegal for buisnesses, hotels, resturants, and public transportation be denyed due to race
Civil Rights Acts of 1964
Emphasis is placed on fighting crime and protecting potential victims
Crime Control Model
Freedom to exercise liberties guaranteed by the Constitution
Criminal justice system
Law must allow reasonable exercise of fredoms so long as those actions do not harm others
Criminal justice system
Rules and procedures for protecting individuals accused of crimes from arbitrary and excesive abuse of power by the goverment
Due process
A panel of the acussed peers that determine thier guilt
Jury trial
A program that payed for your collage education with the understanding that you would go into law enforcment upon graduation
Law Enforcment Education Program
Provided funds to assist in the professionalization of law enforcment
Law Enforcment Assistance Administration
Told Charges
Advised of rights
Plea Entered
More than a year in prison is given for this magnitude of crime
Less than a year in prison is given for a crime of this magnitude
A hearing befor a magistrate judge in which the prosecution presents evidence to convince the judge that there is probable cause to bring the defendent to trial
Preliminary Hearing
What are some (4) sentenceing options
Expected nomal behavior in society
Social norms
IN 1965 President Johnson declared a _______ to address the loss of confidence in the police
War on Crime
THe oldest known law
Code of Hammurabi
After 9/11, President bush declared a ________
War on Terror
What are the six steps of the criminal justice system
1.Deciding what is a crime
2.Detecting a crime violation and making a arrest
3.Determine if the accused is to go to trial
4.Deciding guilt or innocence in the trial
5.Determining punishment
6.Administering punishment
What is the early theory of crime?
What is an example of this?
They were based on religous and social morals. Thus Crime was an act of evil, or perhaps the work of the devil
Salem witch trials
What is the clasic theory of crime?
Individuals have free will to choose wheather or not to commit crimes and that criminals should have rights in the criminal justice system
Theory that criminals are unevoved humans
Biologogical crime theory
THe study of physical traits of criminals, done by Lombroso
Atavistic stigmata
The concept that behavior is not a matter of free will but is controlled by subcoscious desires, which includes the idea that criminal behavior is a result of unresolved internal conflict and guilt
Who's reserch is this based off of?
Psychoanalytic theory
Sigmund Freud
Criminal behavior is dependent on disruptive social forces, not idvividual characteristics
Sociological crime theory
Theory that juvinal delinquency is caused by zones of social enviorments
ie. the closer you get to city center the higher the juvivial crime rate goes
Zone theory
also called the Chicago school
The positive school believes that _____
People comit crimes because of uncontrollable internal or external factors, wich can be observed and mesured
Suggests that victims in some way contribute to or provoke crimes commited against them
Victim-Precipitation theory
A theoretical cronilogical mesurement of how often crime occurs
FBI crime clock
A database of information about reported crimes collected by the FBI
Uniform Crime Report
What is the Hierarchy rule and how does it apply to UCR?
It states that only the highest crime comited is reported. This would cause a crime such as a person being mugged at gun-point to be oly reported as robbery and not aggravated assault
What are the eight UCR part I offenses
1. Murder
2. Forcible Rape
3. Robbery
4. Aggravated Assault
5. Burglary
6. Larceny/Theft
7. Motor vehicle theft
8. Arson
The physical mesuments that Lombroso took were to define the _______
Criminal Man
"A rational system of jurisprudence provides for the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people" is the thought process of a
A survey that gathers detailed information about crimes from victims using a representative sample of U.S. households
National Crime Victimization Survey
A database that includes specific data about reported crimes, including the place of occurance, wepon used, type and value of property damaged or stolen, and personal characteristics of any relationship between the offender and the victim
National Inciden-Based Reporting System
Who stated:
Laws should be clear
Laws should be rational
Torture is wrong
People are innocent until proven guilty
Cesare Beccaria
Individuals resort to crime out of frustration from being unable to attain economic conforts or success
Conflict Theory
Who stated: "people seek plesure while at the same time trying to avoid pain
Jeremy Bentham
Standards of behavior and privileges are established not by kings or religious leaders, but by rules that declare certain behaviors illegal or criminal and prescribe sanctions.
Rule of Law
All people, regardless of rank, title, position, welth, or status are accorded the same rights and privileges
Rule of Law
Acts which are prohibited because they are considered harmful in themselves
Mala in se
Acts which are prohibited because of the law, and not necessarily because they are harmful or inherently evil
Mala Prohibita
Laws that do not use clear and specific language to define prohibited behaviors cannot be upheld
Void of Vagueness
Classifies crimes into categories by victims as well as defines specific offences of crimes
Model Penal Code
Combines two less-serious offences (trespassing and intent to comit another crime)
An action that goes beyond mere thought but does not result in a completed crime
Inchoate Offence
An element of crime in which people are punished for thier actions (just the action)
actus reus
A element of crime in which a person must have criminal intent (ie. guilty mid)
mens rea
the requesting or commanding of another person to do a crime
The planning by two or more people to commit a crime
Liability without fault or intent
ie. Traffic violations
Statutory rape
Selling liquor to minors
Strict liability
What are six examples of justification
1. Self defense
2. Defence of another
3. Defence o home and/or property
4. Necessity (ie. lesser of two evils)
5. Consent (ie. Boxing)
6. Resisting unlawful arrest
Unwriten, simply stated laws based on traditions and common understanding
Common law
A citizen can not be punished for actions commited before laws against the action were passed and the goverment can not incress the penalty of a specific crime after the crime was commited
Ex Post Facto
Unlawful, attempted or threatened inflicting, of serious injury upon another person
Unlawful infliction of serious injury upon another person
Burning or attempted burning of property, with or without the intent to defraud
Unlawful taking or attempted taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or contructive possession of another
(excludes grand theft auto)
Citizens can not be punished for conduct for which no law against in exists
Priciple of Legality
Legal claim by a defendent that he or she was suffering from a disease or mental defect and that the defect caused the defendent not to understand between right and wrong
Rule for determining insanity, which asks the defendent if they knew what they were doing was wrong
M'Naghten Rule
The killing of one human by another
Intentional killing of one human by another
First degree murder requires _____ while second degree does not
The three classes of manslaughter are
Unlawfully and violently depriving the victim of full use of any any part of thier body
The Model Penal code devides crime into what four catagories
Crimes against the state
Crimes against persons
Crimes against property
Crimes against habitation
Founded the London metropolitan police
ie. A structured police force
Sir Robert Peel
What are the four levals of jurisdiction and where do each had athority?
Federal- full athority anywhere in the US
State Police- full athority anywhere in the state
Sheriff- athority anywhere in the county
Municipal- authority anywhere in the city limits
The duties of a sheriff are (5)
Serve as officers of the court
Operate county jails
General law enforcment duties
Contract law enforcment service to small towns
Serve court papers
Noncrime-fighting services performed by police, such as mediation, providing for the welfare of vulnerable persons, and crime control and prevention
Order Maintenance
Decentralized policing programs that focus on crime prevention, quality of life in a community, public order, and alternatives to arrest
Community Policing
What are some challenges of community policing (name 4 out of 6)
Restructuring of police departments
New focus on prevention and quality of life
Pushes decition-making down to the line level
Resisted by many officers as being soft on crime
Less reliance on crime data
Community partnership
The belief that ignoring public order violations and disruptive behavior leads to community neglect, which fosters futher disorder and crime
Broken Window Theory
Boss Tweed is commonly asisiated with ______________
Tammany Hall
Who is associated with the professional era? What were some of the advancment associated with this(6)?
August Vollmer
Hiring standards
Eliminate political influence
Professionalize leadership
Committee that investigated police corruption in NYC in the early 1970s
Knapp Commission
What are the five stages of moral panic
1. Emergence of the problem
2. Legitimitization of the problem
3. Mobilization of action
4. Formation of an official plan
5. Transformation of the official plan into implementation
The "evildoers" that cause moral panic are usually found _______ mainstrem society
ie. Outside the triangle
The moral panic triangle is formed by what three groups
General public
Name six federal law enforcment agencies
Marshal Services
Postal Inspection Service
Secreat Service
What does SARA stand for